World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 939: 9:41: Break through the heavenly king!

Chapter 939, September 14th, breaks through the heavenly king!

Lan Ling and the demon queen are in trouble!

Because this chameleon king is a body of energy that is infinitely infinitely close to the devil.

This last generation of the Dragon King, even the avatar is infinitely close to the devil level.

This double-headed chameleon king turned into a look of Lanling and the demon queen, and it really seemed to be in the mirror.

"The two are so beautiful that I can't help but become yours." The Dragon King opened his mouth.

The voice of a man and a woman appeared at the same time, and the taste was too complicated.

"Then let's get started!" The Dragon King split and then began to pat the slap.


Suddenly, all the air around it ignited a raging flame.

The whole void is a flame.

In an instant, the clothes on Lanling and the Queen of the Devil were instantly vanished, replaced by the emerging energy robes that covered the two bodies.

The temperature is getting higher and higher, several thousand degrees, tens of thousands of degrees, hundreds of thousands of degrees.

At this temperature level, even the Lanling and the demon queen at the peak of the earth's level can't bear it. Under normal circumstances, the energy of two people will be quickly exhausted and finally completely finished.

Fortunately, both Lan Ling and the Devil Queen wore a brand new remodeled starry armor.

The previous starry armor could not be completely wrapped and it was hard. After learning the energetics of the Great Emperor, Lan Ling transformed the starry armor to make it soft and fully wrap the whole body.

At least until now, Starry Armor is still able to isolate all energy damage.

Therefore, under the flames of the Dragon King, Lanling is still untouched.

"Wow... it's amazing." The Dragon King split: "I can immune my fire damage? Next, try another way."

This time, it is the ice crystal of the sky.

The instantaneous temperature drop has dropped from a few hundred thousand degrees to a few tens of degrees below zero, minus one hundred degrees and minus two hundred degrees.

Finally, infinity is close to absolute zero.

However, Starry Armor still shields any energy damage, including terrible low temperatures.


The two-headed dragon dragons looked at each other and looked at each other.

It found that Lan Ling and the Devil Queen wore special armor, almost immune to any damage.


The two-headed dragon king, who disguised as the Lanling and the demon queen, was like a lightning bolt and slammed into it.

Since the energy attack does not work, then the physical space directly pierces the starry armor of Lanling and the demon queen.

But as it flashed, Lan Ling slammed the black scorpion sword into the ground. (Before the black scorpion sword was stabbed in the blood of the nectar, Lan Ling did not take out several times, but ... eventually pulled out, do not want to write his psychological changes)

In an instant, an energy cover appeared.

"Boom..." The two-headed chameleon king smashed into the energy cover of the black scorpion sword.

Almost all of the energy creatures appear in the Heaven and Earth Demon Tower. Therefore, it is also impossible to pass the Uganda sword energy cover.

The Dragon King was suddenly angry and no longer disguised as Lan Ling and the Queen of Magic. The two bodies, combined into one, became a very weird person.

That's right, very weird!

Lan Ling does not know whether it is beautiful or what.

Because this is a person who can't distinguish between male and female, this is a person with golden eyes and dark lips.

Its face is fascinating to the extreme, completely exceeding the level of inverting all beings. But it is daunting, not feeling temptation.

This dragon dragon is not only a color-changing dragon, but also a male and female. There are characteristics of men and women.

"Wuhan sword..." The Dragon King screamed and laughed: "I have a deep memory of this sword. Are we killed by this sword?"

"No, no, it is misfortune to kill us, not the sky..." The Dragon King asked himself.

It’s a woman’s voice for a while, and a man’s voice for a while, it’s chilling.

"I did not expect that this is actually the descendant of the Emperor, the biggest enemy of our Demon Dragon family." The Dragon King was a man's accent.

"Kill them, the woman's return to you, the man's return to me, and finally both chewed and eaten."

"A word is fixed!" The two men share the same voice, the sound of men and women mixed together, making people shudder.

