World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 920: September 22: The Mozu is falling!

Chapter 920 9.2 The Mozu is falling!

Lan Ling did not pull out the black scorpion sword, and left it with the blood of the navy in the space prison.

When he came out, the emperor who was kneeling outside looked at him and said: "The blood of the original name is Tian Haiqiong, the daughter of the sorcerer Sirius and the water red spoon of the Dragon God Temple more than 300 years ago. She was born when she was three years old. The mother killed it. In the few hundred years, she was mostly frozen and was experimented when she was awake. At the age of five, she was injected into the memory of the little girl, the goddess of the sorcerer, and became the sorcerer. When she was six years old, she was pierced by the Prince of Disha and died without a death. She was regarded as a stranger and adopted a prostitute who was the Prince of Disha."

Suddenly, the emperor burst into tears.

Lanling Road: "The desperation and hatred of Na's blood can't be eliminated, so I helped her get rid of it!"

The emperor deeply worshipped, and then prepared to squander himself, and went with the blood of Na.

"Before dying, Na Blood told me that you are his only relative and hope that you will live." Lan Lingdao: "When I get the inheritance of the Emperor, I will try to liberate her soul and let her get back. But I can't guarantee success or failure, if you want to do it myself, I respect your wishes!"

After all, Lan Ling left directly.

Returning to his own palace, Lanling carefully placed the energy ball given before the death of Na's blood into a spar energy array. This is a secret message of value.

With it, Lanling has a certain understanding of the Emperor Motuo and the Motuo Empire.

With it, Lanling is also able to fully grasp the 1.5 million undead warrior regiments of Na's blood.

However, Lanling did not immediately open it, but calmed himself down first.

He walked aimlessly in the hall of the Fire.

To some extent, Na's blood is really the same person as him. They don't believe in anyone. They don't want to give their fate to anyone. They must master their own destiny.

Both have a boundless hatred of the Temple of the Dragon.

For revenge, two people can do everything they can.

Everything Lan Ling did was to climb the position of Yu Nai, but he had no interest in power, including the position of the emperor of this enchanted empire.

The only thing he wants is to dominate his own destiny and destroy the Temple of the Dragon to carry out revenge.

Na's life goal is almost exactly the same as him, except that this road is too narrow and can only accommodate the next person to go. Na Blood and Lan Ling became obstacles to each other, and a fierce war broke out.

The winner is the king, the loser is the scorpion, and the blood is lost.

Lanling has been pacing, and the heart is somewhat complicated and chaotic.

When I walked to a gorgeous aisle, I suddenly quieted down and smelled a cold fragrance.

A Shi is away!

This most calm woman, like water, is almost the same as the world.

Whether in the human kingdom or in the real world, she is alone in a remote place, and there seems to be nothing in the world that makes her care.

Lanling pushed the door open, and A Shi left the plate on the carpet and closed the beautiful.

Beautiful and unparalleled face, like a jade sculpture, beautiful to breathe.

It is no wonder that the demon queen will pass the throne to her, because from the energy of the breath, from the energy talent, from the character, etc., she is topless.

She and Na blood are really two extremes.

Na blood is as beautiful as a flame, not only burning others, but even burning itself.

After Lan Ling killed her, Na Na blood became a jade person and finally cooled down. Her gorgeous burning flame finally solidified and cold.

Yes, the flame is solidified, not extinguished.

"What are you doing? Practice?" asked Lan Ling.

"No, just a daze!" A Shi is human.

"Do you like Na blood?" asked Lan Ling.

"I don't like it." Ah Shi is human: "It's too aggressive, just like you."

"Then you don't like me?" Lan Ling asked, his sentence was like a spoiled, because A Shi had told him clearly, she was very concerned and liked him very much.

He originally thought that A Shi will say that you are a man and so on.

As a result, A Shi replied: "When we were together, you were not so aggressive and gentle."

Well, Lan Ling sometimes thinks too much.

“Unhappy?” Ashi asked.

"Well, very heavy." Lan Lingdao.

