World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 918: Nine 20: Lan Ling kills the blood! Stab the heart!

Chapter 918:9:20: Lanling kills blood! Stab the heart!

Note: The information and truth in this chapter are important!


Na blood did not close her eyes, but stood there looking at Lanling, waiting for his hands.

Lanling came to the door of the energy wall of the space prison, the demon queen came in, and then Digne also came in, because these two people have the highest martial arts, can control the blood without demonization.

Lan Ling slowly pulled out a sword, which is the Wusong sword that was obtained from the secret of the demon prison. The weapon that can kill the blood should be minimal, but the black sword should be fine.

Lanling painted a space door on the energy wall in the middle. The demon queen and Digne walked over. One person suppressed the brain of Na's blood, and one suppressed the heart of the energy.

Lanling is still on the side of the energy prison. The energy wall in the middle has only a small vortex hole, which allows the Wusong sword to pass through.

Na blood did not resist, in fact, she has the ability to resist, even if it is facing the demon queen and Princess Digne, she has the ability to resist. And he is full of rebellious spirit.

However, even if she rebelled, she could not escape this energy prison. The so-called rebellion would look more like a farce, and it would be even more dignified. And she also wants to see if Lan Ling will eventually pierce the sword into his heart.

The demon queen slammed the blood skirt in front of Na's blood chest and drew a blue circle on her white chest to make sure it was the location of the energy heart.

Lan Ling raised the black scorpion sword, it is necessary to pierce the blood through the hole in the middle of the energy wall.

There is no such thing as your last words, and there is no last persuasion.

The emperor outside, squatting straight there, as long as the blood of Na Na died, he will also do his own thing, the body is broken, the smoke is gone.

At this time, suddenly there was a thick voice in the Lan Ling brain. "Master, the Speaker of the Solomon is looking for you, saying that there are important things to tell, and it is related to Na's blood!"

Lanling frowned.

The Sorcerer knew that Lanling might have to slay the blood, never pleaded, and he rarely interfered with Lanling with private affairs.

After a little hesitation, Lan Ling put down the black scorpion sword and opened an energy gate to walk out of the space prison.


"Your Majesty, I just have some important information to tell you."

Lanling Road: "Uncle, please say!"

Suo Modao: "You know, my father sent me to the near-human tribe near the 100,000 mountains because I have the Mozu ancestry, that is, the shuttle. The daughter of the patriarch loves me, gets married, has children, is Dina!"

Lan Ling nodded, this Dina refers to the blood of Na.

The Motuo empire swept the entire northern wilderness, almost killing all the near-humans. The Sorcerer once hunted home, and the whole family was killed. He lost his wife and daughter. He led the surviving hundreds of children to escape to the south, and later he saved a little girl, named as a righteous woman named Dina, meaning to commemorate her daughter.

Suo Mo continued: "Our daughter Diana, is a pistachio, is a little angel. Every day is laughing, love nature, love all life in this world, her favorite is to run into the woods, run Going to the flowers, going to the butterfly to play, looking for bees to play. Every day she and we have a lot to say, I can't imagine what is in her little head, how there are so many problems, so many words."

The Sorcerer is caught in the most beautiful memories.

"My wife is very busy, I have to deal with a lot of things every day, and I often lead the warriors to go hunting, so when my wife is not available, I entrust a 19-year-old girl to look after Xiao Dina. Of course, she is very embarrassed. I don't need to look after it, and the shuttle family at that time is very peaceful, there is no danger." Suo Modao: "Over time, the girl who looked after Dina gradually became relieved, and he also secretly fell in love with a young man. One day Dina, as usual, played in the woods accompanied by this big sister, watching the ants move and motionless. She could watch the whole day, and the big girl who looked after her was bored, and it happened that her lover came to her private party. The 19-year-old girl told Dina that you are here to watch the ants move, and the sister will come back soon. So he followed the lover to the grove in the distance, and Dina was there to see the ants. move."

Lanling listened very carefully.

