World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 979: 1981: White hair is like snow!骷髅 Legion!

Chapter 979, 1981, white hair is like snow!骷髅 Legion!

In fact, Lan Ling has thought of a problem countless times.

Whether it is the Great Emperor or the Emperor of Doom, why should it be destroyed?

When the two emperors were in the Northern Expedition, they almost devastated the human civilization. It should not be hatred. After all, the two emperors did not suffer from the experience of Lanling. They were not betrayed by human wives and were not killed.

I understand it now!

This is the battle of planes, the battle of planes.

Once you occupy a piece of land, it means completely changing the energy properties of this land, from the dragon to the demon.

Under the energy of the Mozu attribute, the human beings of the Dragon Blood cannot survive.

So this is really a 0 and 1 game!

Only one side can live on the other side, and the other side must fall down.

The construction of the wilderness in the north is in full swing, and one after another, the tower of the gods of the heavens rises. The energy recovery rate of Lanling is also getting faster and faster.

At the same time, in the north of the Thirteen Great Mountains, the Shenmotongtian Tower is also under construction.

We must know that the dragon tower of the human kingdom has been very dense, and it is still being built.

Not only that, the Shenlong Temple Laboratory, the secret manufacturing site of the Shenlong Temple is also being turned to the ground to create countless energy weapons. Create a large aerial fortress to create the core of the star magic reaction.

The Temple of the Dragon has opened up various mysterious planes in turn, and began to tame the energy creatures inside and set up various energy creatures.

Both sides are preparing for the future decisive battle.

However, the power of the Emperor Lanling is already very transparent, and the power of the Dragon Temple is indeed mysterious and unknown.

Even Lanling did not know whether there were several air fortresses in the Temple of the Dragon, how many troops there were, how many Asian kings, how many king-level powers, and how many stars and stars reacted to the core.

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other can make a hundred wins.

Now Lanling knows nothing about the power of the Dragon Temple. He does not know how much power the Dragon Temple has gained from the Dragon Emperor and from the Moon Temple.


Ginger blood (the ancient witch will hope to return) to the east from the kingdom, the secret to see the East from Wang Jiang.

"Father, your Majesty inherited the Emperor, where are you going?" asked Jiang Xue.

Lanling inherited the Emperor, the biggest hit is Jiang Shang, although he is already in his sixties, but it has always been black hair, and at this time it has been white hair, so that the **** blood is very heartbroken.

East looked up from Wang Jiang and asked, "Are you a **** blood?"

Did not wait for the answer, the East left the king nodded and said: "Yes, you are now **** blood, not the witch. Then I ask you **** blood, what are you going to do?"

Ginger blood: "I certainly stand on the side of Lanling."

“Why?” asked Jiang.

"Because the Temple of the Dragon is the root of evil and darkness in the world." Jiang Xuedao.

Jiang Shangdao said: "So, you are standing on the side of the emperor, is to help him lead the Mozu army to kill the human kingdom? Is it the extinction of the entire human civilization?"

Ginger Blood: "The enemy under your arm is the Temple of the Dragon, not the people of mankind."

"Then you ask, why did the Emperor and the Emperor of Doom want to destroy the entire human kingdom?" Jiang Shangdao said: "This is a game of 0 and 1, and the human kingdom and the Dragon Temple are inseparable. When the emperor enters humanity In the country, the entire energy property changes, and countless humans will die completely. Therefore, I always wanted to let the Lanling Majesty inherit the Dragon Emperor, because he inherited the Dragon Emperor, naturally he can improve the rectification of the Dragon Temple, and does not need The Nanzheng attacked the Mozu, and both humans and demons were able to live in peace and peace. Even Lanling’s Majesty could serve as the Emperor of the Fire and the Emperor of the Human Empire, but only to the Mozu Empire. The Queen was in charge. This was originally a two-pronged policy, but Lan Ling’s Majesty refused me and insisted on becoming a demonic emperor. Once he became a demon emperor, he completely opposed the human kingdom. Because the temple of the dragon would be destroyed, it would be destroyed first. Human kingdom."

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the inner emotions, Jiang continued: "Yes, the human beings have caused tremendous damage to Lanling's majesty, but Lanling's desperate choice to become a demon, really makes me sad, this is It means that he decided to destroy the human kingdom in his heart. Ginger blood, although you are soaked by the blood of the devil, but your heart should be a human being. Do you see that the human kingdom is completely ruined? You look at hundreds of millions of humans. Was it killed?"

Ginger blood's breathing suddenly became depressed and screamed. "I firmly believe that His Majesty is not such a person. He is a wise Lord. There is no such narrow relationship between human beings and Mozu in his heart."

Jiang shook his head and said: "First of all, Lan Ling’s Majesty only wants to destroy the Temple of the Dragon. He has little hostility towards the human kingdom, but he does not have much pity. Accurately speaking, whether he is against the Mozu or the human kingdom There is no pity, because he is already a plane-dominant, almost a god. The high-spirited gods will not have any emotions for the ants of the mortal world. Secondly, even if he has any pity for human beings, he can’t change anything, because this is It is determined by the nature of the blood. Once he enters the human kingdom, it means the death of countless human beings."

