World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 976: Nine seven eight: Sonin ice decided! Moon Temple!

Chapter 976, 1987, Sonning Ice decided! Moon Temple!

"Long time no see, Miss Soning Bing." Ning no way.

Suo Ning squatted down and did not say a word. Almost ten years later, Suo Ningbing seemed to be frozen and aged, with almost no change.

"First of all, congratulations to you, so that my brother Sauron is still alive, but also successfully obtained the inheritance of the emperor, and now has unified the entire field of the demon." Ning nowhere to continue.

Soning Bing still does not say a word.

Ning nowhere said: "We want to maintain peace with the Emperor of the Fire, with 100,000 mountains as the boundary. The dragon is the dragon, the demon is the devil. But the Emperor is currently more radical and does not want to maintain this peace, even Do not accept negotiations. If you want to come, you are the most suitable candidate for negotiation."

Soning Ice continues to be silent.

Ning has no way: "At present, the demon emperor has relatives and detainees in the hands of the Shenlong Temple, a total of about ten people. In order to maintain peace, we are willing to return two people each year, how?"

"First, keep peace for five years, things after five years, how about five years?" Ning has no end.

This speech is already straightforward.

It is to use the relatives of Lanling in exchange for buffer time.

Ancient spot: "This agreement is very beneficial to both of us, and Miss Soning Bing, as a negotiator, can of course be the first to return to her other brother."

Ning nowhere: "So, are you willing to accept our conditions?"

Soning ice shook his head and said: "No, I don't accept any conditions proposed by the Dragon Temple, whether this condition is favorable or unfavorable."

Ning nowhere frowned, and the ancient spots almost screamed.

However, after all, the two people did not speak out.

The character of Suo Ningbing and Suo Yu is very similar. They are quiet and gentle, but they are very intelligent.

The Shenlong Temple is too cunning, so the two people's response policy is not to talk to anyone, and not to accept any request from the Temple of the Dragon, whether the request is good or not.

Ning nowhere said: "Lord Soning Bing, are you not willing to think about it again? As long as you nod your head, you can reunite with Sauron."

Sonin ice trembled and then shook his head.

The ancient spot thought for a while: "You have all the conditions you can talk about. For example, if you want to take someone away, you have to kill someone. We can talk about it."

This condition is really very exciting.

In this decade, Soning Bing was always locked in a quiet room, and he didn't want to worry about it all the time. He thought about the children who were not born at the time, thinking of the night, the night, and even thinking about A Shiyuan.

And the person she hates the most is 卮妍, 伏灵兮.

However, Soning Bing still shook his head resolutely.

Ning no end, ancient spots, Shi Tian three people look at each other, and then no way: "Well, we know, Miss Soning Bing, please come back."

Soning ice got up and left the quiet room.

For a while, Shi Tiandao said: "Open it, open all the tombs of the heavens."

"All?" Ning nowhere to dare to set the channel.

"Yes, all the tombs of the past three thousand years have been opened." Shi Tiandao: "The plan of the Dragon Emperor is officially started."

Ning boundless and ancient spots have frowned in pain.

For the past three thousand years, as long as the priests above the Ya-level level, they will definitely enter the heavenly tomb, not to mention the king-level powerhouse.

Generally speaking, the ruling period of a team of Shenlong Temple is about 30 years, that is to say, 30 years is a cycle. There are already a hundred batches of priests entering the heavenly tomb.

There are more and fewer priests entering each day of the tomb. At least 13 people are at least the time, and at most 30 people.

In the past three thousand years, a total of 2,000 priests or referees have entered the Tomb of Heaven.

Of course, the ratio of the two thousand heavenly priests to the king's power is very, very low.

This Sky Temple has three king-level sky priests. This is very, very rare. Because the Lord of the Stars has come into the world, the three leaders of the Sky Temple are qualified to give themselves the power of the king.

In the past three thousand years of the ruling cycle, most of the time there was only one king-level powerhouse, and even none of them.

The king of the world is very rare and can even cause energy imbalance.

For example, the thirteen dragon knights of the Dragon Emperor, only five have successfully won the king's blood. The five dragon knights, four fell into the hands of the Temple of the Dragon, and one is the ancestors of the East from the Prince, and now this king-level blood is still in the East.

Four of the Hell Knights fell into the hands of the Temple of the Dragon, but the Iceman returned to the Emperor, and now there are three in the hands of the Temple of the Dragon.

And the most king-level blood is from the captivity of the Dragon Emperor!

After hundreds of years of hard work, the Shenlong Temple Laboratory has continuously produced many king-level blood vessels from the Dragon Blood of the Dragon Emperor.

As we all know, Lan Ling, the demon can book the devil's energy.

Then the Dragon Emperor can also enshrine the king-class dragon. Formally because of this principle, the Shenlong Temple used the Dragon King's dragon and blood to enshrine one king and another strong.