“Why?” Ashi asked.

Lanling Road: "I just killed Na's blood, and from her body, I really saw myself."

"Are you afraid?" Ashi is human.

"Also, not." Lanling Road.

A Shi is human: "Because Nee is back to you, Suining and Saitama are coming back to you, you can't think of the same crazy, only the madman is fearless."

"And you..." Lanling Road.

A Shi Lie left his head on Lan Ling's shoulder.

Lan Ling kissed her soft, cold lips: "Tonight, I will tell you to enter the door?"

"Okay." Ashi is human: "Do you want me today?"

Lan Ling nodded and said: "I regret very much. I didn't have a good time with you in the human kingdom. You were more beautiful than any woman at that time."

A Shi is human: "In fact, I am almost the most beautiful now."

After all, A Shi left the person to stand up and gently peel off the blue long skirt, revealing the undulating objects of the mountains.

Sure enough, it is the most beautiful, and to some extent even more full of mystery and quiet feeling than Digne.

It is like an elf under the moonlight in the dark forest.

She is so high, close to the height of Lanling.

Her legs are so long. Her celestial curve is so perfect.

"Whether it is Na Na, or Di Nie, it is artificially changed. Only everything about me is born." Ah Shi said softly: "Only I am the masterpiece of heaven!"

A Shi is a person's tone, full of pride.

If you don't know her, people must think that she is jealous, provocative, and competing.

However, every sentence she said did not have any second meaning. What she said is what it means, it is literally, she will never hide her inner thoughts.

"Whether it is Ji Xiu Ning, Yi, Di Ni, Na Na, their beauty is acquired, they are all energy, have been transformed." A Shi is human: "Only the woman of our witch country is It’s like a natural one. It’s like the difference between the art you wrote and the artwork in heaven.”

Lan Ling deeply understands this.

The Great Wall, the pyramid is artificial.

Jiuzhaigou, Niagara Falls, are born.

Who is more beautiful? It's hard to say.

However, Lan Ling looked at the Ashi who was in front of him, but he was willing to say that you are the most beautiful. You are the most beautiful woman in the world, and it is not against you.

He carefully observed the delicate body of the person, and every inch is full of magic charm, even full of dreamy feelings.

She doesn't like to light the lights. After she undresses her skirt, her snowy jade body even has a faint glow.

Really, this is not what it feels, but the light that really shines.

Very bright light, faint white light, like the natural glow of white jade in the night.

Moreover, the entire room has become incredibly fragrant.

The heart of Lanling’s chaos was quiet at once.

The man gently untied the luxurious robes of Lan Ling, revealing his body of the same jade carving.

Sure enough, his body will also shine, a touch of golden light.

A Shi is a soft, cold lips, kissing Lan Ling's face and kissing every inch of his body.

Very gentle, very active, very humble.

"You don't have to be like this..." Lanling Road.

"I am very curious about this kind of thing, and I am very much looking forward to it, but you have not come to me, and I am not eager to ask for joy."

She gently kissed the chest of Lanling.

In an instant, like a lake that has been smashed.

That subtle touch can't be described in words.

"Hey?" A Shi suddenly made a sound.

"What's wrong?" Lan Ling asked.

"Nothing." A Shi is human.

Then she continued to kiss Lan Ling, from head to toe.

Two people lie gently on the carpet, and the body of Lanling's golden light covers the celestial body with cold and white light.


Lan Ling got a history of separation, and the two really blended together.

It seems as if the glacier is broken.

Like a mirror-like lake, it suddenly shattered and turned into countless scales.

Completeness is a beautiful, such as crystal clear, pure and flawless glacier, standing proudly between heaven and earth. However, the process of glacial splitting is also an amazing beauty.

The mirror-like lake is equally beautiful and breathless. But it is not a mirror after all, so there are countless waves, and it is also an intoxicating beauty.

Even when the calm waters are raging, it is also beautiful!


I don't know how long it has been!

The room is calm!

And Lan Ling’s heart is completely quiet!