Suo Mo continued: "The 19-year-old girl and her lover intimately forgot the time. After a long time, she remembered to go to Dina. But Dina is no longer in place, and the two are hurriedly hurrying in the woods. Looking for Dina, I haven't found Dina in the dark. The two felt trouble, and quickly returned to the tribe to sue my wife. So my father-in-law launched hundreds of people in the woods to find Dina, and I happened to be I just hunted back, and after hearing the news, I was almost scared to be cold, and I quickly took the hunting team and my hound to search."

"We looked for a long time, found the darkness from the dark, and then found the dark, and found the dawn! Two days and two nights passed, and did not find Dina's figure, she was only five years old. Although this forest is very Safe, there is no fierce beast. However, she is only five years old. My wife has been crying on the ground, the 19-year-old girl who looked after her was also hanged and killed. Her lover also began to hunger. At that time, I really desperate, I feel that I have to lose my sweetheart and daughter forever."

"I don't give up, continue to search, find, find... finally in the place where the shuttle is thirty-five miles away, I found a bunch of blood, suddenly fluttering, quickly looking for along the blood, always looking for, and found a small In the cave, there was a dying little Dina. Her mouth was full of blood, and her body was blood. There were several snake bodies around her, all of them were killed."

"For three days and three nights, she disappeared for three days and three nights. When I found her, the hounds around me didn't dare to approach her. I know that this hound is Dina's best friend. Big. I didn't take it easy, holding her back to the family, her mother came alive. The 19-year-old girl who looked after him, and her love lover came alive. But since then, Di Na has completely changed. Before her little mouthfuls seemed to have endless words, as if there were questions that could not be asked. But since then she rarely spoke and never talked. We all thought she was Frightened, so I feel more distressed, baby she!"

"At that time, she was only five years old. How could she go to a cave thirty-five miles away? How could she kill so many snakes? We don't know, we dare not ask. She often falls asleep and sleeps. We cried, our heart was broken, and when she took her home, because she was all blood, so she checked her whole body. She found that there was almost no wound on her body, only the chest position was very shallow. The shallow scars are almost invisible, but the wound is deep and deep."

After listening to Lanling, he asked: "Uncle, you told me these past events, what do you want to tell me?"

"I don't know..." Suo Modao: "I am a fan of the authorities. I really don't know. I have been unforgettable for a few days in the days of her disappearance. I will never forget it for a lifetime. But my hound didn't dare to approach her, and her. The wounds on my body, I have some memories of these memories, as if I want to forget them deliberately. However, I have been dreaming all these days, and I have been dreaming of the same dream. Xiao Dina disappeared. I went to take her. Looking back, the hound did not dare to approach her, as well as the wounds on her body. The wounds that were obscured by my memory were clearer than once in the dream, especially the wound on the chest, very very light, but very deep. ”

Very light, but very deep, it seems very contradictory.

Lanling Road: "Do you think your daughter Diana was replaced by someone? Or was it physically touched?"

Somamon shook his head and said: "I don't know, at least until today, I didn't even think about this possibility. She is my daughter, my daughter has already found it, the most important thing is that both birthmarks are All the same, there are many things before the age of five, she also remembers. The rest of me and my wife are not willing to think a little."

Lan Ling understands this feeling and thought very well.

Originally, the Soul was going to bury this thing in his heart for a lifetime, just as he learned that the Princess of the Blood of the North Moto Empire was the same, although he knew deep inside that this might be his daughter Dina, but he never said Don't think about it either.

Because he was afraid to say it, God did not care for him, he lost his daughter. He has been bitterly silent, silently offering, and dare not have any blessings, lest God thinks he is not pious, and does not let her daughter still live. It wasn't until he determined that Na's blood was Dina, and he was relieved to greet Somo to continue to have children.

However, Na's blood once again fell into the hands of Lanling, and it is very likely that he will be killed by him.

Then, the Soul had to face a deeper nightmare in his heart, and then told Lanling.

"I know." Lanling Road.


Lanling went out and came to the emperor!

