World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 911: September 13: Nether ending! Emperor's demon to hear the news!

Chapter 911, September 13th, the ending of the Nether!

Nether's brain is blank!

He is a very good person. In the struggle with the Tang and Lanling, although he is in the disadvantage, he has to admit that he is a very remarkable person, at least stronger than his father, Rakshasa.

However, he is an illegitimate child.

He has only one goal in his life, that is, defeating the Tang people and taking away the throne of the Rakshasa. In order to achieve this goal, he can do nothing.

Then he succeeded and failed!

Success means that he really boarded the Rakshasa throne, at least once.

The failure is because this throne is not what he grabbed, but because the Tang people abandoned it. This is a broken Rakshasa throne, and it was obtained after he had killed the monarch.

What is even more ridiculous is that this throne was lost only because of a tentative struggle by Lan Ling and Na Na. Moreover, it was the most wasteful Wang Shuming to endure the throne of the Rakshasa. This is a thing that is a sneak peek at the walking dog. He actually sat on the throne of the Rakshasa.

For a while, Nether is really disgusting.

Is this still the supreme Rakshasa throne? Even a cat and a dog can sit?

This feeling is like a day when Hatano’s teacher became the new prime minister of Japan. This metaphor is not good. After all, Hatano’s teacher is also an artist deeply loved by the people. This feeling is like one day, Feng Jie campaigned for the US president. That Hillary probably will come to me again.

Since then, Nether has really lost the goal of life.

Welcome to the blood, become the emperor of the Mozu Empire?

He had thought about this goal, and he wanted to get burned.

But I don't know why, this goal seems to have dreamed of a wonderful thing in my sleep, which is better than all imagination, but when I wake up, I feel awkward.

This goal is not solid!

This is like a modern youth, set a goal, I want to buy a house within three years. This goal is very solid and he will fight for it every day. And if he sets another goal, I will become a billionaire in ten years.

This ideal is better, but nothing, nowhere.

Therefore, after being abolished by the Rakshasa throne, Nether has disappeared from the perspective of everyone. Because he could not find the direction and goal, he lost his focus and could not perform.

Of course, he still received the weight of Princess Na, this time the final battle, he became the commander of the attack on the Dark City, became the coach of the six million army.

Before the war, he was also smug.

The Dark City is the second largest city in the Enemy Empire, and he is very excited to be able to avenge Lan Ling.

But... the moment when hundreds of thousands of undead warrior regiments rushed to the Dark Magic City, they disappeared in a few seconds without a trace, and the whole army was destroyed.

It's like throwing hot iron pieces directly into the ice water!

Later, the reality gave him a deduction of what was called a defeat.

The huge fireball of the Dark City, madly rushing over, almost wiped out his army from the world in pieces.

Countless artillery, carpet-type bombing, almost plowed in the past. The terrible Hell's enchantment smashed the top martial arts corps he led.

As for the air corps, it was effortless to be wiped out by the spar of the enchanted empire.

From beginning to end, only the Voldemort Legion and the Hellfire Dog Legion successfully rushed to the Dark Lord City, but they were stunned by electric shock, and then stepped on the mud by the terrible Mammoth Legion.

Within a few hours, the six million army led by Nether was destroyed.

And his mind is completely in a blank!

Once again, I saw Lanling and the Tang people. There was not much fear on the face of Nether, but it was still a loss.

"Nether, what do you think?" Lan Ling asked.

Nether thought for a while, then shook his head: "I don't know."

He really didn't know what to do, and it didn't matter if he killed him directly, because he had already died.

A person who loses his goal is really not afraid of death.

Lanling Road: "Relax all mental defenses..."

Nether hesitated for a while, then released all mental defense.

The powerful spirit of the mirror demon rushed into his mind and signed a strict spiritual slave contract.

"The Tang people are the prime minister of the Inflammatory Empire. Later, as a prisoner of war, you will become an assistant with your ankles. After three years, you will get rid of your ankles and get free after ten years." Lanling Road.

Nether twitched a bit, his most unwilling is under the Tang people, he will fight for Tang people in his life.

However, in the end he did not object.

A death warrior came forward and put an ankle on the Nether, a fragile ankle, cut out of paper, and shredded with a little earning.

In this way, Nether was sent to the Prime Minister's residence as a slave.

After sending away the Nether, the Tang people squatted on one knee: "Thank you for your enthusiasm, leaving blood for my Rakshasa family."

Lanling Road: "Can you still have a son?"

The Tang people were speechless, and the Lord even asked so straightforwardly, and suddenly shook his head and said: "No."

Lanling Road: "Then let Nguyen give birth to a son to pass on to you, and in the future inherit the position of Prince Raksha."

Tang Rendao: "The minister is not interested."

Lan Lingdao: "You don't want to be one thing, I don't give it another thing."


The Temple of the Sky once again held a meeting to discuss the southern wild strategy.

To be precise, is it necessary to attack the empire empire in advance and destroy Lanling?

The three giants of the Temple of the Sky, Shi Tian, ​​ancient spots, no end of the world will not open, because once the opening means boarding. And if the opinions between the three giants are not uniform, the situation will be even worse.

