World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 988: Nine nine zero: regret and pride! Come back!

Chapter 988, nine nine zero regrets pride! Come back!

"The sinner is returning to his home, seeing His Majesty, and long live the long lived..." When he returned to Lanling, he would kneel down at the first sight.

Lanling quickly stepped forward and lifted him up, not letting him kneel down.

"The father-in-law does not have to be like this..." Lanling Road.

I haven’t seen it for nearly a decade, and it’s really much older.

Then the two people fell into silence, and for a while, Lan Ling took the initiative to say: "I am only aware of Ping An and the children, I know nothing about the rest, I don't even know that the children are male or female. ”

Going back to the line: "I understand, because you can't compromise with the Temple of the Dragon."

Lanling Road: "Ling Ao's move makes me very admired, even shocked..."

Suddenly, I couldn’t help but shed tears. Although he has his own son, there is more than one, but the most loved one is Lingao.

Lanling Road: "Does he have any children left?"

"No." He turned his head in pain and hoarsely: "The reason why he has today's ending is entirely because of my responsibility, my greed."

There is nothing wrong with this, but it makes no sense to say this now.

Lan Ling sighed: "Who are the people who died in this incident?"

Going back to the line: "The singer knows the whole thing, and Xiao Ao has stopped me from beginning to end."

Lanling Road: "Let the father and son come in, remember to give enough protection for two people."

After a while, the father and son came in.

"Sin of the sinners, seeing His Majesty, long live long live!"

"The scholars Li Xi saw his Majesty, long lived long live."

The priest and his father and son squatted.

Lanling Road: "Where are you, what are the sacrifices?"

Fu Li took the list.

Ginger blood, arrogant, burning Mo, and 50 warriors from the East.

Lan Ling looked at every name on the list and was in a daze, and the brain drifted far away.

At the time of the earth, there will be such a group of people at every major change, and they know that they will rush to the death. They sacrifice themselves, just to light a little light, to illuminate the way for countless humans. It is really like a firefly, just like a moth.

"Their death really shocked me." Lanling said: "What is the plan for Jiang Li, what is the blood of ginger?"

Fu Li said: "Let the East leave Wang Jiang on a piece of territory to occupy the squat and become your master plane. Open the east to the kingdom of 8 million square kilometers, become the refuge of the human kingdom. And the human refuge and the dragon The temple draws a clear line and is protected by the Emperor's Majesty. Anyone in the human world can enter the refuge."

Lan Ling closed his eyes, this program is very naive!

Lanling Road: "This program is very naive. The East left the king to ceduce a piece of land for me and became the plane I dominated. This is no problem. But once he does this, the Shenlong Temple will definitely launch an attack on the East. Will be sentenced to the anti-humanity of Wang Jiang on the east, the sin of the anti-Shenlong faith."


"If I am forced to land from the east, it is certainly possible, because there is no Tongtian Shenlong Tower built in the east, and there will be no suppression of my strength, but the Shenlong Temple will be devastating to the East." "Bearing." Lan Lingdao: "And I can't protect the people from the East, because once I landed in the East, countless humans will die under the energy of my magician."

Lan Ling closed her eyes and thought for a while; "In this way, I sent people to contact Wang Jiang on the east. If he announced that the entire East is away from the kingdom in this war, and would like to divide the entire East from the Kingdom as a refuge area. I will admit this neutral refuge area and avoid spreading the war to the refuge area. Anyone who is willing to draw a line with the Dragon Temple can enter the refuge area. People outside the refuge area will be regarded as the dragon. The followers of the temple are ruthlessly killed. Also, if the East is not strong enough to feed so many people, my empire is willing to support food. Our food is piled up like mountains, and it is more than enough to feed two or three hundred million people."

徒利炀跪下叩首: "Thank you for your grace."

Returning to the bottom is also a dagger, the heart is stirring, because Ling Ao has no white death, his sacrifice in exchange for great results, may be able to save tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of humans.


"Your Majesty, I went to negotiate with the East to leave the king." The ancient witch will hope.

