World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 957: Nine-five: The devil is proud! Jiangshan discoloration!

Chapter 957, 959, the Emperor of the Devils! Jiangshan discoloration!

The giant palm of Lanling went down, and the hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground did not even leave the bones.

Directly fly away from the smoke and turn into powder.

The emperor is now completely in a state of sluggishness.

Instead, Prince Magica shouted loudly: "All airship spar guns, open fire, open fire..."

Suddenly, all the spar guns on the tens of thousands of airships of the Motuo Empire, full of more than tens of thousands of crystal spar guns, to the huge figure of Lanling, they do not need to aim, because the target is too big. It is.


Tens of thousands of energy rays, bursting with the astounding light, shot toward Lanling.


In a twinkling of an eye, I shot in front of the huge body of Lanling.

The Emperor Lan Ling opened his mouth and swallowed it!

Suddenly, the energy of the energy of hundreds of thousands of spar guns was completely swallowed up.

The energy of this spar is extremely amazing, and now he is swallowed up by him.

After devouring, Lanling closed his mouth and then pointed at a demon corps on the ground and slammed his mouth.

The energy of the tens of thousands of crystallurgical guns condensed into one in his mouth, and then descended from the sky, as if destroying the light column, swept along the dense Emperor.

"Booming and banging..."

No matter what army, all of them are completely broken.

The army of the Motuo Empire, the incomparably powerful army, was devastated.

This scene in front of me seems to be the same as the punishment.

The towering sky from the sky shattered thousands of tens of thousands of troops on the ground.

After the light of the energy in Lanling’s mouth was shot, hundreds of thousands of troops evaporated from the world.

"Airship Legion? Emperor Motuo, your energy civilization has developed very well?" Lan Ling sneered: "But you are a traitor to the Mozu, and have been traitors of the Mozu for generations."

The tens of thousands of meters high of the Emperor Lan Ling, overlooking the tens of thousands of airships in the sky.

Each of these airships has a length of 500 meters, but at this time in the eyes of Lanling, it is like a miniature sculpture model.

Lan Ling grabbed a hand and grabbed more than a dozen ships in his hands.

The Demon Empire Corps on the airship suddenly horrified and ran wildly.

Put a dozen airships in front of you to see clearly, the Emperor Lanling Road: "Oh, yes, it belongs to me."

Then he screamed in his mouth, and the tens of thousands of magical empire on more than a dozen airships in his hand were completely broken. If the neutron bomb is detonated, the airship is fine, and the people above are dead.

Then, with a glimpse of it, throw these airships into the East China Sea hundreds of miles away.

Next, the tens of thousands of meters of Lanling giant shadows madly shot.


There was a loud noise, and there were countless airships in the Motuo Empire, all of which were shot to the East China Sea hundreds of miles away.

The powerful airship, in front of Lanling, is really not even a toy.

Until this time, on the entire battlefield, the entire empire of the empire empire was completely sluggish, shocked to completely lose all the reaction, as if it was struck by lightning, like a vegetative person looking at it all.

The first time I was awake was a few children, Daiyu, Lansuo, Hey, and the three children excitedly shouted underneath: "Dad, Dad..."

Lanling leaned down and said, "Oh, sorry, Dad is late, I am afraid of you."

Then, Lanling extended his big hand and slammed the three children into the palm of his hand.


Three bear children are excited to scream.

Lan Ling put three children on his shoulders and sucked them firmly.

The three bear children will never forget this scene, it is too exciting, too shocking, too proud.

I looked down at the world at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

At this time, Lanling saw another child showing the incomparable envy.

It is the son of Ji Xianning who has been abandoned. He is four years old. One of his hands has been completely huddled into a group, and he is in pain all the time.

Lan Ling smiled at him and said: "From now on, you are also my son."

Then, he grabbed the big hand and put the person on his shoulder.

The abandonment of the eyes is bright, as if all the pain has disappeared, and the pain of being abandoned by the mother seems to have disappeared, and the darkness of the heart seems to be violently illuminated.

Next, the four children sat on the shoulders of the Emperor Lanling, watching Dad as a demon god, and easily tens of thousands of airships to the East China Sea hundreds of miles away.


Finally, the tens of thousands of meters of the Emperor Lan Ling leaned down the hole, staring at a piece of blood on the ground.

This is the place where the centaur's whole blood sacrifices, 30,000 and a half horses, and the whole family commits suicide, which is the Lanling blood sacrifice.

This blood sacrifice has also become a source of powerful energy for Lanling.

Lanling stared at the blood sacrifice and looked at the smashed body for a long time.

Then, he said to the Prince of the Magic: "White, you can kill them, but you can't humiliate them."

The magical prince Xiaobai’s face was twitching, his body twitching, and he wanted to speak, but in the face of the demon god, he found that he couldn’t say a word.

"And you, why should you humiliate my Centaur?" Lan Ling asked coldly.

His voice, really like the nine secluded hell, the two million corps of the prince of the genus Moto shuddered, almost licking the urine.

"Shishi can kill, can't be insulted, do you know?" Lanling slowly said: "Crazy, red, red, wake up..."

Suddenly, the three half-man who became the death knight woke up and slammed out from the hall of the inflammation to the body and blood of the centaur.

"You also blew up and destroy it." Lanling Road.

