World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 942: Nine four four: Yin poison Lanling! Framed 蝰 both!

Chapter 942, nine four four yin poisoning Lanling! Framed 蝰 both!

Note: In the previous chapter, there is a story about the mystery of the Dragon Emperor's betrayal of the Devil. Don't miss it.


"After Lanling's death, I may need the emperor to make some statements."

"What?" asked the Queen of the Snake Spirit, Du Yu's mother Du Yi.

蝰 Both sides: "On some key issues, he has to cooperate with Ning no end. Accurately speaking, it is a tripartite alliance, I, Ning no end, Emperor Moto. Make sure that Ning has no limit to seize the highest power of the Dragon Temple. ”

Du Yidao: "I will try my best, but it should be very difficult. The emperor is very cunning. Without sufficient benefits, he will never be hooked."

He said: "I can lobby for nowhere, and give the entire southern wilderness to the Emperor, and let him unite the entire Motuo Empire."

Du Yidao: "The southern part of the wild is desperate, the Temple of the Dragon is greedy, unwilling to open the tomb of the heavens, using the Motuo Empire to destroy the empire empire, this is a self-immolation. Once inside the emperor's stomach, I will think that he will spit it out again. ""

He said: "But he ruled the South, and he must have the default of the Dragon Temple. So if he is smart enough, he will promise."

Du Yi nodded: "If you succeed in obtaining the inheritance of the Dragon King, and then complete the alliance with Ning Wuya, I believe that the Emperor will know the current affairs. But the Emperor is very cunning, it is not trustworthy."

Hey doubles: "I know, about his secret energy research, and the secret connection with the power of the moon, can you find anything?"

Du Yi shook his head and said: "No, although we have self-castrated ourselves into a snake spirit, but he still has some precautions against us. Some things, only he and Xiaobai know."

Then, Du Yidao: "Is Lan Ling really not going to choose to be a dragon emperor?"

"No, absolutely not." He said: "And he must not be a dragon emperor. He has already ordered the extermination of the demon dragon. The lessons of the previous generation are too fierce. The father helped the dragon temple to tame. The Lord of the Demon Star made the greatest contribution. After the Dragon Emperor turned his face, the Dragon Temple was immediately unloaded and killed. Almost all the dragons were killed. So, this time, the Lanlings must be exhausted. Killing, the dead are extinct. Once he becomes the dragon emperor, my demon dragon will truly face the disaster. The Lord of the demon star is the biggest enemy of our demon dragon, so he must die."

Du Yidao: "What do you do after Lanling's death? It is almost impossible to want me to win the supreme power of the Motuo Empire."

蝰 Both sides: "After killing Lanling, we have only one mission, pushing Ning nowhere to the position of the first leader of the Dragon Temple, even at all costs."

Du Yidao: "And then?"

"Then I don't do anything." He said: "When you wait for Ning's endless natural death, with decades or even hundreds of years, you will gradually master the highest power of the Dragon Temple, and even take two or three generations. This time we What is needed is the passing and baptism of time, not a conspiracy. And you have to give birth to a child as soon as possible, and when I am in the Temple of the Dragon, I will definitely push your child to become the emperor of the future Motuo Empire."


蝰 Both pairs and Du Yi shuttled all the planes, and came to the seal of the Dragon King blood earlier than Lanling.

This is an ordinary reef on the sea floor, without any eye-opening.

蝰 Both lines: "This is the seal of the blood of the Dragon King."

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and condense the golden blood in your body into a point, and finally flow to your fingertips.

"This seal should only be opened by the Lord of the Demon Star." He said: "I went to bed with Lan Ling many times and studied countless times. The so-called demon star is the will of the dragon and the demon, and it is very powerful. But the Doom the Great is only the Lord of the Demon Star, so the seal energy level he created will definitely be lower than the demon star. I stole the golden blood of Lanling and secretly studied the energy of the Magic City mirror demon king. Passing the **** of the Hell Knight. Combining these energies, although it is impossible to copy the energy properties of the demon star. However, there should be no problem in opening this seal. The key is to have some of the golden blood of Lanling."

Both are as if to convince themselves.

Taking a deep breath, she gently pressed her fingertips into a depression in the reef.

Suddenly, a bright flash of light flashed.

Then, the entire reef released a faint glow, as if it had become transparent in an instant.

Both 蝰 and Du Yi are very happy, and they have responded. I have tried it many times before and there is no reaction.


The reaction of this reef was only half done, then dimmed and returned to a reef of the black scorpion.

I have tried both over and over again and still can't succeed.

Suddenly, she was very reluctant to scream: "Why? Why is it still? It should be ok, and it is enough to have some of the golden blood of Lanling. It should be enough to open this seal. Why?"

Then she violently released powerful energy to bombard the reef.

However, she lived back the energy that had been released.

Taking a long breath, she forced herself to calm down.

How to do? How to do?

Why not?