She lost her body, and Lan Ling created a special gown for her, which could lock her energy out. Originally, Lanling was willing to give her a new body, but she said that she didn't need it. Her lover was dead. She didn't need her body, and if she occupied other people's body, it was a betrayal of love.

At this time, Lan Ling knew that the original Greek and **** blood turned out to be such a relationship.

"Good!" Lanling Road.


East is not crying from the king!

His daughter, his most proud, most loved daughter, was broken, and even the body did not stay. His heart hurts like a knife.

The only thing left by **** is that there is only one letter.

Ginger looked over and over again, crying over and over again.

And his wife, Jiang Yin’s mother, Ji Yingying, has completely passed out.

Ginger is a stubborn and conservative person, but he is also a very open person. At that time, when A Shi was taken away from the kingdom with a mother-in-law of Suining, the East refused from the Prince. This made Jiang very disappointed and directly abolished his position as a Prince. After that, Jiang Shang has never really established a prince.

Because he is prepared to seal the **** blood as the heir to the throne at the right time, even if she is a woman. But the embarrassment is that **** blood is not a complete woman, but I heard that this is a solution. As a result, the **** blood was caught by the soul of the ancient witch, so this matter was delayed.

Jiang Shang felt that he had an unshirkable responsibility for his daughter's death. Because when Jiang blood came to talk to him, Jiang’s tone was not very good. He asked Jiang blood if you are human? You are loyal to the Emperor Lanling, I understand, but do you want to watch the devil destroy the whole human being?

Ginger is questioning the position of Jiang Xue and feels that she has betrayed humanity to some extent.

Ginger blood did not refute, but proved himself with the most intense means. Proving that she is both loyal to the Emperor Lanling and loyal to the human kingdom, she uses her own death to find a way to save the human kingdom.

This made the **** feel painful and sorrowful and almost unable to breathe.

"Uncle..." Suddenly, there was a black shadow in front of Jiang, a woman's voice.

Ginger raised his tears and looked at the people with horror.

It is the ancient witch who will hope.

"I... is the devil woman who occupies her body, and... I... is also her lover."

The east was away from Wang Jiang and couldn’t help it. The tears poured out again.

Hsieh said: "The Emperor of the Devil said that if the East is willing to remain neutral in this war, he promised to divide the entire East from the Kingdom as a non-war neutral zone, a human refuge. The entire human kingdom is willing to and the Temple of the Dragon. If you draw a clear line, you can enter the refuge area to take refuge. The Mozu Legion will not enter the refuge area. If the East is not enough to support the people who came to take refuge, the empire empire can support food unconditionally."

Ginger once again felt the pain in his heart, all of which was exchanged by his daughter.

Although his daughter was possessed by the ancient witch, although he was loyal to the emperor, he was still so good, so noble, so just, full of love for the whole human being.

This daughter has always been his favorite pride. When he was a child, he grew up.

Ginger squats and squats, "The foreign minister thanked the Emperor of the Emperor!"

I hoped that I couldn’t help myself, and gently went up to hold Jiang’s words: "You have to take care, this is the last wish of A blood, we have to do it for her."

Ginger on the old tears, carefully look at the face of hope, but found that she has no face, only two eyes. Although it is an energy body, she also feels that she is crying.

"You are also a good boy. Sorry, I have always been biased against you." Jiang Shangdao.

Hope did not speak, just crying silently on the ginger.

When he left, he hoped: "Your Majesty tells me, don't say anything to loyalty to the Emperor, or cede the territory to the Emperor's words. Just say that it is neutral in this war and is willing to accept war refugees. That's it. Otherwise the Dragon Temple will not let you go."

Jiang once again bowed down: "The old minister said thank you for your pity."

In the evening, Jiang returned to the room, his wife Ji Yingying had fallen asleep, and the pillow was completely soaked.

He lay down on the bed, gently hugged his wife, forced to cry, and wanted to rely on his wife and warmth.

Ji Yingying reversed and hugged the **** tightly, trembled and cried fiercely.

