World Occult User Guide

Chapter 112 Nymph Fairy

February 15, 2038, on the first floor of the MGM Casino at night.

A young man with black hair stood next to a small palm tree, talking casually on his mobile phone.

It's half past nine.

"Sir, please come with us."

The patrolling guard tapped Lin An on the shoulder on time, and several tourists who had just noticed him turned their heads quickly for fear of being involved in trouble.

They took him to a dark room where a curly-haired woman wearing sunglasses was waiting.

When she saw Lin An, she took off her sunglasses, revealing an unremarkable face. However, her two eyes were of different colors, making her overall temperament suddenly weird and unusual.

One has normal eye whites, but the eyeballs are nearly diamond-like with colorful reflections, which look like pure white from a distance; the other has no eye whites and is light brown, dotted with mottled dark brown and ocher markings.

Evencia Ive Samaras.

Lin An silently recited her real name, waiting for the other party to speak.

"Call me 'Warlock'." Evancia said, "Put on this suit."

"You can call me 'Forester'." Lin An said friendly, "I hope today's operation will be completed smoothly."

Evancia waved her hand to signal him not to talk nonsense.

Observing her tall back from behind, Lin An was thoughtful. Although there was no systematic assistance, it didn't mean that he couldn't see the prototypes of these mysterious people.

Evancia's pollution level is about 35% to 45%. In addition to the mutations in her eyes, her neck is slender and slightly curved, and her legs are too slender to look like normal humans.

Although she was wearing thin sensing gloves, her wrists had an unnatural curvature, which reminded Lin An of the old people in Ditli City.

It looks very similar to how Caroline dresses.

Her wrists and arms may also have grown some not-so-soft feathers.

Various clues entered Lin An's mind, and he quickly narrowed down the scope of his search.

The first is the "curse diamond" mentioned by the professor, which corresponds to a natural spell in occultism called jynx. Unlike curses, they only exist in items and can only affect people who come into contact with or own these items. .

Its effect is to cause repeated bad luck until the bearer or contact dies, so professors and universities named the legendary collection the "Bane Diamond."

In fact, this occult term is thousands of years old.

"jynx" means a spell, and the more common spelling in modern English is "jinx".

The word originates from the 17th-century Old English word jyng, which is ultimately traced to the Latin word iynx, also spelled jynx because "j" and "i" are the same letter in Latin.

The Latin word iynx comes from the Greek iunx, which is often associated with love-related spells and divination.

The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that the myth of this bird was related to a sorceress named Aynx.

She was turned into a bird by Hera as punishment for the love spell she cast on the god Zeus.

This also explains why Evancia calls herself a "warlock", and her mysterious prototype is most likely Aynx.

According to other legends, the sorceress was a nymph, the child of Tope, the goddess of marriage, and Pan, the faun. She once used magic to confuse Zeus and make him fall in love with her, or her companion fairy Io knew about this. Hera turned Aynx into a crooked-necked bird.

As the myth spread, the crooked-necked bird became a symbol of passionate and restless love, as well as a wheel-shaped artifact.

In the story of capturing the Golden Fleece, the wheel Aphrodite gave to Jason had the feathers of a crooked bird. Jason turned it and uttered a magical spell, which inspired Medea's love.

By the Middle Ages, Iynx only referred to this kind of prop in the form of a wooden wheel. There were two holes in the middle, and two wires passed through it. The pulling of the wire and the twisting of the wheel alternated, and the sound was as unique as the sound of a lynx.

Witches tied the bird's feathers to a wheel and cast spells on their loved ones while turning it.

Alchemy notes also record that the feathers of the crooked-necked bird can attract something of desire and love from the soul... It is an evil bird suitable for making love spells, or to win back an unfaithful lover.

In modern times, this word has a more famous representative.

Jinx, the rampaging lolita of League of Legends.

According to legends from Greek to Latin times, her name means both "broom star" and a symbol of "spell", "charm" and "love".

Observing Evancia's completely different eyes, Lin An felt that both archetypes had become one of her abilities.

Diamond eyes are a more modern version of a "jinx," while brown dots are a "love spell."

This is a bit strange. According to past experience, "evil omen" sounds like the "prophet" medium, and "love spell" sounds like the "mother of desire".

If Evancia could harness both abilities at the same time...

Lin An couldn't help but think of a medium that he was very familiar with, but didn't understand that well.

——"seeker of knowledge".

Seeing Lin An finish changing clothes, Evancia snapped her fingers.

"Follow me."

Okay, Senior Jinx.

The two of them want to sneak into the bottom floor of the underground casino, a "sealed rental room" of the MGM Grand Hotel. Although it is the property of the MGM Grand Hotel, it is rented out all year round so that some forces can have neutral talks.

The foundation has rented it for the past few days to temporarily house the Thunderbirds.

