World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 952: Ninth Five-fourth: Against the sky, no blood! goddess!

Chapter 952, 1955, and the blood of the sky! goddess!

The fallen land is the forbidden zone of any life at any time.

After knowing the existence of the fallen land, Lan Ling is always imagining what the fallen land looks like.

And now... he still can't feel it!

After falling from the huge waterfall in the sea of ​​the underworld, Lanling fell directly into the abyss of the fallen land!

Then in an instant... the fly is gone, nothing knows!

The fallen land is the forbidden zone of life. This is true. No life can escape.

Including Lanling!


What is the land of fallen?

It is somewhat like the sea of ​​the underworld, because there is no space, no time, no endless energy.

Countless energy, all kinds of energy are crowded here.

Fantasy, what amazing energy will erupt when the dragon and the demon are gone?

In addition to tearing the gap in the underworld, the energy of the sea in the underworld is constantly flowing in. This may have been hundreds of thousands of years.

How terrible is the energy of the fallen land today?

Described in one sentence, the fallen land is more like a separate space, there is nothing here, only endless energy traps, energy storms.

Some of the sci-fi works on Earth have some terrible energy storm zones in some interstellar areas.

After any powerful spacecraft enters, it will be wiped out. They will be swallowed up and even thrown into inexplicable time and space.

The land of depravity is such an area. There are energy traps everywhere, energy storms everywhere, energy vortices everywhere, and twisted time and space everywhere.

Of course, if you are lucky, there is also a void zone here, that is, nothing.

Lanling’s luck was very bad. When it came out of the gap in the underworld, it directly entered an energy storm. It was instantly shredded and completely destroyed.

If it was the former Lanling, then everything is over, and it is completely dead to die.

However, Lan Ling has half of the vain blood, which is the highest blood in the world and can withstand terrible energy.

Therefore, when the blood energy of Lanling and the soul were wiped out by the ash, the area changed from an energy storm to a quiet void.

Therefore, the emptiness and blood of Lanling began to resurrect, and began to re-condense the soul of Lanling and re-agglomerate the blood energy of Lanling.

Even more than that, Lanling’s body has gradually grown out.

But what is terrible is that there are only half of the body.

That's right, only half of the body, the energy heart is only half, really amazing. Even Lan Ling’s way of thinking seems to be missing more than half. Including memory, it is also missing half.

A lot of things can't be remembered, and a lot of thinking goes half way, as if there is a lack of some wisdom to directly interrupt.

Lan Ling used his one eye to see this strange world.

At this time, he was in a quiet and quiet area, and the scenery was really wonderful. Not far from there are terrible energy storms, energy swirls, and distorted spaces.

And only here is a complete silence.

Looking up at the sky, it is a beautiful cosmic galaxy. Looking down at the ground, there is no ground, it is still a galaxy.

Lanling knew that the ancient dragons and the gods had died together, almost completely tearing the whole planet from the middle. The southern and southern hemispheres of the whole planet were probably only one corner connected together. Therefore, when the Motuo Empire invades southward, it needs to travel tens of thousands of miles of sea.

At least this moment, Lan Ling's heart is somewhat desperate.

There are only half of the body, this is really not as good as the ghost state, only one soul light and shadow is still very cool.

But he didn't have time to hurt the wind, because the energy storm had to spread again, he had to leave it immediately.

In the void, Lan Ling flies quickly.

However, he flew faster, but it was still faster than the energy storm, and the terrible energy storm of the next second swept.

Suddenly... Lanling was once again dying.

After a long time, I don’t know how long, the bloodless blood has once again resurrected Lanling, and once again condensed half of the body.

Lanling clearly felt the power of nothingness, and the smoke and smoke disappeared again and again, not only did not die, but also did not decline.

However, now how strong Lan Ling is, I really don't know.

Because this is a fallen place, because Lanling has only half the energy heart.

He once again flew in the void, desperately trying to find the exit of the fallen land and returning to the real world.

But the land of ruin is terrible, changing all the time, and just a quarter of an hour, an energy vortex appears.

In an instant, Lanling was swallowed up without a trace.

I don't know how long it took, Lanling once again recovered, and once again wake up.

Still half body, half energy heart.

He still flies desperately, desperately searching for the way to leave. But after five minutes, there was a distorted space, and it was easy to crush the Lanling into a mass of energy, and then it was gone.

I don't know how long it took, and the bloodlessness once again raised Lanling.

In this way, in the fallen land, Lanling continued to sink, and was constantly tortured and constantly shackled.

He flew away again and again, and died again and again. Against the emptiness of the sky, he was resurrected countless times.

Today, Lan Ling really understands the horror of the fallen land!

This is the real **** compared to the underworld. It is really a forbidden zone of life. It really can crush all life, except for the blood.