A Shi left the people to get up, Lan Ling reluctantly embraced her.

"Wait a minute..." Ashi is human.

She put on her clothes, then pulled the curtains up, then lit all the candles and lit all the spar.

Suddenly, the whole room was as bright as white, and the body of Lanling was almost transparent.

A Shi has never been serious, even sad, and a little scared.

Some of these three expressions may appear on the face of A Shi, but almost never have three at the same time.

She came to Lanling in front of her, holding a bright spar in her hand and pointing to the heart of Lanling: "Look, here..."

Lan Ling looked down and couldn't see it clearly.

Concentrating on the spirit, there is a black spot in the chest position, very very very small, smaller than the tip of the needle, almost completely undetectable.

Lanling re-aggregates the spirit and enlarges, enlarges and enlarges the picture seen in front of us...

This black spot...

It is a black hole vortex, a constantly rotating black hole vortex.

The energy heart of Lanling has a black hole vortex, exactly the same as that of the Tang people.

"I just found out, but I want to be happy with you, so I didn't say it." A Shi was soft, then she put on her pants for Lanling and said, "I am going to call Digne, teacher, and The Tang people came in!"

Lan Ling nodded, then looked up and looked at the ceiling.

"Demon star, when is this?" asked Lan Ling.

Demon Star said: "Master, after you defeated the Tianqi Banner, he swallowed a lot of energy. At that time, I should not recover, it should not be enough energy. But I was forced to recover because I knew an extremely terrible, extremely dangerous. Things, your energy heart is planted into the magical vortex of the stars, so I must wake up in advance."

Lanling Road: "Tang people can change their minds, can I change my heart?"

"No..." Demon Star said: "You are the golden blood, the Lord of the demon. Once you change your mind, all this will be lost. Because there can be no higher blood than your level, a higher energy heart. Once you change your mind, any The heart can't support your brain, your body, the only result is a smog."

The Tang people can change their lives to maintain their lives. The sky priests can change their lives to maintain their lives, but Lanling can't!

Because he is the Lord of the demon star, he is the golden blood, there is no higher blood in the world.

Lanling Road: "That is, this black hole vortex in my heart, no solution?"

The demon star said silently: "It should be... no solution!"

After a while, the Tang people, Digne, and the demon queen came in.

After three people gathered their mental strength, they saw the small black hole vortex of Lanling's chest.

Suddenly, Di Nie was white and the demon queen was like a lightning strike.

The Tang people were stunned, their minds were dizzy, they gasped with a big mouth, then they couldn’t stand, and they bent down and supported their knees.

Amazing news!

The innocence is going to fall down.

The Tang people paid more attention to the life of Lanling than themselves. He did not feel that he died. But Lanling died, that is, the landslide, that is, the destruction of the world, that is, the collapse of all ideals.

The enemy was not dizzy, the legs were soft, and the Tang people sat directly on the ground and shook their heads desperately: "Impossible, impossible. When you were married with Shayan, when the wedding dance was carried out in the blood bath, the dreams were tried to frame. You have to plant the black hole energy for you, but I discovered it in advance, it is impossible to be the black hole vortex that was planted at that time."

"Not at that time." The demon star suddenly said: "Master, dreams of Dorothy even secretly put black hole energy in the blood bath, can not plant a black hole vortex in your body, because you are the golden blood. Will be the first time to find, the first For a time to reject, you are planting a black hole vortex earlier!"

“How early?” Lan Ling asked.

"I don't know!" Demon Star said: "But it must be after the wilderness in the south, after the establishment of the Yanmo tribe."

Lanling Road: "There is a traitor, giving me a black hole vortex."

Demon Star said: "Yes, very, very, very high-level traitors, possessing super-high-end energetic attainments, and knowing more about energy than everyone else."

Lanling Road: "Can't you find it?"

Demon Star said: "Can't find it, I let the mirror demon monitor the spirit of everyone, can't find the traitor!"

This is a very high level of traitor, even a strategic level traitor in the Shenlong Temple!


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(End of this chapter)

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