In Hill's conversation, the stance of the foundation's senior management was more in favor of the Dawn Association, so the Thunderbirds were not imprisoned in a facility managed by the Li inspection team, but in a space controlled by a third party.

After renting out the right to use the room, the room no longer belongs to MGM, so even if the inspection team unites with the hotel owner, they cannot break in openly.

Otherwise, how can they do business in the future?

Once entering the neutral zone, Evancia is an intruder on the same front as Lin An.

Through the gate, Lin An shuttled through the icy slope corridor, the floor was smooth, and the walls shone with blue-purple dreamy light.

"Da da da."

Footsteps came from one side.

Evancia pressed her body against the wall and made a silent gesture towards Lin An.

I saw a group of patrolling guards walking over. Lin An could even smell the smoke coming from the other party in the not too spacious corridor.

These guards didn't know about this operation and would shoot without hesitation as soon as they found Lin An and Evancia.

The two of them were pressed against the wall. Their clothes were specially treated with nanomaterials and blended in with the flashing mechanical light of the wall. However, the trained guards still felt the stranger's aura.

Lin An wanted to use the wand to cast his inner fantasy, but he saw Evancia bending her fingers and making gestures with different numbers, and finally stopped at "3".

There was a slightly disappointed look on her face.

Like gambling. Lin An thought, it seems that she is the "knowledge seeker" medium, and only the mystery of this medium always involves the factor of probability.

3. Does this mean that the effect of this mysterious technique is not ideal?

Fortunately, it's enough to deal with ordinary people.

The next moment, the guards' eyes were confused and they disappeared at the end of the corridor unconsciously.

This is not a love spell or a bad omen. Lin An thought, just like my [Mysterious Encyclopedia], the characteristic of the seeker medium is probably to use other people's knowledge for one's own use.


Lin An had already firmly memorized the underground roads in his mind, but he did not show off his knowledge and followed Evancia through corridor after corridor. Finally, he walked down two stairs, turned right, and came to a T-intersection. .

During this period, the two of them got rid of countless patrolling guards, and Lin Ancheng did not need to take action.

No wonder Hill didn't explain the specific details of the mission to him. He just had to keep paddling.

After avoiding several guards as usual, the elevator was within easy reach.

However, the guards there stood on both sides of the elevator with their hands behind their backs, showing no intention of patrolling. Evancia winked at Lin An and motioned for him to come over.

You actually let me come?

Lin An didn't want to reveal the function of the wand for the time being, and felt a little strange. Through the foundation's files, Hill clearly knew that Lin An's mysterious technique was not suitable for sneaking in and killing, and only had logistics and auxiliary functions.

How could she trust him to deal with the most important guard?

At Evancia's urging, Lin An clenched her wand and took a tentative step.

The figure flashed, and the guard reached for his gun.

In an instant, Lin An felt some invisible energy emerge from his body and rushed towards the guard.

Their voices and movements froze, and they stood stiffly in place.

Evancia walked out of the corner and motioned for Lin An to follow. When passing by the guards, Lin An found that they had their heads drooped and made no sound. They had completely fainted.

The energy that just flew out of me... belonged to Hill.

Husband and wife are bound by an eternal covenant. After the two are bound, Hill seems to be able to "assist" remotely through his partner.

Putting the new discovery aside, Lin An watched Evancia's movements.

She expertly entered the password, only to hear a soft sound, the fingerprint reader light flashed, and a green line showed up. She scanned it clockwise and found that the fingerprint was correct, and the elevator door slid open quietly.

Yellow-orange light shone over.

The two walked into the elevator, and Evancia typed quickly with her fingers, continuing to decipher the MGM security system.

"Warlock." Lin An said coldly, "You are a 'knowledge seeker' medium like me."

Evancia paused and responded indifferently.


"Actually, I have been looking for other seekers of knowledge." Lin An said nonchalantly, "Because I recently got some news about this medium and want to find a collaborator to study together."

Evancia said nothing.

The next moment, a "click" sound sounded and the two people walked out of the elevator.

When he passed by her, Lin An pushed the note in his palm to Evancia. The latter was stunned, glanced at an casual angle, and her eyes widened slightly.

This is a fragment of Lady Ava's 19th-century notebook.

Not to mention that Evancia's pollution level has reached the edge of danger. As a "knowledge seeker", it is impossible for her not to be interested in information about the world of "Comoth".

What's more, Evancia seems to belong to the MGM Grand Hotel, but in fact she is just a soldier who has been with the other party for a few years. This can be seen from the fact that the hotel owner allows her to perform tasks.

As long as something goes wrong, neither Lin An nor Evancia can avoid being silenced.

Well, the hotel owner would never entrust her with the core knowledge.

The thick elevator door closed quietly, and their eyes suddenly opened up. The round fluorescent lamp on the top of the corridor illuminated the place like daylight.

Several familiar figures came into view, and the logo printed on their chests was the Dawn Association's logo.

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