World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 906: Ninety-eight: The whole army is destroyed! Na blood finally straw!

Chapter 906, 1989, the whole army is destroyed! Na blood finally straw!

With the demise of the Voldemort Legion and the Hell's Legion, the Nag and the Terracotta Army's ground corps are finished.

Although there are still one million ground troops left, some even have fast animal rides. But under more than twenty spar energy arrays and nine thousand guns, the so-called million-strong army is completely a lamb to be slaughtered, and there is no chance to rush under the wall.

Then the only army that can rush to the city of the Fire City, as well as the Air Legion.

Na’s blood and the Heavenly King’s air regiment add up to a total of 8.9 million.

The Ghost Army, the Ghost Bat Army, and the Yanfeng Legion are the main forces of the Sky King Air Legion.

The undead phoenix, the flying ghoul, the magical beast, etc., belong to the main force of the blood army.

Of course, the so-called Undead Phoenix is ​​not just like a dead warrior. It only energizes the veins and heart of the undead phoenix. It can be a mount or an active attack, and it can eject green wildfires.

Flying ghouls, not people grow into wings, but a dark creature that is multiplied.

This kind of dark creature, the most like to eat is the rotting corpse, looks ugly and weird, flying very fast. The scary thing is that it can spur a terrible corrosive energy.

It spurted out a green gas, and any army was immediately rotted and died, and even the Great Warrior class could not withstand the jet of its rotten energy.

Not to mention the magic beast, a kind of fire-breathing flying monster, similar to the three-headed Chimera, of course, it spurts a much smaller flame, but can not hold a huge number.

Of course, the Yanfeng Legion of the Heavenly King is also a fire-breathing beast.

The Ghost Battalion does not have to say it, it is entirely an ultrasonic attack.

In general, Na’s blood and the Heavenly King’s Air Corps are also extremely powerful.

Except for the Ghost Regiment, all are energy monsters, and each air regiment can be alone. It can be said that it is not the country of the super-developed energy science of the empire empire. These five airborne beasts can just destroy the entire empire.

At that time, in the war of the human kingdom, Lanling had only one 10,000 flying ghouls, and it was possible to directly destroy all the troops that had left, and to help the throne in the heavens.

These five energy monsters air regiments, placed in the Mozu are killer ace power.

Tens of thousands of such energy beasts and airborne regiments are extremely terrible, let alone eight hundred and nine hundred thousand!

These 900,000 air regiments almost unimpededly approached the sky above the city of Yancheng!

Hell's Devil's Array is busy with the top martial arts regiment of Na's blood. The spar energy array is busy killing the demon scorpion, the vampire and the hell.

Thousands of artillery pieces could not reach the sky at all.

The space vortex energy hood over the city of Fire City did not help the 890,000 enemy air regiments.

The numerous spar in the city of Yanmo is so powerful that it is difficult to shoot into the height of five or six kilometers.

Therefore, the eight hundred and nine hundred thousand air regiments of Na's Blood and Heavenly Kings were so long as they drove straight into the sky, giving the Na's blood and the Heavenly King a huge fantasy.


When the blood and the Heavenly King of the 900,000 air regiment are still 10,000 meters away!


Five thousand winged fighters flew into the sky.

The 500,000 witch female warriors flew into the sky!

The 100,000 sneaky army flew into the sky!

The main force of the 650,000 Air Legion of the City of Fire, instantly covered the entire city of Yancheng, and arrayed at the fastest speed.

Na Blood and Heavenly Kings are the main force of 900,000.

Inflame City 65,000!

The commander of the enemy air regiment saw it and suddenly sneered!

On one side, all of them are energy-killing beasts with amazing lethality, and they are still old flying knights.

Perhaps on the battlefield, the City of Fire is a one-sided victory. But in the air, the Air Corps of the City of Fire will be useless and can only wait for the fate of being slaughtered.