"Brother, you still have me, you still have me..." Ji Yingying cried as he cried.


Proud to declare loyalty to the Emperor, and to blow up the Tiantong Dragon Tower incident, completely worthy of detonating a nuclear bomb in the human kingdom, set off a terrible uproar.

Especially in the Wanda Kingdom, the construction of the 100,000 Dashan defense line has almost stagnated.

Not only that, the Wrath Kingdom suddenly lost the regent prince, the two commanders of the commanding department, the cabinet members and the governors of the three eastern provinces, and the entire political ruling was almost stopped and tangled.

So that he had to leave the Temple of the Sky and return to the Wrath of the Kingdom to clean up the mess.

When I left, the ancient spots saw me.

"Your luck is very good. This incident is extremely bad. It is your only **** compatriot. However, he has betrayed the Temple of the Dragon, which would have been implicated in you." Ancient Trailer: "But, We have given you the blood of the king's blood, so you can get out. However, you are not completely out of danger. After returning to the Kingdom of the Wrath, you must make a statement, let the sky temple rest assured, understand? ?"

He nodded: "Understand."

"However, the last time you successfully assassinated Sauron, so you are still very trusting in the temple of the Sky Temple." Ancient lines: "In short, although the Temple of the Dragon is facing unprecedented challenges, it also faces unprecedented opportunities. This is also the opportunity for you to stand out. In the competition with Ji Xiuning, Huaiji, Ji Mengbai, although you have a starting line late, but now you are one step ahead of them, so be sure to seize the opportunity in the future sky. The temple is fighting for a good position, and you can see it, understand?"

"Yes." Shouted: "Thank you teacher."

"Then go back." Ancient spotted: "Remember, be sure to show something, you must let the people in the Sky Temple see your attitude."

"Yes." shouted: "Then I am gone."

When I left the Temple of the Sky, there was an unexpected person to send it, and it turned out to be the Lord of the New Devils.

"My sister is good." He smiled bothly.

Looking at the beautiful woman who can't be noticed, she just nodded. She and her have never had an exchange.

However, no matter which age, according to which age, both are bigger than her, even calling her as her sister, this is not normal.

蝰 Both smiled and said: "You are the right wife of the Emperor, and I am only his little sister, so of course I call your sister."

The face was cold and cold: "What do you mean by this?"

蝰 Both directions: "There is no point, my sister is just kind. Just to remind you, at this time you are still the wife of the Emperor Sauron. This identity is very dangerous, especially if your brother is proud to rebel against the Temple of the Dragon. Loyalty to the Emperor Sauron. This is a very, very dangerous pass, and the entire Sky Temple is waiting for your statement."

He said: "What do you think I should say?"

蝰 Both lines: "Good sister, you don't have to be so hostile to me. I won't be your enemy in the future. I won't block your position. Your enemy is Ji Xianning rather than me. On the contrary, we will be natural. ally."

He said: "If I remember correctly, you and Ji Xianning are both in the same place."

蝰 Both lines: "It is also officially because of this, so I chose to form an alliance with my sister. The resources under the boundless world are limited. If all of them are given to Ji Xianning, I am afraid I will not be able to give it to me. Of course I am not going to steal the door." The backing of our Devil's Court will always be the demon star pavilion. This is very clear, so for me to contact you, for the competition between me and Ji Xingning, he also closed his eyes."

Both of them are very embarrassed. Before she got the king's blood, she could also use her force to get out of the sky sanctuary. But now that she has opened so many days of tombs, there are so many king-level powerhouses, so her prospects are somewhat dangerous. And the Devil's Court is born on the edge of the Temple of the Sky, destined to compete for the top three.

Therefore, there is only one goal for both of them, so that the demon lord can enter the Temple of the Sky, even if the Sky Referee can.

蝰 蝰 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双After arriving at the Wrath of the Wrath, I immediately announced that I was separated from Sauron and restored the body of freedom. This attitude is used to express the complete separation from the Emperor."


Note: The second one is sent, please support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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