World Occult User Guide

Chapter 115 Cognitive Bias

Efron Reuben's Gunslinger Angel is so modern, so naturally Hill can also transform weapons other than cold weapons.

There seems to be a limit to the number of times you can use others as a medium.

Following Hill's instructions, Lin An raised his hand above his head. Lin An felt the energy wrapped around his wrist fly upwards, blasting a big hole in the ceiling of the conference room like a bomb.

The crystal chandelier fell with a click, and the gorgeous glass turned into colorful debris.

"Ohh Ohh ohh--!"

The guards cursed one after another, and the harsh warning sound suddenly resounded throughout the space.

If you want to create the illusion that the Thunderbird breaks through its restraints and escapes, it must be silent when sneaking in, but it must cause chaos when leaving.

Glancing at the hole blasted out of the ceiling, Lin An looked at his wrist, and the feeling of restraint there dissipated.

Emotions are not wrapped with silk threads, but with RPG rocket launchers?

I’m really curious as to how these energies will materialize.

Just when he was about to do something, the black card lit up with a message from Hill.

"Stay still and I will take you to your destination."

Before he finished reading the last word, Lin An felt those hands give up their weapons and instead grab his legs and hands, making him fly towards the big hole blasted by the energy above.

Losing the power to attack and being able to fly instead...

Like the wand, only one function can exist.

Lin An, who was rising rapidly, encountered the shackles of the second layer of darkness unexpectedly. Hill ordered him to raise his right wrist. There was another earth-shattering loud noise, and a large hole appeared in the ceiling for the Thunderbird statue to pass through.


The casino hall bulged, like an ant nest exploding, and densely packed gamblers were running around as if they couldn't see the light, shouting frightened words, turning into an ocean-like buzz.

Lin An looked down and saw a dark shadow following closely behind.

It's Evancia.

A pair of spotted brown wings broke through the tights and stretched out from her back. Evancia skillfully manipulated the wings of the crooked-necked bird and chased after her like a swan.

Just as he expected.

Lin An didn't know the specific plans of the inspection team and the MGM Grand Casino, but Evancia should stay after the explosion and take advantage of the chaos to leave this place of right and wrong.

After all, her mysterious technique had already been planted in Lin An's body, just waiting for the final harvest.

Feeling strangely surging, Lin An opened his collar, and his itchy chest was covered with black lines. Ink seeped from the skin into the internal organs, forming a rotating wheel, with patterns cracking outwards.

The sorceress’s bad omen…

When they met, the senior sister used a gesture of snapping her fingers to cast a mysterious spell on him.

But Lin An knew why Evancia was chasing after her.

All because of the power of the wand.

As the owner of the brown gem, Lin An was fully aware of its ability. When the energy was activated to cover his eyes, he cleared his mind and first saw the normal peripheral vision clearly, and then began to deliberately fantasize.

First, he arranged for the members of the Dawn Association to "die" one by one.

What Hill didn't notice was that most of the people just fell to the ground, maybe injured, but never completely dead.

Next, Lin An saw the statue of the Thunderbird and the long conference table, and switched the images of the two in his mind. When he walked towards the Thunderbird, he was actually walking towards the conference table in the corner.

There are many chairs on the table and many restraints on the thunderbird.

They are very similar.

They are the same.

Therefore, Hill, who could not distinguish between reality and fantasy, shared the same vision with Lin An through the marriage law.

She watched as Lin An carried out the order step by step, untied the Thunderbird, and then stood under the explosive device to wait. Everything was exactly as she wanted.

However, in Evancia's eyes, everything was quite weird.

Because while Lin An was talking to her, he slowly moved the chairs down from the long table in the corner.

The two had different visions, resulting in an information gap. Hill was affected by "Fantasy of the Soul", and everything he heard and saw was Lin An's deliberately distorted cognition. He could not tell the real boundary at all, but Evancia could. See fully what is happening in reality.

Although she felt that Lin An's behavior was strange, since "White Dove" did not receive Hill's order, she maintained a wait-and-see attitude.

Maybe this was the order from the inspection team.

What's more, Evancia also wanted to hear the information given by Lin An.

