World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 935: 9:37: Devouring Lansi! The devil is fighting!

Chapter 935, 1973, devours Lansi! The devil is fighting!

Things seem to be extraordinary and smooth!

Lan Sisi had almost no resistance, as if a strange scream was bitten, and then the vitality continued to pass.

Lanling frantically sucked blood and swallowed, and countless energy poured into his body and entered his blood.

After a full quarter of an hour, Lansie was completely sucked dry, and Lanling infused the golden blood.

Tianjie Yawangqiang!

It is two orders higher than Lanling.

Under the control of the demon star, powerful energy madly bombarded the body of Lanling.


The cultivation of Lanling directly broke through from the nine-star magical king to the king of the earth.

Not only that!

One star level, two stars in the ground level!

In the end, his cultivation stopped at the second level of the second king! (Note: In the chapter of 926, Lanling sucked blood and swallowed many Yawang and Mou Sheng energy. The breakthrough was the magical nine-star Yawang. I wrote it as a nine-star king. I am very sorry, I have already modified it. Devil, earth, heavenly king, and progressively powerful.)

At the same time, the radius of the black hole vortex in his energy heart also directly changed from four millimeters to two centimeters.

When breaking through the ranks of the king, the black hole vortex changed from four millimeters to one centimeter. Next, each level is increased by one centimeter.

The two-cm diameter black hole vortex is already prominent in the chest.

Looking at this black hole vortex is really incomparably complicated and mysterious and terrifying!

The black hole vortex of the Tang Dynasty is really different in nature. It has to be much more complicated and much more profound. And this black hole vortex is woven by the blue silk in front of it.


When Lan Ling opened his eyes, Lan Sisi had already recovered his full and charming body, even more beautiful than before.


Lan Ling did not wake her up in the brain, and once again, there was no image of Lan Si in his brain.

Ordinary death warriors, Lanling can control their will and life and death.

And like the emperor, like ordinary snake spirit warriors, Lanling will control their life and death, and can not control the will.

Nowadays, blood is swallowed up by Lansi, and it can neither control the will nor control life and death.

Lansi silk hand gently touched the wound that no longer exists on the neck, softly said: "At least in the blood level of the blood-sucking royal family, we are the same. Of course, the blood of the blood-sucking emperor in my body is only a defensive measure. To turn me into a blood-sucking royal family, I have a fundamental difference from the emperor. Not only me, but the upper level of the entire Shenlong Temple has been planted with the blood of the blood-sucking emperor as a preventive measure, so as not to be swallowed by blood. Controlled life and death, of course, this was originally intended to defend the Emperor.

This is like the ancient vaccination of the earth, just to prevent smallpox.

"So, you can't control my will, and I can't control my life and death." Lansi said: "When you bite me, I can easily break free, and you can easily break your bones. I am sucked by you. After doing it, you can easily swallow back my strength in reverse. After all, my repair is much stronger than you. Even after I have been completely sucked into a corpse, you can also crush your bones and kill people outside you. Dead, because what is swallowed by you is only the energy of my devil's blood, I still have the energy of the dragon's blood. But I didn't do that because it is a win-win situation."

Lan Sisi patted her hands and said: "I swallowed my blood, you broke through the ranks of the king, and I got your golden blood, this is the most precious gift, completely priceless, can make my blood The further sublimation of talents will allow me to further improve my future training. So that if you do not surrender and do not choose the Dragon Emperor inheritance, I can also be promoted to become the demon lord by my own strength and become one of the Sky Temples. No. If you become a dragon emperor, you will be thankful for your valuable gift."

"Win-win, it's better than destruction, right?" Lansi said: "I could have beaten you, but I didn't, but let your blood suck, because your blood is a baby, it is great for me." The power of power. The Temple of the Dragon can easily destroy you and the empire empire, but they don't, because there is a huge interest in you. If we have two benefits, we will stage a win-win situation in advance, isn't it? You and the Dragon Temple will have a bright future."

Then, Lan Sisi was shining with his body.

At the same time, she had a scale on her body that covered her beautiful and unparalleled celestial body.

She leaned down the unparalleled face, and the red lips kissed gently on the instep of Lanling. She said softly: "Your Majesty, you have to make a quick decision. Because you have swallowed my blood energy, the black hole vortex It has been expanded, your time is running out, and there is not much time for the empire empire. The Temple of the Dragon will soon pass a resolution to let the martial arts empire send troops, destroy the empire empire, destroy your last hope, force you Going to a desperate situation, leaving you completely nothing."

Lan Sisi got up, and the jade hand was placed above the black hole vortex of Lanling. He said softly: "It's beautiful, it's what I planted. It also means that I will be rooted in your heart forever."

"You have only been around for more than a year. The black hole vortexes to the back and expands faster and faster. I really don't want to see you being wiped out, I really want to have a meeting with you."

"Your Majesty, I am waiting for you. Waiting for you to once again be the king of the Dragon, and once again pamper me this little girl."

Lan Sisi’s incomparable sensation, a gentle kiss on Lanling’s lips.

"Your Majesty, I really don't want to meet you on the battlefield!"



A light and shadow, she disappeared without a trace.

It disappears directly into the mirror.

This mirror is a plane-sliding entrance and exit. Lansie easily left the flaming empire and relayed through the third plane to return to the Temple of the Dragon.


Lanling stood in front of this mirror.

At the entrance and exit of the plane, Lanling has seen a lot. The entrance to the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of the Dragon Temple also has a plane entrance.

However, these plane entrances and exits are usually very distinctive. They are a surge of energy gates with strong energy fluctuations.

Lan Ling has never seen it, like a mirror-like plane entrance.