Lanling Road: "I finally know why the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of the Dooms have to kill the Demon Dragons. It is really disgusting."

"Fart, only you are the one who loves you the most, and the descendants who have been born by themselves and themselves are the best." The Dragon King snarled.

Suddenly, Lan Ling really wants to vomit.

The Dragon King is divided: "You have a black scorpion sword, you can create an energy hood, and you feel that we can't help you? It's too naive!"

Then, the Dragon King is divided into two hands.

In the left hand, a powerful dark energy emerges, and a powerful bright energy emerges in the right hand.

Then, slammed into a hit!

A powerful lightning bolt slammed into it.


In an instant, the energy shield of the Wuling sword of Lanling was completely torn.


Lanling brewed Hell lightning so hard and slow, and in front of the dragon king, the two hands slammed, the lightning burst out, and the energy cover was shredded.

"This is shocked? Is it still early?" The Dragon King was laughing and laughing: "Next, let you look at a more powerful, more horrible space, a plane attack."

The Dragon King’s hands jerked for a moment.


The space around Lanling blasted open.

Then, the difference between him and the demon queen was transformed into another plane.

Lan Ling finally understood the special space technique of the Dragon Dragon family.

They cannot make isolated planes and cannot create complete planes. However, they can use special energy to destroy a certain space, making this space and the surrounding space have completely different energy properties, and thus become an independent space.

The space technique of Lanling is newly built, and the special space of the Dragon Dragon family is destroyed and polluted.

Therefore, the space technique of the Dragon Dragon family is not a real space technique, and it is not a complete space technique. More like the use of special dark energy, the space within a volume collapses and destroys.

Sure enough, the area where Lanling was located about three cubic meters instantly turned into a dark space prison, and became a plane that was completely destroyed and became dark, and then collapsed and shrank.

"Hahaha, let you try the taste of the space collapse." The last generation of the Dragon King was laughing and laughing: "Everyone, even if strong, will be wiped out as the space shrinks and collapses, because this is a higher energy. The rule. Why do the emperors send an eternal killing order to our demon dragons? Because they are jealous and jealous that we have space skills. Because the emperor feels that they are qualified to master space technology, this is the energy restricted area of ​​the emperor, who Whoever touches will die. And our Demon Dragons have just such a powerful magical power."

The fart space technique completely destroys the existing space with the most dark and violent means, causing devastating losses to the whole world.

It is no wonder that the emperors of all ages will chase down the dragons.

However, the Devil King is indeed right.

This kind of space shrinking and collapsing is very horrible, and no one can resist it, even if it is hard to resist. Can only be squeezed into the fly.

Moreover, almost no one can escape once trapped in this special space prison.

"Don't think about escaping, it's impossible, even if you are a Devil-level powerhouse, you can't escape from my space, hahahaha..." The Dragon King split: "I didn't think that there is a Lord of the Demon Star. In the hands of my demon dragon, it is ridiculous, hahahaha..."

However, this collapsed space prison can trap anyone, but can't stand Lanling.

Because, he masters the real space technique.

Holding the space energy device in his right hand, he drew a door in the dark space and made it easy to get out of sleep.

The Dragon King disregarded Lan Ling and screamed: "How is it possible? How is it possible? You are just the Lord of the demon star, you have not been inherited by the Emperor, how can you possibly space?"

Lan Ling sneered: "What I master is the real space technology, and you just constantly destroy and destroy the space. What space technology is playing in front of me is completely axe."

The Dragon King looked cold and cold: "Yeah, then I still want you to die in the hands of my magic dragon family space."

After all, the Dragon King is arrogant!

The energy of Haotian was released wildly.

Suddenly, the surrounding void became completely dark, and nothing could be seen and nothing could be felt.

Then, the surrounding space was violently shaken and violently collapsed.

"Booming and banging..." The Dragon King frantically combats its dark space technique, cutting the entire void madly and frantically.

In an instant, the space where Lan Ling and the Queen of the Devil are located is completely distorted and divided.


