World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 973: 957: The Emperor is invincible! Crazy!

Chapter 973 9.7 The Emperor is invincible! Crazy!

When this was said, everyone showed a strange expression.

The Temple of the Dragon and the Emperor of the Blue Emperor fight side by side, which is too funny.

Suddenly, the ancient spot opened: "In ancient times, the Temple of the Dragon and the Emperor had a related joint contract on the Nether."

Everyone thought, there is really this contract.

The ancient plaque said: "No matter what decision you want to make, it must be as soon as possible. The emptiness creature is constantly swallowing, every minute is becoming strong. When it spreads over 100,000 mountains, everything is late."

Everyone is still silent.

Suddenly, Ning nowhere looked up and said: "It is going to play, but it is not the Nether creature of the Emperor, but the flaming empire of Lanling."

When this is said, everyone is looking to the endless.

Ning has no end to continue: "According to my understanding of Lanling, he will not give up the wilderness of the north. This is also the field of the Mozu. After allowing the emptiness of the emptiness, the entire northern part of the country is 100 million square kilometers. So he will definitely shoot."

Speaking of this, Ning Nowhere has paused for a while and continues: "The Emperor of the Emperor now has sacrificed to the Void. He has endless power, and he has transformed the Emperor of the Motto into his The energy plane, so he and the Emperor Lanling are absolutely evenly matched, and even have the upper hand. So, defeating the Emperor Lanling is a rare event. We took the opportunity to fight, destroy the empire of the Imperial Army, and even take the opportunity Destroy the emperor."

Still fighting for the fisherman's profit.

"I know that this is another thing without a bottom line. But this is a struggle for you to live and die. You don't need any bottom line." Ning has no way: "The moral level has never been a concern for the Temple of the Sky."

Hungry, Ning nowhere to raise the hand: "Sit and see the spread of the Nether creatures, wait for the Battle of the Emperor Lanling and the Emperor of the Emperor, fight to destroy the Emperor Lanling, destroy the Yandui Imperial Army. Promise my proposal, Please raise your hand."

After a few seconds, the second raises the hand, the third, the fourth...

Finally, all the sky priests, the sky referee raised their hands, including the ancient spots.

Therefore, the Temple of the Sky assembled a large army, sitting on the ruin of the wild in the north, waiting for the defeat of the Emperor Lanling and the Emperor of the Emperor, the Shenlong Temple to destroy Lanling!


The following void creatures spread further and madly swallowed all life.

More and more people are killed in the Motuo Empire, more than 10 million, 20 million, 30 million.

The hollow **** made by Emperor Moto is getting bigger and bigger, a thousand miles, two thousand miles...

And every minute he gets stronger.

Na blood said: "French, we immediately retreat, let these empty creatures spread to the 100,000 mountains, if the Temple of the Dragon does not shoot, let the Emperor demon to destroy the human kingdom."

Witch Nationality Ji Dao: "Master, the Dragon Temple is now completely untouchable, absolutely deliberate. Once you start to stop the Emperor, the Dragon Temple will take the opportunity to attack us, then we will fall into the crisis of being pinched in."

Na blood was silent for a moment: "And the most important thing is that it can't stop the spread of these empty creatures."

Yes, basically no energy can block the spread of these empty creatures.

At this time, the following demons of the huge faces of the void creatures are still distorted and screaming.

"Pain, torture... endless pains..."

"The Emperor Lanling, come, come, fight me!"

"Haha, you can't stop me, you can't stop it, you are scared, you are scared..."

After the sacrifice, Emperor Moto became the soul of countless void creatures, mourning all the time, all the time.

Lan Ling took a deep breath: "The northern wilderness is also my territory. Some of the bottom line of the Dragon Temple is not kept, I still have to keep it!"

Na’s blood burst into tears: “But I don’t want this king of the North. And there is no energy to stop the spread of the Nether creature.”

Lan Ling smacked the **** of Na's blood, saying: "Chick, you know nothing about power!"

After all, Lanling turned into a light and shadow, disappeared without a trace.

He had to use the space to fold the flash to use the fastest speed to go south. Just a few minutes later, he came to the end of the wilderness in the north, in front of the long and dead land.

"Oh..." He rushed into the fallen land.

That familiar power is coming again, destroying all the energy, the energy of the restricted area of ​​life.


Lanling's body suddenly changed, and instantly became the prototype of a huge eternal demon emperor.

Then, incomparably madly swallowed!

This is the edge of the fallen land, a calm zone, energy storms, but the probability is relatively low.

Devouring, swallowing, swallowing...

The energy of all the fallen land within a few hundred miles of the circle is madly poured into the body of Lanling.

In an instant, even if it is the true body of the emperor, it is also an inch and an inch.