Ginger blood was silent for a moment and shook his head. "No, I still believe that my Majesty will not do this. Maybe he used to be full of hatred and even want to destroy the whole world. But after inheriting the inheritance of the Emperor, his power comes from Everything in heaven and earth, then he will certainly be filled with some kind of love for the whole world. Not only the Emperor of the Fire is like this, but also the earlier Doom the Great. He has destroyed countless people, but he has expelled mankind to the northern region instead of exhausting it. Killing. This is especially true of the Great Emperor, trying to completely resolve this contradiction, so the success of the Mozu and humans to marry and progeny, so that the birth of the near human race."

Jiang Shangdao said: "Then ask your Majesty, what is he going to do?"

Ginger blood thought for a while and nodded: "Well, I will ask."

Then, she left the country to leave the country overnight, returning to the north, and asked to see the Emperor Lanling.


The next day after the death of the **** blood, the East left the country and used it for a new guest. He heard the name Jiang was frowning and wondered why the Shenlong Temple would send this person.

The person sent is the alternate sky priest and the alternate sky referee, Vol.

"Ginger Shang, Lan Ling did not inherit the Dragon Emperor as you wish, but claimed to be the Emperor. At this time he has unified the entire Mozu field, and will be the Northern Expedition." Volt said: "The entire human civilization will suffer What are you going to do?

"What do you mean?" Jiang was cold.

Volunting Road: "The Temple of the Dragon is building the entire national defense line, and the only gap is that you are leaving the country. Because the East is always separated from the belief in the Temple of the Dragon. We are very worried that the East will become The breakthrough of the Emperor's attack on the human kingdom is a springboard."

East is away from Wang Jiang: "You are so hearted. Although I am hostile to the Dragon Temple, I still remember that I am a human being and a courtier of the Dragon Emperor. It is impossible to betray my own race and position to help."

Volta said: "I am very appreciative of the position of the King from the East, but there is no room for it."

East is away from the king: "Do you still want me to rely on it?"

"Of course not. In many cases, the contract is just a piece of paper." Volt said: "I hope that the East will leave the temple to join the Shenlong Temple to build the human defense line. I agree to stay in the Shenlong Legion and agree that the Dragon Temple is in the East. Build relevant defensive measures and energy arrays in the territory, and open the airspace of the East to leave the country, let the air fortress of the Dragon Temple to be stationed. Open the Dragon Emperor's legacy and join the battle with the Emperor Lanling."

After hearing the conditions of this series of mourning and humiliating the country, Jiang sneered: "Do you think it is possible?"

Volunting said: "Do you want to be self-sufficient in the justice camp?"

There is no answer on Jiang, there is only one word: "Roll!"

Volunteer showed a charming smile and then left.


Ginger blood returned to the north of the wild, seeking to see the Emperor Lanling!

"Chen Jiang blood, see your majesty, long live, long live, long live." Jiang blood squats under the dagger, three weeks and nine worship.

"Ginger blood?" Lan Ling was surprised, because almost all the time, the witches would hope to control this body.

"It's me." Jiang Xuedao: "Chen Chen has a sentence that is incomprehensible, please kneel down to solve."

Lanling Road: "You said."

Ginger Blood: "What is the status of all human beings in your majesty?"

Lan Ling was silent for a moment: "My wife, sister, daughter, disciple, are captured by the Temple of the Dragon, they are also human."

Ginger Blood: "The Queen of the Queens killed you, it is a shameful betrayal. Will you anger the entire human kingdom because of him?"

Lanling shook his head: "No."

Ginger Blood: "If you want to destroy the Temple of the Dragon, you need to destroy the human kingdom, what do you choose?"

This question is not easy to answer. Lan Ling thought for a while: "I should choose to destroy the Temple of the Dragon, at any cost."

Suddenly, the blood of the **** rushed out, and then the dagger was on the ground, motionless.

After getting this answer, she was very painful.

The Emperor Lanling has no hostility to Lanling, but there is not much pity.

Although the blood of the **** blood has been changed and became the blood of the Mozu, he still regards himself as a human being. She is a person with real love, so she was in the **** city, although she and Soren did not know at all, but also for the sake of humanity.

She is not like a little woman like Suining. She only wants to control his family and human beings. Her husband and son are human beings, she is a human being, and she is a demon.

Lan Ling did not speak, nor did he have any comfort.

If the **** blood can't stand to leave, let her go. It is definitely not willing to compromise for a **** blood and change his position.

"Thank you for your frank words." Jiang Xuexi said: "But please keep a little pity on humanity at the crucial moment, even if it is only a little bit. Just like the Doom, expelling mankind to the northern line of the world instead of exhausting it. Killing is like the transformation of the new race and the human race.

Lanling Road: "I will consider it."

"Chen Yu's resignation, long live the long lived!" Na Na blood dagger, back and leave.


Ginger blood left the wilderness from the north, returned to the city of Yancheng, and resigned all his duties to Queen Diney and the Prime Minister Tang.

Digne did not ask why, and directly agreed. And the Tang people asked why?

"Because I have more important things to do." Jiang Xuedao.

Tang Rendao: "Is it going to violate the interests of His Majesty?"

Ginger blood shook his head: "No."

The Tang people nodded. "That's good, I allowed it."

Ginger blood (the witch will resign from all positions) and left the southern wild.


North is wild!

Ginger blood did not provoke a wave in Lanling, but her words set off a little surging.

But after all, Lanling did not do any in-depth thinking because of this problem.

"Your Majesty, the leader of the Ghost King empire's squad, Roxa, called for it."


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(End of this chapter)

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