The Energy Wicked Flying Legion represents the future of the Air Force's main force. They eject flames, decaying energy, venom, ultrasound, completely undefended, and can attack from five or six hundred meters away.

And what kind of attack can the traditional air knight of the empire empire rely on? At best, it is just a bow and arrow, and how far it can shoot. It is only four or five hundred meters away. The most important thing is that the arrow is almost harmless to these energy monsters.

Therefore, the energy demon air regiment facing the traditional old-school air knights, must be a one-sided slaughter!

"Chong up, killing these witch national warriors, wing warriors."

"Everyone in the city of the Fire City will be killed. Every inch of the City of Fire will be burned to ashes!"

Under one command, thousands of priests controlled the 900,000 air corps and swooped toward the city of Yancheng at the fastest speed.


There are still four kilometers away from the city of Fire!

I saw only 50,000 winged warriors over the city of Fire, 500,000 witches, and 100,000 scorpio knights, who bowed and shot.

The leader of the enemy air regiment disdain sneer.

Shooting arrows across four kilometers? It’s ridiculous that no archer can shoot four kilometers because the arrow will fall because of gravity.

Moreover, the damage of the arrow to the energy monster is negligible.

But in the next second, they were shocked!

Because the arrow shot by the Warrior Empire Air Warrior is so so fast... just like a lightning bolt, whistling.


Countless arrows, like countless lightnings, shine.

The speed has reached 200 meters per second, and the most important thing is to fly faster and faster in the air, and finally surpass the speed of sound, and burst into a burst of sound.

Even more frightening is that the arrows in the air are almost straight lines, not arcs.

Because, these spar power arrows!

After the shot, the spar of the tail began to react violently, generating a huge thrust. Moreover, the tails of these arrows and the arrows have been specially aerodynamically designed to ensure straight flight.

The speed of four kilometers, for the spar power arrow, is only a dozen seconds.

Stop in an instant...

Just saw the air, violently flashing countless gorgeous lights.

Then, countless spar power arrows are like raindrops, slamming into the enemy's air regiments.

It is said that any arrow can not cause damage to these energy monsters, even if it is a spar power arrow, because the heart of these flying monsters has been energized.

But... these arrows are the dark energy that has passed through the stars and magic stones!

Even the three-headed Chimera monsters against the sky can't resist the arrows that contain the magical energy of the starry sky, let alone the flying monsters of the blood and the Heavenly King.

Of course, Lan Ling and Di Nie, Tiansha Wang, Na Na signed a ban on the magic of the stars.

But... all the agreements are used to tear up.

As long as it does not cause fatal damage to the environment of the Inflammatory Empire, Lanling has no pressure to use the dark energy of the starry magic.

So the tragedy happened again!

The blood ace of Na's Blood and Heavenly King did not work. When they did not start attacking, they immediately fell.

The spar power arrow is as fast as lightning, with a range of several kilometers. All arrows contain the dark energy of the Starry Magic Meteorite.

Under the blessing of these two anti-day attributes, the blood and the empire of the King of the Heavenly Kings are no longer strong, and they are all slag. Because they are only close to five hundred meters, they can launch an attack.

However... they never have the chance to enter the sky above the city of Fire, and there is never a chance to eject the first fireball, or the first poison.


Every day a witch national warrior, every wing warrior, even the Ghost Warrior Samurai is at least the Warrior level.

Even the arrow is the minimum skill.


In the sky, it seems as if there is a meteor shower again.

Countless roads and lightning flashed through, just like the night sky that went back to Earth. Countless twilight blasts across the sky.

Under this terrible arrow rain!

The enemy's air corps stormed hard and bravely, desperately approaching the city of Yancheng.

But at a distance of one kilometer!

It’s just falling clean!

A full five minutes of arrow rain, the blood and the king's ace air army of the King of Heaven, killing!

At this point, almost at the same time.

Na's blood and Tianshuwang's ground ace power and air ace power were also destroyed.