The emperor did not say a word, just desperately hoeing his head, gimmick!

"There is something to ask you." Lan Lingdao: "At that time, you saved the blood from your adoptive father, the Emperor of the Emperor of the Motuo Empire?"

Emperor is an illegitimate child, fostered in the Prince of Disha, without any inheritance rights.

After listening to the words of Lanling, the emperor nodded.

Lanling Road: "You made the situation clear at the time."

Emperor Yao said: "At that time, in the castle of the shuttle tribe, there were corpses everywhere, and many of them were the bodies of children. The Prince of the Imperial Police held a sword in one hand, covered with blood, and the other hand held the neck of Na’s blood. Her body is also blood."

Lanling Road: "You recall, Na Na blood is blood?"

The emperor thought for a while: "Yes, it's all blood, especially in the chest, it's all stained with blood, it seems...the clothes are also broken. There are also a lot of blood on the neck."

Lanling Road: "Do you remember again, remember more carefully?"

Emperor closed his eyes and began to recall things twenty years ago. It was a long time: "It was very strange. At that time, there was the body of two vampire warriors next to the Prince of Disha. I didn't pay attention at the time. The people of the shuttle family should not be able to kill the two vampire warriors. The only possibility is... the prince of the emperor killed?"

"Yes, the Prince of the Imperial War killed, why did he kill these two vampire warriors?" Lan Ling asked.

Emperor said: "In order to kill people?"

Lanling Road: "Why killing people?"

Emperor said: "Because they saw something they should not see?"

Lanling Road: "What did they see?"

Emperor said: "At that time, there was already a lot of blood on the blood of the blood, and there was blood on the neck and on the chest, and the clothes were still broken. These blood were not on others, but on her own. The situation may be like this. The people in the castle are killed regardless of the adult and the child, and the blood is no exception. And she should be the cut neck, but her neck is cut and not dead, but gradually healed. So these two A vampire warrior was very shocked and called the Prince of the Emperor. The Prince of Diwang pierced the heart of Na's blood and found that he would not die. He felt that he had found a huge baby, so he killed the two. A vampire warrior smashed the mouth. At the time, after I entered, I saw the Prince of the Emperor, holding a sword in one hand, and holding the neck of Na's blood in one hand, thinking that the Prince of Disha wanted to kill the blood. So he pleaded with him, and the Prince of Diwang I agreed to push the boat in the water. I was very surprised at the time. I didn’t have any weight in front of the Prince of Disha. Why did he agree to my request?"

Lanling Road: "And, he later received the blood as a righteous woman, in fact, she took a fancy to her blood talent."

Today, almost the truth is clear!


Lanling once again returned to the space prison.

Looking carefully at the body of Na's blood, there was no scar, but there was a very very shallow scar on the chest, which was almost impossible to find. But this wound should be deep and direct to the inside of the heart.

Na blood stared at Lan Ling coldly, waiting for his sword to pierce his heart again.

After removing the energy wall in the middle, Lanling went straight to the blood of Na.

"You are not Dina, not the biological daughter of the Soul. Of course, for a long time, you don't know this, because you have some memories of Dina's five years old in your mind." Lanling Road.

Na **** body trembled, his face pale and pale.

Lan Ling gently pointed the shallow and beautiful scar on her chest with her fingers: "Your heart has been pierced twice. For the first time, it was pierced by your own mother's water red spoon. It was a long time ago. Then your body was frozen and taken up by the Dragon Temple for experimentation. Until twenty years ago, the Temple of the Dragon was made with you and the daughter of the Sorcerer Diana. Exchange. For the second time, the Prince of the Emperor of the Motuo Empire pierced your heart with a sword, when you were less than seven years old."

At this time, Na's blood was full of blood, and there was boundless pain in the eyes, and there was a burst of sputum under the throat.

She began to demonize again, and the wings behind it broke out again.

"Now, I have to pierce your heart for the third time!" Lanling's fingers slowly pierced the scar on Na's blood chest and pierced into her heart.


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(End of this chapter)

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