World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 960: Nine-six: The Emperor tramples on the Temple of the Dragon!

Chapter 960, 926, the Emperor trampled on the Temple of the Dragon!

Note: Doom and the Sky Priest doom, just the same name, the two have nothing to do with.


After Lanling was passed down by the Emperor, the passive defense of the Enchanted Empire became a history.

From now on, in addition to the ultimate power on the moon, there is no longer a force to dare to invade the empire empire, because this is the plane dominated by the Emperor Lanling, and anyone entering is a dead end.

Not only did no one dare to invade, but even the Shenlong Temple left all the energy arrays in the wilderness of the south. All secret bases and all secret laboratories will become the property of the empire.

This time, the 20 million troops of the Motuo Empire were almost destroyed by the whole army. Only the Virtual Air Force successfully followed the Emperor.

The Devil's Court army, only two people escaped, and the rest are either killed or completely captured.

The sky priests doom, the prince of the magical prince is white, and they are all prisoners.

The captive Asian king-level powerhouse reached 139, the magic sage, the dragon sage-level strong man reached 2,000, the demon statue, the dragon esteem-class strong reached more than 30,000 people.

These more than 30,000 prisoners were easily held in energy prisons.

In front of Lanling, the magical prince Xiaobai was not able to have all the elegance before, and his eyes were scattered as if he had not recovered from the shock.

Lan Ling asked: "I heard that you and the Emperor are not really father-son relationship, what is the relationship?"

Prince Magica bowed his head and silenced.

Lanling Road: "It should not be very close, otherwise why would he not escape with you?"

The Prince of Magic is still not saying a word.

"You are his male pet?" Lan Ling suddenly said.

Suddenly, the prince of the magical trembled, looked down at his ankle, and there was a tattoo on it. This is a very pictographic tattoo. It is a veiled face of the emperor. Only Lan Ling, an artistic talent, can recognize it. Out.

Not only that, but at this time, the magical prince's white shoes were lost, and one of the toenails was painted purple.

"No wonder I didn't care if I slept Du Shu a hundred times." Lan Ling smiled and said: "And killing her will kill her. It turns out that your true lover is the emperor."

Prince Magica still did not speak.

"What is your true identity?" Lan Ling asked.

Prince Motuo was silent for a while: "The Prince of the Shumen."

The Lulu family, once one of the thirteen demons of the Emperor, is the first big family in the north, and the object of the demon.

In other words, the identity of the magical prince Xiaobai is the same as that of the Tang Dynasty. It is a Mozu heir under Lan Ling.

"How old are you when Emperor Moto killed your parents?" Lan Ling asked.

"Two years old." Prince Magica is a little white.

Lanling Road: "He made you a prince, is it true?"

"Yes..." Prince Magica said: "I raised him, he can't breed, and the Temple of the Dragon cut off his ability to breed after he made him."

"Do you hate him?" asked Lan Ling.

Prince Mao, who was thinking for a while, shook his head and said: "Do not hate, I was too young, and I have no feelings about the hatred of the genocide. Everything I give is what he gives."

Lanling Road: "Do you like men?"

The magical prince Xiaobai shook his head and said: "No, I like women."

Lanling Road: "Are you willing to surrender, or will you die?"

Prince Moto was silent for a while: "I don't know."

"What is it called?" Lanling Road.

Prince Magica said: "I don't want to betray him, but your strength makes me desperate."

Lanling Road: "Is the Emperor of the Emperor opening up those void planes? Is there any connection with the ultimate power on the moon?"

"I don't know."

He really didn't know, because this is the plane of Lanling, it is impossible to lie to him.

Lan Ling nodded and played a gold coin in his hand and threw it into the sky.

"Hey!" The gold coins landed, and the head was facing up.

Prince Magica does not know what it means.

Lan Ling gently shot on the top of his head, and the prince of the King of the Peak, the Emperor of the Magic, suddenly vanished, without a scream, and died directly.

His ghosts and blood energy entangled and flew toward the outer crevices.

Lan Ling grabbed his ghost and held it away, tearing away the ghost and blood energy.

"You are lying, you are obviously a avatar of the emperor, a detachment with independent thinking." Lanling said: "When the blood-sucking emperor was killed by the Emperor, he left an independent avatar. Later, this avatar was transformed into the Emperor of the Dragon by the Temple of the Dragon. The blood-sucking emperor was passed down from generation to generation and passed on to his own avatar. He also compiled the prince of the 兀 族, and deliberately exposed the emperor’s tattoo on the ankle. I also deliberately exposed the purple on the toenails, which made me think that you are the male pet of Emperor Moto, and then spare you a life."

"You are very smart, but it is really stupid to be smart in front of me..." Lan Ling sneered.

Then a light blow, the ghost of the prince of the magical prince is completely smashed. Then his dissipated soul and blood energy were collected by Lan Ling in a spar test tube.

Next, Lan Ling will look at the sky priests doom.

Doom is not willing to kneel down, and the iron skeleton is standing on the ground. He just looked at the scene just now. He told the truth that his heart is shaking, because Lan Ling, the emperor, fully shows the characteristics of the moody emperor. .

Just through the dialogue between Lanling and the Prince of the Magic, the sky priests thought that Lanling should recruit the Emperor of the Magic, and did not expect to say a direct kill.

