World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 2012: The man in the cave (2)

After the words fell, Suzaku glanced at a few people one last time, and walked slowly to the Demon Sacred Mountain.


Inside the dark cave, the man raised his head slightly, his bewitching face bloomed with a brilliant smile.

This man wore a red gown, which became the only light in this dark hole. His hands were bound by two iron chains, unable to move.

"Shen Water Stone?"

Abruptly, a sneer came from the man's mouth, and he slightly raised his lips, with a strange light in his smile.

"It seems that the little girl's parents are indeed not ordinary people. They even found things like Shenshuishi..." He licked his red lips, and the little girl's soft pink lips appeared in his mind, laughing. Increasingly evil, "However, I really look forward to that little girl grow up, maybe I want to leave this place in the future, I have to rely on that girl..."


Time is like flowing water, and time is like passing by.

Two years have passed since Di Cang and Baiyan left. During these two years, the Demon Realm and the mainland have been very peaceful, except that the God Realm is often attacked by some inexplicable people.

It is a pity that Feng Lichen has also left the God Realm, so...under this crisis, no one can help the God Realm.

After all, Ling Zun and Xuan Zun apologized in front of Bai Yan, but left a few other Profound Gods. These Profound Gods saw the God Realm like the end of the world, and their hearts were full of guilt and regret.

If... Baiyan is still in the divine palace, the divine emperor will not be able to leave with anger. Di Cang will become a divine husband and become a divine man. Now that the divine realm is in crisis, it is impossible for the demon realm to sit idly by.

But now...

Only disaster awaits the God Realm.

At this moment, in a certain mountain range in the God Realm, several gods were sitting around, sadness lingering in the mountains, and everyone's eyebrows were filled with pain.

"It would be great if there was no Yun Ruoxi..." One of the venerables pondered for a while before uttering this sentence.

Huang Xin, dressed in a yellow robe, was silent. After a while, he said, "In fact, it’s not because of Yun Ruoxi’s existence. We are so stupid that we were deceived by her. If God is still in the God Realm now , The God Realm will not suffer such a disaster."

In the past few years, they have filtered the past events one by one from their minds, only then did they understand how stupid they were once.

Even if Yun Ruoxi had a bad heart, if they hadn't believed in her, they wouldn't let the gods suffer this torture.

"There was a prophecy back then that the God Realm will be destroyed. It seems that this battle is the chief culprit that led to the destruction of the God Realm. I just don't know... who came to my God Realm to slaughter."

Gray Cannon God Venerable slowly closed his eyes, his face was full of grief, his lips trembled slightly, and the fists placed on both sides were also tightly clenched.

Is the shrine really wrong?

No, they are not wrong!

They had never considered their own safety, but just wanted to make the God Realm peaceful.

Their only fault was that they credulously believed in Yun Ruoxi, and it even gave Bai Yan such a painful injury.

Just as Huang Xin was about to say something, a chuckle came from the front.

This voice couldn't be more familiar to the people present. After a while, their bodies became stiff, and they slowly turned their heads to look at the woman walking slowly from the void.

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