Moreover, there is no energy fluctuation.

No wonder the mirror demon can't detect it, because it looks like a mirror, without any energy surge.

"Master, the dragon dragon family has the dragon and the demon blood, which is equivalent to having positive and negative blood, can balance each other, offset each other." Demon star said: "So, the plane entrance made by Lan Sisi, there is no energy fluctuations, Because yin and yang are completely offset."

Lan Ling nodded.

To be honest, when he bites down Lansi and the other side has no resistance, Lanling knows this result.

His blood-sucking devours are ineffective for Lans, but will help her. Even Lanssi is waiting for Lan Ling to bite her.

But he still bite, after all, is an attempt.

As a result, he repaired him for improvement, but the rest of his life was more transient, and Lan Sisi could use the golden blood of Lanling to further improve, and even break through to the level of Emperor.

Once Lan Ling thought about it, Lan Si Si was the high-level traitor of the Shenlong Temple, but it was definitely not without emotion. One night couples are 100 days old.

Lan Ling is the first man of Lan Sisi, and the only man, even the man who makes her addicted, how can there be feelings.

After the real meeting, I found no feelings.

Not only for Lan Ling, but also for Lansuo, the same is true, the face is tender and tender, but the eyes are cold.

This is the product of the Temple of the Dragon, completely cold and ruthless. And this Lanssi, from the count of more than one hundred years old, lived for a long time but did not have a generation of people, more ruthless.

Even after getting the golden blood of Lanling, Lanssi is not too concerned about whether Lanling will become a dragon emperor. Even in the subconscious, she does not like Lanling to become a dragon emperor.

This is a very mysterious feeling, but Lanling can clearly capture it.

Lan Sisi’s goal is to become the demon lord, the sky priest and the sky referee. As a foreigner's dragon family, this is already the pinnacle she can reach.

Once Lanling was successfully captive in the Temple of the Dragon and became the Dragon Emperor, then Lansi could achieve this goal.

However, after being given the golden blood, Lan Sisi can even break through the real Devil-level powerhouse by himself. At that time, even if Lanling was not captive, he did not choose to become the Dragon Emperor. By virtue of her own power, he could also take charge of the Devil's Court and advance to the Temple of the Sky.

Then... Lan Sisi did not want Lanling to become the Dragon Emperor.

Lanling, who became the dragon emperor, was too strong. Although it was controlled by the Temple of the Dragon, it was the spiritual leader of the Temple of the Dragon, still riding on the top of Lansi.

Lan Sisi has betrayed Lan Ling. If he is once again riding on Lanling, the consequences will not be very good.

So... after getting the blood of Lanling, she didn’t think that Lanling became a dragon, but hope... he died!

Like Voltaire, this Lansie, oh no, it should be both, it is absolutely selfish and ruthless. For the sake of their interests and strength, they can sell anything, and they can do whatever they want.

Lanling Road: "Whether it is the Emperor of the Orient, or the Emperor of the Doom, they have issued an eternal killing order to the Demon Dragons. It is true that the two emperors can see clearly, the Dragon Temple is dare to use the Demon Dragons. This is in Play with fire!"

Then, Lan Ling issued a will: "My flaming empire will inherit the will of the Great Emperor, the doom of the Doom, and completely kill all the planes, any region, the dragons of any time and space, and destroy the dead. !"

"According to the purpose!"


After half an hour!

Hundreds of snake spirits captured by Lan Ling, including fifteen demon saints and more than 300 demon statues, were all decapitated and their heads were hung above the city of Yancheng.

Of course, they have long been directly used by Lan Ling to give their death.

The beheading of the public is only to express the will once again. Although the snake spirit has changed its name, it is still a family of dragons, but it is only a family of dragons who are self-casting.

Next, the empire empire once again conveys the will, the empire empire will completely kill all the planes, any region, any time and space of the dragon family, the dead are extinct!

I didn’t have to go far away (Lan Si Si), I saw the heads of hundreds of snake spirit warriors in the head of the city of Yan, and then I heard the eternal empire wearing the eternal extermination of the dragon family. The unparalleled face trembled a little, then gave a sneer, then the figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

This demon emperor is still so crazy, so arrogant, then... childish!

He felt that he had been humiliated by Lan Sisi, and it was ridiculous to send such a will to vent his anger and kill hundreds of snake spirits to vent their anger.

The Demon Dragons are eternal extermination orders?

It sounds very prestige, and it is more prestige than the Eternal Emperor, the eternal killing order of the Doom.

But, do you have a tomorrow in Lanling? You have lived for a year and a half!

Is your weak empire empire tomorrow? The demise is imminent!

Big words, arrogant, stupid and ridiculous!


The next day!

The magical prince Xiaobai came to the city of Yanmo.

At first glance, he saw the heads of hundreds of snake spirits on the head of the city. After seeing Lanling, he directly asked: "What about my nephew Du Shu?"

"Dead!" Lanling said: "Of course, it was killed by you. And it also led to the exposure of the Shenlong Temple lurking in the top of my side."

The little white face of the magical priest was so twitching, and he did not hear the general saying: "The empire empire killed my nephew and killed my blood-sucking royal family. This is the biggest trampling of the dignity of my magical empire, I announced that the magic turret The Empire officially declared war on the Yan Empire!"

Then, the Emperor of the Motuo empire, the little white hands, served the book of the War of War.

Lan Ling took over the credentials and said: "I announced that the Yan Mo Empire and the Motuo Empire have officially entered the state of war!"

At this point, all the front/play ends.

The Enchanted Empire entered the final war of the Mozu!


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(End of this chapter)

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