However, he firmly believes that he is not the same as the magical prince Xiaobai.

Because he is a sky priest after all, representing the strongest force in the world, behind him is the Temple of the Dragon, even the ultimate power on the moon.

Doom: "You are very, very powerful, but you are limited to being on your plane. Once you enter the north, your power will be degraded. After 100,000 mountains, it is the territory of the dragon, and you have completed the inheritance. The Emperor, so that is a plane completely repelled by you."

"Well, it makes sense." Lan Ling nodded.

Doom said: "So, once you have passed 100,000 mountains, your power will be reduced to a very low level. In the territory of our Dragon Temple, our strength will be incomparably powerful, because every place has a dragon tower. You also know that we have a dragon emperor in captivity, and several big dragon princes have also fallen into the hands of the Dragon Temple. So even though there are only three king-level powerhouses in the Temple of the Dragon, there are countless Asian kings in the Tomb of Heaven. A huge number of king-level powerhouses. Even, we still have Dragon Emperor, the Dragon Emperor who is completely controlled by us."

Lan Ling nodded: "It makes sense!"

Sky priests doom: "In the south of the fallen land, you are the plane master, no one can match. Except for the ultimate power on the moon, no power can invade your plane. But north of the 100,000 mountains It is the plane of the dragon, and you and your army are not opponents of the Temple of the Dragon."

"There is such a possibility, but I will overcome it, I will find a way." Lanling Road.

The sky priest said: "And, many of your family members are in our hands, so I think we need to negotiate. The negotiations between the Temple of the Dragon and the Emperor of the Devil, according to the ancient contract, with 100,000 mountains as the boundary, well water does not make river water ""

Lanling Road: "If you want to negotiate, you need a person to be a messenger, and you are best suited to do it right?"

"Right, the demon of the devil." The sky priest is bad luck.

"It makes sense." Lan Ling looked at the black hole vortex in the body of the doom: "Now all the laboratories in the prison are occupied, you have no heart to change, then your black hole vortex spread to the extreme What should I do? You can't live."

The sky priest is bad luck: "Then you will not worry about the Emperor, and my Dragon Temple will find a solution."

“Before becoming a painter, I want to be a musician, but before I want to be a musician, I want to be a doctor.” Lanling said: “Because my sister always has a headache, but I can’t check it out. Any problem. The parents of the doctor, I look at the black hole vortex in your body, very unbearable and uncomfortable, or let me take it for you."

After all, Lan Ling directly reached into the energy heart of doom, directly pulling out the black hole vortex.

Therefore, the completely unsolvable black hole vortex was so easily removed by Lan Ling.

Yes, the Emperor is so embarrassed, in her plane, almost omnipotent.

The sky priests do not dare to look at this scene.

Lan Ling carefully placed the black hole vortex into another special spar test tube, which has a separate plane space.

"Help you cure the black hole vortex that is unsightly. How do you feel?" asked Lan Ling.

The sky priest is bad luck: "The foreign minister thanked His Majesty for giving him a gift. So the foreign minister can live for decades. The peace talks between His Majesty and the Dragon Temple will be hard."

Lanling Road: "Astro? Come in!"

Hell Knight Astro came in. At this time he was still a dark light and shadow. Without the height of the kilometer, he recovered the height of two meters.

"Astro, when you were accepted as a male pet by the demon sect, let you go to serve the nobles of the Dragon Temple, did you miss you?" Lan Ling asked.

"Yes!" Astro was calm, but behind this calm, full of bitter hatred.

Lan Ling nodded, then reached out and gently held it.

Suddenly, a purple energy light drifted out of the energy heart of doom, which is the blood energy of his peak Asian king.

The sky priest loses all strength and cultivation and becomes weak.

After losing the powerful cultivation, the sky priest’s doom felt that he did not wear clothes, and instantly became extremely humble, shivering and screaming: “Why? Why?”

Lan Ling glanced at the blood energy of the sky priest's doom: "You are a priest in the sky, the blood energy is very mixed."

"Take it down and feed the dog!" Lanling said: "Remember, to have a complete body part, I will send people to the Temple of the Sky to trample them."

"Yes!" Hell Knight Astro Road.

Then, as before, the dead dog dragged the bad luck out.

"Why? Why?" Doom screamed loudly: "Once you enter the territory of the Dragon, you will become weak. You are not the opponent of my Dragon Temple. You should not kill me, you need me."

"Your family is still in our hands. Don't you be afraid that they will suffer the disaster?" Doom said.

Lanling shook his head and said: "I have never thought about negotiating with the Temple of the Dragon. I have only one thing to do, to kill everyone in the Temple of the Dragon. Well, such!"

Then, the sky priest's doom was dragged down, and his hand that had been repaired was unarmed and thrown into the cage of dozens of **** dogs.

After a fierce horror, the sky priests were shredded and buried in the dog's belly.

Astro came up and presented the only perfect part of the sky priest's doom, the thing that was under his arm.

Lan Ling looked disgustedly and said: "Astro, you are too heavy."

Then he waved his hand: "Send a person and send it to the Dragon Temple in the fastest way."

At this time, the Emperor Lanling, the unpredictable, unpredictable!


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(End of this chapter)

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