Or it can be said that almost all the troops of Na Blood and Heavenly King are destined to be completely destroyed.

Now, the last battle is left!

The 50,000-strong martial arts corps surviving by Na’s blood reached the sky above the hall of the Demon, and the final battle with Lanling!


More than one million of the top martial arts regiments of Na's Blood and Heavenly Kings are now only 50,000.

However, these 50,000 warriors are the top of the top, the pinnacle of the peak!

There are thirteen strong Asian kings, ninety-nine strong devils, two thousand devils, and nearly 30,000 devils.

As for the Magic Wu Master, there are only more than 10,000 people in the area, because they are too weak, and almost all of the Hell Enemy of the Fire City is killed.

On the Lanling side, there are eight people in the sub-king level, forty in the magical level, one thousand in the demon level, and one thousand in the demon class. The demon class is strong. Two hundred and seventy thousand.

On the simpler than the Mozong level, there are only 18,000 people in Lanling, and only half of the Tiansha Wang and Na blood alliance forces.

Na blood floated above the hall of the Fire, cold and cold: "Lan Ling, you are very powerful, and swallowed up one million undead warriors at once. But the last laugh is the real laugh. Yes, there are only five around me. Ten thousand top warriors. But I have already rushed to your core key points. As long as you kill you, kill Digne and kill the demon queen, I can still win the final victory, isn't it?"

Lanling Road: "Yes, you become this look, very chic!"

"It's even stronger!" Na **** cold: "You have a great victory on the battlefield, but in the end you still have to lose ground. I want to kill you, kill Digne, kill the demon queen, destroy the **** devil array, Destroy all the energy arrays. Because the top martial arts power around me is still four times yours, five times! What do you stop me now? I have thirteen Asian kings here, how many of you? Three?"

Lanling Road: "More than you think, you can attack and try!"

He stood at the top of the Hall of Fire, and laughed and joked: "Come on me, hit me..."

The 50,000 top legions led by Na Blood and Heavenly Kings floated in the air and surrounded the Temple of Fire.

Originally, the Heavenly King also breathed a sigh of relief, but when he heard the tone of Lanling's teasing, he suddenly jumped into the heart.

"Not good, there is fraud in Lanling." Tiansha Wang said with amazement.

Now, he is really afraid of Lanling. When he sees the sinister smile of Lanling, he feels that he has fallen into a trap.

Princess Princess Blood said: "You are really a bird of surprise!"

Then, Na's blood waved violently: "Energy attack, destroying the Lantern's Fire Hall, destroying all the energy arrays inside."

After several years of construction, the Great Hall of Fire has become very magnificent, covering thousands of acres, and a few layers of buildings, plus the height of the tower is more than a kilometer.

But even the more sturdy materials can't withstand the energy attack of 50,000 top warriors.

Once it was hit, the hall of the demon was only broken and broken into an ending.


With the help of Na's blood, 50,000 top warriors desperately released energy attacks.

Finally it was their turn to shoot.

From the time of the war to the present, they have no chance to take one shot at a time. They have been passively beaten, and almost all of them have been destroyed.

Now, they can finally shoot, releasing a powerful energy attack and releasing the flame of revenge.

"Booming and banging..." The energy of 50,000 top warriors came out, including thirteen Yawang and ninety-nine devils.

How powerful this power is, how amazing the power is!

Enough to smash the countless palaces that will be the hall of the Flame.


The terrible thing happened again!

When these 50,000 amazing energy attacks were still a few meters away from the Great Hall of Fire, they disappeared without a trace.

The process of disappearing is exactly the same as the disappearance of a million undead warriors. It is so empty.

The reason is very simple. Since Lanling has enveloped a space vortex energy cover for the entire city of Fire. How can I forget to cover the inflammation hall?

Suddenly, the blood of Na Na changed dramatically.