Suddenly, the three major men and women did not hesitate.


The three major men and women Khan blew themselves, broken bones!

"The great centaur race, my dying whip, your loyalty and faith have touched the heavens and touched me." Lan Ling said: "I have given you powerful power, I have given you powerful power, I Give you powerful power."

With the explosion of Lanling.

The palm of his hand burst into a terrifying flame, and then he snapped it down and photographed it against the squad of Prince Mortu.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

His huge palm is constantly being photographed insanely.

His giant palm of fire, constantly photographed.

The sky was shaking, and the entire city of the city was trembled.

With the giant palm of his hand, the two million corps under the sorcerer's squadron, a large piece of smashed bones, and large pieces turned into meat.

In front of everyone.

Lan Ling lived and killed the 2 million army under the sorcerer.

Countless souls, countless ghosts want to fly away, want to squat to the underworld.

"Where to go?" Lan Ling snarled.

Then he slammed his hands and shrouded the ground.

Suddenly, he combined his hands to form a **** furnace, a tens of meters high, tens of thousands of meters wide **** furnace.


The blazing flame, the thrilling energy, and the flames of all kinds of energy attributes are burned in the **** furnace in his big hand.

In a short while, the souls of the two million Motuo empire army were burned out, and the soul flew away, leaving only incomparably powerful energy, incomparably pure energy.

"The Centaur Warrior, come back!" Lanling shouted.

Suddenly, the whole world became dark.

The ghosts of countless centaurs are in the sky, they are drifting into the fissures of the underworld, they are quickly losing consciousness, and their souls are scattered.

Lanling’s life shouted and instantly awakened the ghosts of all Centaur.

"The Warriors of the Centaur, come back!" Lanling shouted again.

Suddenly, the 30,000-and-a-half-human ghosts who flew to the fissures of the underworld turned and saw the tides of the Emperor Lanling.

A very shocking scene appeared.

The light and shadow of the centaur's soul, throwing hooves in the air, returning like a tide, and plunging into the huge **** furnace of Lanling's palm.

The soul of the 30,000-hundred-and-a-half-century horse, in the dark sky, constitutes a ghost of the Hongqiao, and continues to enter the Hell Furnace.

Wait until the 30,000 and a half ghosts have entered.

Lanling closed his hands and closed the huge **** furnace.

He slammed his mouth open and began to madly swallow and devour all the deaths within a few thousand miles.

After several battles, the Demon Empire has died.

In the last war, thousands of people died, and this time, Lan Ling lived and killed millions of lives.

He opened his mouth and suddenly swallowed up the endless energy of death.

In an instant, the original Emperor Lanling, which was originally a golden light, was instantly shrouded in a dark atmosphere, like a fierce devil from the dark void.

He loosened a crack in his hands and opened his mouth to blow into the furnace of hell.

"Whirring whirring……"

Endless death energy is injected into the melting pot of **** to participate in the refining of the new Centaur.

The power of two million Mottoes, the blood-sucking demon, smashed all the death energy within a thousand miles, all into the soul of 30,000 and a half horses.

Burning frantically, frantically refining.

Finally, a drop of emptiness and blood, as if falling with the nine days, dripping into the melting pot of hell.

"Booming and banging..."

Within the melting pot of hell, it exploded madly and madly trembled.

Lan Ling’s hands jerked loose!

The shocking light burst out.


One after another, a half-human samurai flew out.

Every centaur seems to have a physical body, and it seems to be just an energy body.

Their bodies seem to be transparent, and they seem to shine golden light.

Every centaur has a pair of gorgeous wings.

This is the death energy of two million blood-sucking demons, thousands of people, plus a drop of Lan Ling's virtual bloodless condensed new centaur.

Powerful and unrestrained, instantly returning to the position of the Centaur, standing on the top of this world army.

"The Centaur race, from now on, you are the real destructive whip in your hands." Lan Ling slowly said.

The 30,000-hundred-and-a-half-year-old man was neat and tidy, without saying anything, their loyalty had broken through the sky and did not need to be expressed in any words.

"The whip of the world, enter the hands of you." Lanling Road.

Suddenly, 30,000 and a half horses formed a huge whip in the air, very gorgeous, very powerful whip.

Lanling holds this whip of the world, looks at the army of the Motuo Empire, looks at the army of the Temple of the Dragon, and says coldly: "Isn't you still awake? This world is really a long time without a demon, to As for letting you all forget the fear brought by the Emperor! Today, let you relive this fear, from the depths of the soul!"

After all, Lanling waved a tens of thousands of meters of the dying whip, and the 30,000-year-old half-human warrior made a whip of madness.

"Hey, hey, hey, hehe..."

The whip of the world, crazy beaten.

Crazy tortured all the vampire army, the soul and life of all the dragons and temples.

Where the whip is drawn, every half-human warrior who makes up the whip, frantically releases energy attacks.

So, where the whip passes.

All the troops, broken bones, gray smoke and smoke.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

The whip of the world, frantically destroying the enemy's army.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of enemy troops have evaporated from the world in pieces.

Some of them stood on the ground and urinated, some of them trembled on the ground, and some ran wildly.

But it's useless, you can't run the scope of the Emperor's glory, you can't run the whip.


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(End of this chapter)

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