World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 929: September 31: Capture! Double-sided reply!

Chapter 929, September 13 arrested! Double-sided reply!

Next, Lanling faces a problem. Do you want to continue this plan?

This double-sided person did not shoot, this trap did not succeed, the next play still do not play?

"Is this double-sided person already getting information?" Dinie suddenly said.

This is almost impossible. Last night, the mirror demon, the demon queen, and Digne are monitoring this secret room. Even if the double-faced person is a master of heaven, it is impossible for God to enter the secret room to steal information.

Moreover, none of the energy array organs on this chamber is triggered, and there are many energy arrays that are even related to space technology. Even if the two-sided person is a heavenly king, it is impossible to identify.

What is certain is that this secret room does not have anyone, any mental power, any energy to enter. Therefore, this secret letter was never touched last night.

In the process of sending a confidential letter, no one has touched it, and even swearing that he does not know the contents of the secret letter. She is a death warrior, and Lan Ling monitors almost any of her thoughts and wills.

After the secret letter arrived, Lan Ling looked very carefully, and only took a glance and immediately put it away, to ensure that no one has seen it.

Later, I gave Ashi a look at the people. After I saw it, I returned to my quiet room, never came out again, and I didn’t have any contact with anyone.

In other words, there is no possibility of disclosure from any link.

As for whether someone will get into Lanling, or within the mind of A Shi, steal this memory picture.

This is even more impossible.

Even if the spiritual strength of Lanling is so high, if you want to steal spiritual memory from a person's brain, you need to let him relax all the mental defenses, and then enter the brain to pry into. If the storm is over, of course, the spiritual defense must be destroyed by the destruction, but the entire brain of this person is also directly destroyed by the city, and nothing can be obtained.

Therefore, it is completely impossible for Lan Ling to want God to steal something from the brain of a person.

Just as the Temple of the Dragon at the time caught Astro, I wanted to ask him about the Emperor, about the connector. It can only be forced to ask, but can not directly enter the brain domain to force, even if the strength of the Dragon Temple is not.

To get the secrets of a person's brain, there is only one way to defeat his will day after day, let him take the initiative to relax all resistance, or completely relax the mental defense, or take the initiative to explain.

Therefore, even if it is a heavenly king, even a strong person can not get any secret from the minds of Lanling or Ashi.

Not to mention, the demon star responsible for the spiritual defense of Lanling's brain domain, there is probably no more powerful mental firewall in the world than the demon star.

"Demon Star, when I was in the carnival with Lanssi yesterday, she could try to enter my spiritual field?" Lan Ling asked.

Demon Star said: "Not at all, she wholeheartedly devoted herself to joy."

So no matter which side, this secret letter was not leaked.

Last night, the mirror demon king even monitored the spiritual fluctuations of the Ashi people. No one had approached her, let alone talked.

"It is very easy to know if the secret letter has been leaked. It is ok to curse the world forever." Lanling Road.

So who is going to send?

If the Temple of the Dragon is laid down in the world of eternal curse, then only one person is the safest, that is... Lanling himself!

Because whether it is Digne, or the Queen of the Devil, or the Tang Dynasty, if you go to other places, you may be besieged by the Temple of the Dragon.

At the moment, the Temple of the Dragon will hardly start with Lanling.

Because, now is the key moment to persuade Lanling to become the Dragon Emperor, the Shenlong Temple to capture Lanling? That is not to give up!

Therefore, although he did not catch any clues from the double-faced people, he did not even know if the person had shot, but the play still had to be played.


At the moment, Lanling immediately rides three Chimera beasts to the world of immortal curse almost at the edge of the world.

After a day and night!

Once again came to the edge of this familiar world.

It is still very familiar here, it is a completely quiet sea.

Without any energy fluctuations, there is no shadow of the Temple of the Dragon.

Then, Lan Ling waited so quietly, waiting for the arrival of Hell Knight Astro.

At the same time, among the rocks on the bottom of the sea, there are hundreds of top-ranking powerhouses in the Temple of the Dragon, plus a total of thirty-two Yawangs of the Dooms, and hundreds of Demon priests, and they have been thoroughly laid down. A powerful energy array.

These hundreds of sacred priests do not have to participate in any battle, but are responsible for the energy array.

The Temple of the Dragon has already laid the net of the sky, and then waited quietly, waiting for the arrival of the Hell Knight.


It’s time to meet in the secret of the Hell Knight, Astro, and three days!

Time passes by.

Lanling always sat quietly. Of course, he did not wait for the arrival of Astro, but waited for the appearance of the power of the Dragon Temple to prove that the two-sided people had stolen intelligence.

One day, two days, three days...

For three days, the power of the Dragon Temple has never appeared, and the entire eternal life cursed the world's waters without silence.

This evening!

As the sun sets, this day will soon end, and the time when the so-called Astro will meet Lanling will pass.

The dooms and other people hidden under the sea can not help but be disappointed.

Why did the Hell Knight Astro did not appear? Because I have a horse on my side? Leaked the trail of energy?

No, this is totally impossible. Even Lanling has not found it.

Or, there is no meeting between Ashlow and Lanling. All this is just a trap of Lanling.

But even if it is a trap, there is nothing. As long as the Temple of the Dragon does not come out, then nothing can be proved. Lanling also has no information.

But unfortunately, after all, the Hell Knights were not able to finish the game, and they were happy.

However, at this time...

A black shadow seems to have come out of the setting sun, like a shadow, floating on the sea.