The consequence of this is that the energy of the entire human kingdom is rapidly thinning, and the energy of the heavens and the earth is rapidly out of balance. Today, the energy concentration of the human kingdom is only a fraction of that of the Mozu. Therefore, the martial arts that blocked the human kingdom from the Temple of the Dragon, to a certain extent, was a last resort.

After that, the Shenlong Temple also issued a regulation. Unless the demon star is born, the Dragon Temple will no longer be a new book to seal the king's blood energy.

How powerful was the Emperor of the day? But for the balance of energy in the heavens and the earth, only the thirteen ancient great devils were enshrined.

The Shenlong Temple is mad and mad, using the dragon's emptiness and blood, before and after the dozens of descendants of the king, greatly overdraw the world's energy of the human kingdom.

Therefore, the successful captivity of the Dragon Emperor has raised the power of the Dragon Temple to a certain level. It is no wonder that Ning has nowhere to worry about the need to confine Lanling to become the new Dragon Emperor.

Ning has no way: "Under the release of the heavens, for three thousand years, we have used the dragon's vain and blood to seal the fifty-five king-class dragons, plus three **** riders, plus four dragon knights, except for the three of us. In addition, we now have 63 royal priests and 2,000 priests, and all of them are to be excavated. Should they be opened?"

Shi Tiandao: "Yes, I have to dig it out."

Ancient spot: "Yes, is this necessary? The king of the Emperor Lanling is only eight people. The Asian king is less than three hundred people! Plus we still have stars The core of the magic reaction, although it is impossible to enter the plane of the Emperor Lanling to eliminate the inflammation empire, but self-protection is more than enough."

Shi Tiandao: "Oh..."

He didn't have any answer, just a smile.

"This, this is the power of the Dragon Temple for three thousand years. All of them are excavated all at once. What should we do in the future?"

Ning nowhere suddenly said: "If this failure, we will have no future, and the Temple of the Dragon has no future."

Shi Tiandao: "My will, open all the tombs of the heavens for three thousand years. Awaken all the heavenly priests, and the decisive battle with the demon emperor!"

The next day!

Two thousand tombs of the Dragon Temple are opened!

The strength of the Shenlong Temple accumulated for three thousand years and all of them were released.

More than 63 king-level powerhouses, nearly 2,000 Asian-level powerhouses stopped the state of living dead, and awakened to the world.

Time, the entire human kingdom, and even the world's energy has changed dramatically.

More than one hundred large earthquakes have occurred in the human kingdom.

There is a weird light in the sky, and there is a clear sun, but the sky is a strange glory. And even if there is no moon at night, the sky is not dark, it is still a gleaming brilliance.


"See the ancestors!"

Shi Tian’s body is a ritual, and Ning’s endless and ancient spots are both.

The old man who needs to be white is the lord of the Dragon Dragon Temple, the lord of the Dragon God 3,000 years ago.

He is also known as the most outstanding leader of the Temple of the Dragon in 10,000 years, with a near-god status.

For three thousand years, he succeeded in the captivity of the Dragon Emperor, so he is the absolute idol of the endless.

"You don't have to be like this." Tian Dooqi waved: "Our God Dragon Temple, retired is completely retired, not in power. You awakened us to fulfill our obligations, not to grab the power to seize the power, I must absolutely It is clear that these awakened celestial priests, no matter how high the original cultivation is, no matter how old the original qualifications are, they cannot rely on the old and the old, and fully respect the team of the Sky Temple."

Suddenly, Shi Tian once again said: "Thank you ancestors, you are the first wise leader of the Dragon God Temple in Wannian, we are the only leader."

"No, history is history, now is now." Tiandaoqi said: "The devil has more dealings with you, so we only have the right to make suggestions and have no decision-making power. Well, this topic is over."

"Yes!" Shi Tiandao said: "There is one thing now, I need my ancestors to go out."

"What?" Heavenly Road.

Shi Tiandao: "Please contact the ancestors to contact the Temple of the Moon. If you can, please use the power of the stars to instantly destroy the empire!"

Tiandaoqi said: "Now my Shenlong Temple is ten times stronger than the Emperor. Can't you fight?"

Shi Tiandao: "It is better not to fight, it is better not to fight. This is the strength of my Dragon Temple for three thousand years. If you fight with the Emperor, then all the life of the Heavenly Tomb Priest will end directly. If you can please the Moon Temple If you use the power of the stars to destroy the words of the empire and the emperor, the two thousand tomb priests can return to the tomb and continue to sleep."

Tian Daoqi was silent for a moment and said, "Well, I will go to the cosmic tower and think about the moon temple."

The reason why Dodge is asked to send this signal is because in the past few years, only the signal he sent has received a response from the Temple of the Moon.

After half an hour!

Tian Daoqi, Shi Tian, ​​ancient spots, Ning no end four people went to the dusty still cosmic tower.

Heaven Dodge manipulates a powerful energy array and signals the direction of the Moon Temple.

"The demon star is coming, the emperor is arrogant, please destroy the gods!"


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(End of this chapter)

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