The King of Heavenly Kings met with ghosts, full of fear, screaming and screaming: "I said, I said, there are frauds, there are traps!"

Lan Ling showed a strange smile and said: "You said that I am a few Yawang? Three? It must be more than one, specifically how many Yawang, guess?"

Then Lan Ling slowly came out and released a powerful energy!


A powerful energy of the Asian king slammed out and directly shattered a magical sanctuary around Na.

Because the gap of this energy cover is vacant, Lanling can control. Therefore, people inside the energy cover can attack the outside, but the outside energy attack can't get in because they don't know where the gap is.

There is no doubt that Lan Ling released the energy of the Asian king.

Na Blood and Heavenly Kings once again changed color. I didn't think that Lanling actually broke through the Asian king. This... Is the speed of improvement for this improvement just leaps and bounds?

Moreover, the evil king of Lanling broke through the king of Asia. What a terrible fact?

Then, the second Asian king of the City of Fire, A Shi, stood out and released a terrible energy, killing a piece of Devil of the Heavenly King.

Then, the third king of the king, the fourth king of the king, the fifth king of the ancient king of the ancient witch will hope out (Ginger blood) one by one.

Every time I walk out of an Asian king, Na's blood and the face of the Heavenly King will twitch.

Because these three people are known as the sub-king powerhouses, there is no need to prove it.

Next, the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth...

These four people were the alternate priests of the Shenlong Temple captured by Lanling from the abandoned space laboratory of the Shenlong Temple. They were mad. After being swallowed up by Lanling, they signed the spiritual contract and were controlled by Lanling.

Lanling gave them a uniform dress, and a black cloak covered his face and body.

Everyone has released a powerful energy attack, proving that he is a sub-king powerhouse.


These attacks were blocked by Na's blood, so there was no more scene of the smashing of the Devil.

However, Tiansha Wang and Na blood are completely cold inside, because the empire empire has come out of nine Yawang, each of which proves the powerful energy of his sub-king, and is the king of the high ranks.


Next, the tenth, eleventh, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen...

More and more black robes are exactly the same as the previous four Asian kings.

Time, the king of heaven, the soul of the soul is scattered!

Lan Lingyi smiled and said: "If you are here, don't think about leaving!"

"In the middle of the count, the middle counted..." Tianshu Wang exclaimed.

Then, instantly turned into a streamer, escaping wildly, his son, the Prince of Heaven, only slowed down one step.

At this time, even if the sky priest whispered a threat to him, it would be useless, because life-saving is the most important thing. There are so many Asian-level powerhouses on Lanling’s side, more than he and Na’s blood add up. hit? It must be dead!

However... this is just a psychological scam of Lan Ling.

He has only nine Asian kings, and all that comes out behind him are only the magical sanctuary, but they are deliberately dressed exactly the same as the black cloaks of the four previous kings. And before every Asian king came out, he released an energy attack to prove his strength.

At the end of the day, eighty-nine identical black cloak masters emerged, and then they made the way to release the energy attack.

This instinct will make people feel that these are the sub-king powerhouses, which is a kind of thinking inertia.

Moreover, in the cognition of Na Blood and Heavenly King, the Yan Mo Empire has only three Asian kings. The nine originals have been extremely shocked at once, so there is nothing impossible to have nineteen kings.

This is a small skill, but today's battle has been mastered by Lanling. There are countless deaths and injuries on Tiansha Wang. It is completely in a state of being spiked. Of course, like a bird of surprise, he was suddenly stunned by Lan Ling, thinking that he really has Nineteen Asian kings escaped naturally. And as long as the blood is destroyed, the father and son of Tiansha Wang are simply escaping.

He ran away, and the 22nd Demon of the Tianlu family also followed.

So on the side of the blood, there are only eleven Yawang, seventy-seven devils!

No, it is ten Yawang!

Lanling gently pointed at the finger, and the emperor fell directly from the sky.


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(End of this chapter)

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