The body of Lanling, once again, is nothing but blood.

The energy of the fallen land is so horrible, so overbearing, even the devil can destroy the body, the absolute life of the restricted area.

In a short while, the true body of the Emperor Lanling was completely wiped out.

The energy of the forbidden zone of countless fallen land constitutes his new energy body.

The body is getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

It is 10,000 meters high, tens of thousands of meters high and hundreds of thousands of meters high.

In the end, it reached an amazing 190,000 meters.

The whole body is composed entirely of energy in the restricted area of ​​life.

I have reached the limit, and even if I have no blood, I can’t stand it anymore, and I’m already faltering.

It turns out that the bloodlessness is not completely invincible, completely eternal, and it has limits.

The Emperor Lanling rushed out of the fallen land and once again rushed into the north.

After he entered the northern wilderness, all the life was gone. Not only the place where he had stepped on, but even within a hundred miles of him, all life was completely dead.

This is the horrible energy of the restricted area of ​​life.

In order to protect the wilderness in the north, it is not to be completely dead. Lanling flies to the height of more than 100,000 meters and flies toward the emptiness of the Emperor.

The emptiness of the empire, there are no subjects, only endless empty creatures. The emperor is the commanding center of all the void creatures, the common brain of all the void creatures.

This is the real empire, the empire is imperial.


"Pain, torture, hahaha, my emperor is completely invincible!"

"The Emperor Lanling, you are afraid, haha, you are scared!"

"Pain, torture, who can help me free, who can help me free..."

"The Emperor Lanling, come and fight with me, fight with me..."

The emperor is always mourning, always chattering.

The Nether creature continues to madly devour, and the rush has been completely swallowed by more than three million square kilometers, turning into a terrible void hell.

Suddenly, an incomparably huge figure slammed into the sky and slammed into the abyss of the void hell.

The Emperor Lanling, falling into the sky!

"Boom!" Earthquake!

The 190,000-meter-high Devil's Mausoleum has surpassed any mountain in the world.

The energy of the restricted area of ​​the endless land constitutes his terrible energy body.

"Emperor Tuo, I am coming to battle with you!" Lan Ling snarled.

"Pain, torture! You are here, you are really coming..." Emperor Moto is excited: "You are high, I am also high, I am taller than you..."

Then, the emperor's twisted ugly face is constantly rising, and countless void creatures make up his body.

Sure enough, it is getting higher and higher, higher and higher, and finally it is 200,000 meters high, exceeding the height of Lanling.

"Pain, torture, I am taller than you, I am taller than you, hahahaha..." The emperor laughed loudly: "The Emperor Lanling, I ask you, now I am not the plane master. The position of this void empire Face, I am not the absolute master, I can control all the energy here, and you are not, hahahaha..."

"Pain, torture! You dare to break into my territory, you are looking for a dead end, looking for a dead end..." The emperor was mad, then slammed open his mouth, and the endless void creatures poured out. Lan Ling madly rushed.

Nether creatures basically have only one ability to devour and destroy!

Devouring everything and destroying everything.

In an instant, the body of the Emperor Lanling was completely surrounded by countless void creatures and completely lost.

"Voice... vomit... pain, torture, death, the Emperor Lanling, you go to die..." The emperor's open mouth is desperately spitting out the void creature.

In a short while, the endless void creatures completely swallowed Lanling.

"Ha ha ha ha ..." Emperor Mo Tuo laughed and said: "Even the Emperor Lan Ling is not my opponent, my emperor is invincible in the world, I officially want to become the master of the whole world."


A loud noise, the emptiness of the emptiness on the body of the Emperor Lanling, vanished.

The life of the fallen land dies in the forbidden zone, destroying all life, including the void creature.

And the void creatures devour all energy, including the energy of death.

Therefore, the two energies are the same, and they cancel each other out!

Lanling sneered: "Emperor, you think too much. I am still the same sentence, you know nothing about energy, the plane dominates belongs to the field of me and the dragon, you don't want to join in the fun!" ”

Then, the Emperor of the Blue Emperor slowly progressed forward, lifting up a huge fist, aiming at the incomparably huge head of the Emperor, and being beaten wildly.


The scene of the incomparably spectacular horror appeared. The 190,000-meter-high Devil's Mausoleum, the emperor of the 200,000-meter-high high-empty creature, slammed his head and violently violently.

There was a loud noise.

The entire northern wilderness was horribly trembled and even torn.

The giant boxing of the Emperor Lanling is like the most terrible heavy artillery in the world. Every round of the attack, the emperor has a body that is completely crushed and completely destroyed.

"Ah...ah...ah, painful torture, painful torture..."

The emperor was terrible, and was beaten to the ground with great pain.


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(End of this chapter)

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