Suddenly, the sky priest lost his heart and jumped.

"Come on, come, Hell Knight Astro really came!"

"This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has come true."

"The Temple of the Dragon will be done once and for all."

The Sky Priest gave a command in the brain and said: "Everyone waits, prepares to go to war, arrest the Hell Knight!"


The shadow is getting closer and closer.

Up and down the whole body, there is no infiltration of any energy, and it is impossible to judge the repair of this black shadow.

Soon, this black shadow flew to the front of Lanling, kneeling down on the sea: "Hell Knight Astro, meet the master!"



The sky priests doom, leading thirty-one kings like a meteor, violently flying from the bottom of the sea.

Hundreds of magical priests cast a huge array of energy, projecting directly from the seabed into the sky, instantly forming a huge energy prison, and all of Lanling and "Astro" are included.

Energy prisoners, not space prisoners, but can not break through the Passover, especially this is the energy prison made by several Asian kings and hundreds of magical priests.

It happened so fast. In almost 0.01 seconds, Lanling and "Astro" were surrounded by thirty-two Asian priests and were **** by a huge energy prison. It was impossible to get out. .

Then, the sky priest came over and went to Lanling to bow and pray: "Thank you for the Dragon Emperor, this **** Knight Astro really made a vote."

Obviously, the Temple of the Dragon does not only capture the Hell Knight, but also plant the Lanling, creating the illusion that the Lord of the Demon Star once again betrayed the Mozu, and forced Lanling to choose to inherit the Dragon Emperor.

Lanling smiled at the bad luck, shrugged his shoulders and said: "Wow, the scene just now is really exciting. The thunder is too late to cover the bell, you are in front of me, I am really a little mentally prepared. No."

The Sky Sacrifice, Doom: "The Dragon Emperor sneered and laughed, and we came entirely on your orders."

Then, bad luck toward "Astro": "Hello Knight, Lord Ashlow, don't come innocent, let us go!"

Then, the sky priest sighed and sighed: "This scene should be similar to what it was three thousand years ago! The Lord of the Demon Star chose to become the Dragon Emperor, and then arrest the evil and dark Hell Knights one by one, bringing permanent peace to the whole world. Long-term stability."

"Astro" quietly, after a while, opened the dark cloak, revealing a starry armor wrapped around the body.

Inside the starry armor, it is a beautiful figure.

Death warrior hooks!

In order to let her perform this scene, because of the gift of Lanling energy, the hook has now broken through the magic level. However, playing the Hell Knight is not enough, so I have to wear a full set of starry armor, so that we can hide all the energy, so that the Temple of the Dragon does not see the level of her cultivation.

"I am going to kneel down here for role playing, playing a game, can't I?"

See this scene!

Suddenly, the sky priests had a convulsion in the face of the bad luck, the heart was half cold, and the flame was generally.

He knows that it is counted!

All this is just a trap set by Lan Ling.

What the **** knight Astro's appointment is fake, Lanling is only to catch the double-faced person.

Looking at the beautiful face, he wanted to squat and smash her.

He even wants to arrest all the Lanling and the hooks and bring them back to the Temple of the Dragon, which is tormented and cannot survive.

However, he can't do this, not even dare to do so.

Because the Lan Ling is in front of too much interest, the benefits of astronomical figures. There are many top-level characters in the Temple of the Sky. I want to get huge resources from the main body of the demon star, Lanling, and get huge power.

Moreover, the Shenlong Temple also hopes that because of the victory of Lanling, it will receive a huge gift from the ultimate power of the Moon, which will once again enhance the power of the Temple of the Dragon.

Lanling is a great credit, and it is a thousand years.

Whoever dares to destroy this credit is to sever the power of almost everyone in the Sky Temple. You break the human rights road, others will break your way.


Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

The Sky Sacrifice is bad luck: "Lord Lanling, you are really interested in playing such a heavy taste game with your sister in this place."

Lan Ling smiled and said: "I have been planted a black hole vortex. I need to vent it. How? Is this also against the interests of the Dragon Temple? So that you are making a big splash?"

Sky priest bad luck: "Of course not, just feeling it!"

Lanling looks like a cold road: "Then you need to give me an explanation. I have already told the world, south of the fallen land, north of the heaven and earth barrier, 160 million square kilometers of land, 700 million square kilometers. The seas belong to the sacred and inviolable territory of my sorcerer's empire. The territorial sea, your holy dragon temple into this sea area, is a violation of the sovereignty of my ignorant empire, I need an explanation, an account!"

The sky priest’s bad luck slammed.

Then, Lan Ling sighed: "There is no interest in playing the game of heavy taste now, let's go, go back!"

After all, Lanling and Hook’s three-headed Chimera beast will leave and fly back to the flaming empire.

However, thirty-one Asian-level priests, huge energy prisoners still trapped this sea area.

Lan Ling sneered: "What? Still killing me?"

The sky priest’s face is convulsed again, trying to show a smile, but the face muscles are stiff and cold.

"Where? Please!" Doom ordered, the encirclement was dispersed, and the energy prison was dispersed!

Lanling and Gouqi rode three Chimera beasts and flew to the empire.

At this time, the sky priest bad luck immediately sneaked into the seabed, formed an energy array, and then sent out information in the brain.

"Two-faced people, you may have been exposed, be careful!"

The other party has not responded for a long time!

After a good moment, the sky priest got the information in the brain of the doom, and got a reply from the double-faced person.

"It really is a plan, but rest assured, I have not exposed."


Note: The first one is sent, please support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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