Ning's endless opinions are consistent, that is, you must not attack the empire empire in advance, and you must not destroy Lanling.

Because his secret plan is already in progress, forcing Lanling to become the Dragon Emperor, and then copying the deeds of the previous generation of the Dragon Emperor, the Hell Knights will be wiped out. Not only that, the existence of the Dragon Emperor can also raise the level of energy of the Dragon Temple. Even the Dragon Emperor can make another intimate feedback and interaction between the Dragon Temple and the ultimate power on the Moon.

In short, once the forced success of Lanling became the Dragon Emperor's plan, then Ning Boundless will become the next highest leader of the Sky Temple, taking charge of the Dragon Temple and mastering the world's highest power for more than 50 years.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he will never give up.

The demon star is detached from the main position, but as long as the Lord of the demon star does not come to the world, then the demon star owner is always playing soy sauce, at the edge of the power layer.

Ning Wushu repair is so strong, after inheriting the demon star cabinet, has been sitting on the cold bench for decades. The appearance of the Lord of the Demon Star made him ecstatic. The last time Sauron was killed, he directly became a priest of the sky, and even did not need to increase the election, but directly entered according to the ancient regulations of the Temple of the Dragon.

Lanling was so rough in the south that he became the third sky priest and the second sky referee.

He wouldn't be satisfied with this, he used all means, all resources, and let Lanling become the Dragon Emperor. In this way, he can harvest the greatest political resources.

Of course, this idea can't be said by the initiative, but it should be handed over to others.

Therefore, he found an absolute ally in the Temple of the Sky, not the ancient spot, but the doom!

"No, I strongly disagree with the empire empire in advance, and I don't agree to kill Lanling in advance!" Doom said: "I only said two points, raising Lanling to attract the Hell Knights to the net, in exchange for the long-term stability of the world, this is us. The highest decision made by the Temple of the Sky. What is the Temple of the Sky, the highest power structure of the whole world, is it necessary to change it? The second point, the last time we transformed the Lord of the Demon Star into the Dragon Emperor, what brought it? Huge interests, what a huge energy boost? This time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Is it a little setback to give up?"

The sky priests frowned and the instinct wanted to refute. However, his status is different. He can't directly confront the bad luck, so he loses his face.

However, he did not speak, and his party feathers would open.

The fifth sky referee, Banbro, said: "The situation is different now. The speed of the rise of Lanling is too fast, far beyond our expectations. If he gets the inheritance of the emperor, it will be all late."

"The inheritance of the emperor..." Doom laughed and said: "There is only one emperor in the history of countless years. That is Ertian! After he completely disappeared, there is no inheritance of the emperor in this world. Doom, just get The energy of the will of God is not a complete emperor. How sudden the death of the doom is well known, he has not left any inheritance, tell me where Lan Ling goes to get the inheritance of the emperor?"

This is indeed a fact!

Sky priests doom: "On the contrary, the Dragon Emperor left the tomb of the Dragon Emperor, but there is a complete inheritance of the Dragon Emperor. Therefore, the transformation of Lanling into the Dragon Emperor is a very mature plan. Lanling grows faster. It’s useless, because there is no magical inheritance in this world, and his growth will have limits. At that time, he has no choice."

Then, the bad luck slammed the table and said: "I am still saying that now who wants to kill the empire empire to destroy Lanling in advance, that is the coward, the sinner of the Dragon Temple!"

Suddenly, the brows of the ancient brows wrinkled, and many people frowned at the scene.

Doom is quite reasonable, but many people don't like him. This person is too embarrassing.

Not long ago, in the small replacement of the Temple of the Sky, the ancient spot was made a mistake, and the bad luck did not make mistakes, but the result was still the ancient spot.

As for the bad luck, there is no way, people come too big, the ancestors are the sky priests, the sky referee, can only endure his embarrassment.

"That can't let Lanling unify the whole southern wilderness." Bamburo said: "In case he and the Emperor Demon collude, the trouble is not small."

At this moment, bad luck did not speak.

"So, we must support a squatting out to contain the Lanling, so that the empire empire will continue to split!"

This sentence, even if it is a decision.




Thus, the decision of the Temple of the Sky was settled.

Do not attack the Yan Mo Empire in advance, do not eliminate Lan Ling in advance, and continue the strategy of the Sky Temple before. However, fostering a strong shackle will not allow Lanling to unify the south.

In the whole process, there are three people to listen to, gray ancient, Volunteer, hehe!

However, the audience is really listening, and no words are spoken.

Gray Gu took a long breath, because he did not discuss his affairs at the meeting, which means that he will not be disposed of for the time being, and the southern wild affairs are likely to continue to send him to perform.

Sky priest Ershi is an arrogant straight man, who blames it, and does not take the opportunity to attack the people who reported the retro spot, there is no opportunity to let the gray ancient step down.


At the same time, after a few days.

Emperor Emperor Motuo of the Enchanted Empire, Prince Xiaobai finally got the news.

Na blood and the Heavenly Kings Allied Forces were destroyed, the Princess of the Blood Princess was captured, the blood-sucking royal family member, the snake spirit king girl, the fifth son of the magical prince Du Shu, captured!


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(End of this chapter)

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