Countless times, Lanling was crushed.

Numerous times, Lanling was resurrected.

Almost every few minutes, there will be an energy vortex swept over, and there will be an energy storm sweeping over, and a twisted space will spread.

Lan Ling did not know how many times he died, thousands of times.

But don't say that you can't find a way out, you don't even know where you are.

Because this sinister fallen space also has no space, no time concept.

The fly was extinguished more than a hundred times.

Lanling discovered that there is still a space concept in the fallen land!

The underworld is an endless energy plane, where nothing but energy is available.

The fallen land is still regional, and its plane is still built in the real world. To be precise, the fallen land is a huge gap that traverses the entire planet.

If there is no calculation error, the exit of the fallen land should be east.

The entire fallen land almost rips the entire planet from the middle, and only the easternmost piece is connected. Lanling drifted from the waters in the east to the south, and the Na’s blood regiment also came to the south from the sea in the east.

This time, Lan Ling knows at least which direction it should fly.

According to the stars in the sky, Lanling identified the southeast and northwest, and then flew east.

However, if you fly for a maximum of five minutes, Lanling will be shredded by the energy storm, and will be swallowed up by the energy whirlpool space, which will be crushed by the twisted space.

Therefore, Lanling will die once every five minutes.

Good luck, encountering energy storms and distorting space is not bad, because it will be extinguished in an instant and will not be blown away. After the energy storm leaves and restores the void environment, the bloodless will automatically resurrect in situ.

Lack of luck encountered the energy whirlpool space, and then came out after being swallowed, I really don't know where it is. It may be difficult to fly three hundred miles to the east, and after being swallowed up by the energy vortex, it moved directly to the west for three thousand miles. Not only did the previous three hundred miles fly, but it also lived two thousand seven hundred miles.

After several days and nights of flight, according to Lanling’s calculations, his exit from the fallen land in the east has become five thousand and seven hundred miles away.

That's right, instead of shortening the distance, it is getting farther and farther.

Moreover, it is not only moved to the west, but also to the north and south.

Finally, after the third time I was swallowed up by the energy vortex, I spit it out again.

Lan Ling couldn't help but swear: "I **** your mother, I **** your mother!"

骂 骂 骂, but Lan Ling did not know who to go to Japan.

Now that he is fucking, he is not afraid of death, and he is afraid of being swayed by energy for thousands of miles.

And every time after being squeezed by the energy vortex for thousands of miles, Lanling has to calculate the position of the stars in the sky, where is probably where.

In this way, in the fallen land, Lanling was completely shredded like numerous small boats in the stormy waves, and was destroyed many times.

I can't completely control my direction, and I can't master my own destiny.

Here, any life is incomparably small. Even the Devil-level powerhouse is crushed here.

Later, Lanling thought clearly with his brain that was only half of his incompleteness.

It is almost impossible to leave the fallen land on your own, because the movement of the energy vortex is completely random and unavoidable. Because it suddenly appeared, suddenly it swallowed you up.

And the most important thing is that there is basically an energy vortex every twenty minutes.

Therefore, Lanling died once every five minutes. A free trip to the fallen land every 20 minutes.

It was thrown away by the energy vortex, and it was smashed.

Suddenly there is a day!

Lanling’s luck is bursting!

An incomparably huge energy vortex swallowed him, and then he took him out for tens of thousands of miles!

Then, after Lanling came back to life, he blinked.

The land is not far from the front!

This is the exit of the fallen land, the only connection between the north and south of the planet.

It’s really hard to get through the iron shoes.

Lanling is extremely ecstatic, flying wildly toward the land exit hundreds of miles away, and praying in the heart. At this time, don’t take another energy vortex to pull him out tens of thousands of miles away. Heaven falls to hell.

Perhaps because of the close relationship with the land, it is relatively calmer. Not only does it have no energy vortex, but even energy storms and distorted spaces do not appear.

Export is just in front of you!

But... At this time, Lanling found that there was a house at the exit, at the junction of the fallen land and the edge of the land.

A cottage built like an energy body, exquisite, beautiful, and simple.

Is there a house here? This is too strange.

Who will live here?

Lanling flew to the front of the hut. He didn't knock at the door, just stayed for a moment and then flew toward the exit.

At this time, the door of the cottage was opened.

Come out of a peerless woman, beautiful to the extreme, amazing to the extreme!

There are limits to appearance, but there is no limit to energy and temperament.

And the beauty of this woman in front of her, even more than the devil queen after the transformation.

Although, Lan Ling just saw one of her side faces.

Really beautiful!

But... the next second, Lan Ling is like a ghost.

Because, this peerless woman turned and faced Lanling.

She...has only half of the body, half of the face, half of the energy heart.


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(End of this chapter)

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