"The only way now is to attract Lanling to open this seal." He said: "There are two ways, the first one, inducing him to open the seal. The second, using his loved ones as hostages, persecution. He came to open the door. For example, with his daughter, Soo, if she did not agree, she cut off her hand and sent it to Lanling. Which of the two methods do you think is better?"

Du Yi shook his head and said: "I don't know, the first method is very difficult. Lan Ling's cleverness and suspiciousness are totally unimaginable. How long after Du Shu's death, he came to you?"

蝰 Both roads: "Soon, less than a quarter of an hour."

Du Yidao: "This person is too clever and deceitful. It is impossible to take the initiative to lie to him."

蝰 Both nods, especially for those who don’t trust, it’s almost impossible to lie to Lanling. Both of them are lurking around Lanling. The only way to win him is to never say a lie.

If you encounter something that is not easy to say, you would rather say it is not convenient to tell, and you will never lie.

"There is only the second way." He said: "Exactly, his daughter Soo is just around the edge of Ning, and after returning to the Temple of the Dragon, I can often see it."

At this time, both of them suddenly changed their minds: "Someone is coming, three hundred miles away!"

Because tens of thousands of years are fleeing, the sensitivity of the dragons to energy, water waves, and ground tremors is completely unmatched. The bottom of the sea is almost dead forever, so the shock and energy impact brought by the rapid movement of people from three hundred miles away will be felt by both.

who can that be? Come to this place?

This is the seal of the blood of the Dragon King. It can be said that no one knows except the core figures of the Dragon Dragon family.

Of course, there is another person who may know that it is the Lord of the demon star!

蝰 Both eyes brightened, revealing an incredible joy: "Is Lan Ling coming? No, there is such a good thing? It really takes no effort!"

Then, both of them and Du Yi quickly left, and then they plunged into a dark crack not far away, and disappeared without a trace.

Dark fissures are cracks that form between the planes when a large energy impact occurs or when the plane space is created.

In the war between the ancient Mozu Empire and the human kingdom, many dark cracks were left to the whole world. Once a large independent plane is created, there will be dark cracks.

For example, the Doomsday Emperor created this single plane to seal the blood of the Dragon King, and will certainly create one or more dark cracks around it.

This kind of dark fissure, ordinary people are impossible to enter, and it is impossible to hide, except for the demon dragon family.

After disappearing into the dark fissure, the energy fluctuations of this seabed disappeared without a trace, leaving no traces of energy between Du and Du Shu, even the fluctuation of the current.


After half an hour, Lan Ling came to the bottom of the sea.

"This is the entrance to the blood of the Seal of the Dragon King?" Demon Queen said: "Look, it is a very ordinary reef!"

Lan Ling nodded and observed the reef.

Nothing special, only a small depression that can hold a finger.

Lan Ling closed his eyes and felt any energy fluctuations on the bottom of the sea, even including water ripples.

No breath, no fluctuations.

He is an extremely suspicious person!

After learning about the blood of the Dragon King, he immediately thought of the doubles. This two-headed snake must desperately want to find the blood of the Dragon King and want to recapture the energy heritage of the Dragon King.

This suspiciousness and association will spread infinitely.

He will question why he is being bitten by blood and swallowed by him. By the golden blood he has given, he can't let both of them break through the real demon level.

Ever since he learned the blood of the Dragon King here, he would doubt that he would steal the golden blood of Lanling. Do you want to try to seal the blood of the Dragon King?

In short, all doubts, he will consider.

So after coming here, he first detects any corner to see if there is a double energy.

There is no result, no traces of both, no trace of anyone coming.

However, Lanling will not be taken lightly. At this time, he will choose absolute idealism and consider it in the most dangerous situation.

Take a deep breath and press your finger into the depression of the dark reef.

Suddenly, the entire dark reef released an incomparably bright light, which was so fascinating that the entire sea floor was completely illuminated, and it was not the same as when both were trying to open.

The light became more and more intense. Finally, the entire dark reef disappeared completely and became a gate of light and shadow. This is the entrance to the blood dragon seal of the Dragon King.

The Lord of the Demon Star is the Lord of the Demon Star. It is easy to open any relics of the Devil Empire. The inheritance of any Demon Empire belongs to Lanling.

"Yu Ji, you go advanced." Lan Ling Road.

The demon queen nodded, did not want to why, directly through the door of this light and shadow, into the relics of the seal of the Dragon King blood.

Then, Lan Ling flashed into the room.

At the same time, he floated out the decomposition of the third stage of the black hole energy and released it at the door of light and shadow.

He didn't know if he was hiding in the vicinity, but he was prepared!

I saw both Lanling and Yu, and disappeared directly into the door of light and shadow.

And this door of light and shadow, quickly dimmed, will soon disappear.

At the same time, both 蝰 and Du Shufei quickly rushed out from the dark cracks hundreds of meters away, rushing toward the door of light and shadow with lightning speed.


They just touched the door of this light and shadow, and immediately issued a very screaming scream.

The whole person seems to be radiated by a terrible energy.


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(End of this chapter)

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