Suddenly, the space between Lanling and the demon queen was severely violently cut, and two people instantly lost each other's figure.

Both were imprisoned in prison in the dark space.

Then, all the dark space prisons are collapsing and are shrinking.


Lanling was really shocked!

At least in this moment, the repair of the Dragon King's avatar suddenly increased, not infinitely close to the devil, but to the devil's repair.

Although it is a void, the actual dark space requires much less energy, but destroying tens of thousands of cubic meters of space in an instant requires really powerful energy.

Both Lanling and the Devil are imprisoned in different dark space prisons.

These tens of thousands of cubic meters of space have completely turned into dozens of hundreds of distorted space prisons, constantly changing, constantly collapsed and twisted.

Lan Ling does not matter, can escape, and the demon queen will not be space-study, it will be squeezed and burned out.

Lan Ling must find the demon queen and rescue her.

He used the space energy device to constantly open the energy gate in the collapsed space prison, and constantly shuttled through the different space prisoners to find the demon queen.

However, it was not found at all.

This myriad of dark spaces are twisted and twisted together, constantly changing, forming a labyrinth of incomparable complexity.

It's really hard to find.

Lanling constantly shuttles and constantly seeks.

I don't know how many twisted dark space prisoners have shuttled.

Suddenly, the demon queen is in front of me!

"Your Majesty, I am here, I am here..." Her beauty was full of surprises and fears, shouting at Lanling.

And at the same time!

In another dark space prison, another Lanling entered, and then turned to another demon queen: "I am here to save you, I am here to save you..."

While talking, this Lanling eyes showed incomparably evil light in the depths, reaching out to the demon queen.

He, of course, is the Lanling disguised by the Dragon King.


The one that Lan Ling saw, of course, is also the demon queen disguised by the Dragon King.

At this time, this dark space prison is constantly collapsing and surging.

His mother's eyes, this scene and the abandoned space laboratory of the Dragon Temple are like. It seems that the spacecraft of the Dragon King and Space and the Temple of the Dragon have failed at a level, but may be more dangerous and devastating.

The demon queen in front of us will soon be swallowed up, distorted, and smouldering.

"Your Majesty, save me..." The disguised demon queen yelled.

Her looks, and even the energy of her breath, are exactly the same as that of the demon queen, and almost no one can tell the truth. After all, this is the chameleon king and can be turned into anyone.

Lan Ling rushed up and said loudly: "I am coming, I am here to save you..."

He rushed up with lightning and stabbed the black scorpion sword into the chest of this pseudo-magic queen.

Suddenly, her body began to distort, began to restore the original shape by an inch, became a woman with a human face, a fascinating beauty, and the snake is a dark scale.

"The devil queen will not cry out to me." Lan Ling sneered: "The dragon dragon family, as long as there is a two-headed snake, it must be responsible for one force and one responsible for intelligence. Really unfortunately, you are just responsible for this. It’s intelligence, martial arts is very weak.”

At the same time, in another space prison, the demon dragon who disguised as Lanling was separated, and the big hand would catch the body of the demon queen.

The demon queen was a little scared, but did not stop it.

However, his hand has not touched the demon queen, and suddenly a tragic scream.

Then, the chest inexplicably appeared a terrible wound, constantly bleeding.

Then, he gradually showed his original shape and became a man with a human face, a brutal face, and a golden scale snake.

Any two-headed snake can be separated into two people. But as long as one is killed, the other will die!

This Demon Dragon King played too much in this battle. Although it was incomparably powerful, it ended in a terrible death.

All the dark space is in prison, and the smoke is extinguished in an instant.

Endless energy, crazy into the body of Lanling and the Queen of the Devil.

This is the energy of the devil level!

The second heaven and earth demon tower was completed, Lanling and the demon queen, successfully promoted to the heavenly king!


Note: First, send it, ask for support, ask for the monthly ticket, and everyone is happy for the Dragon Boat Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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