This selfishness made her take the initiative to help Lin An delay for a minute. By the time Evancia realized something was wrong and got the communication equipment back, everything had already been settled.

Hill unfolded mysticism and grabbed the conference table and rushed upward.

This is completely different from the plan!

What about Thunderbirds?

Don't care?

The relationship between the two was only a temporary employment, and Evancia, who was extremely suspicious, immediately doubted the purpose of the inspection team, feeling that they had deceived her and the organization behind her, and actually had ulterior motives.

They went through all the trouble just to get a wooden table!

Maybe they want to keep Lin An?

Could it be that this young man currently belongs to the Dawn Association, and because he possesses important information, the inspection team wants to make him join its camp through chaos?

Thunderbirds is just a cover-up, but is it actually a war between two factions to compete for talents?

Otherwise this would all be crazy!

Speaking of which, the few words revealed by the forest ranger are indeed information that only high-level officials can grasp...

What about my reward?

Hill's overly confusing operation made Evancia's mind wander, and she began to have imaginary thoughts. She felt increasingly unsure. At this moment, she just wanted to recover the principal invested in the early stage as soon as possible - the "repeater" fragments!

The original candidate to assist the inspection team was not Evancia. She was interested in Hill's reward, so she made a deal with that person and paid a lot of money to finally get this opportunity.

Since the inspection team breached the contract first, Evancia did not need to cooperate. At this time, the organization would usually ask her to directly terminate the cooperation and leave. Afterwards, they would negotiate with the other party to negotiate compensation.

But for her, if she can't get repeat readers, wouldn't she lose all her money this time?

All the early investment was in vain!

Evancia bit Lin An tightly and snapped her fingers frantically to increase the speed of the "bad omen" taking effect. She wished she could end his life as soon as possible to prevent unnecessary complications.

Feeling that the fog in his heart was getting heavier and heavier, Lin An, who was being pushed upwards by hand, sighed, turned his head, and the broken clock hanging in the hotel disappeared in a flash.

"Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..."

The curved second hand moves tenaciously, and time passes little by little.

Finally, Lin An passed through the smoke and chaos and came to a room that resembled a balcony.

The nightly neon lights of Las Medos are scattered all over the floor from the floor-to-ceiling windows, outlining the silhouette of a drone from far to near like a cyberpunk.

At the same time, Hill also delivered a final brief order.

"Close to the window."

Lin An stood motionless, and it was rare for Hill not to urge him. The drone crashed into the balcony, and the glass screamed violently, which merged with the clicking sound of the wings.

The hands surrounding Lin An's body thunderously sent the Thunderbird into the wide-open cabin, and then the drone carried it high into the sky.

Watching its back getting further and further away, Lin An touched the restraint that had disappeared from his neck, switched the gem inlaid at the end of the wand, healed the wound cut by the glass, and placed it on his chest.

The hideous black cracks stopped spreading and showed signs of shrinking back and fading in color.


The crisis had not yet dissipated. With the soft sound of wings cutting through the air, the outline of Evancia's slender limbs emerged from the smoke in the distance. Lin An lowered his head and glanced at Heika.

The interface changes to a familiar employee badge.

He put away the black card as expected and shook his head helplessly.

You are killing the donkey too quickly.

After the mission was completed, Hill removed Lin An's "white dove" from behind. When Evancia's evil omen reached its peak, Lin An estimated that he would turn into a coal-like little black man, as if he was struck to death by lightning. It's the same, it can be said to be a natural destruction of corpses.


Evancia's footsteps approached, and Lin An took a step back.

"For the sake of the alumni association, can you show some mercy?"


"Aren't you curious about how to reduce the pollution level of 'knowledge seekers'?"

Evancia sneered and snapped her fingers without saying a word.

"You are the most evil senior I have ever seen who treats juniors."

The year-round warm wind from Las Medos was blowing in. Lin An turned his back and looked at the wall clock of the Eiffel Tower from a distance. The hour and minute hands on the clock face were about to overlap.

"Can't we just chat for another three minutes?"

For some reason, Evancia felt a little uneasy.

What is he waiting for?

The next moment, Lin An picked up the wand, and the energy rolled up the airflow, leading him to break through the lingering smoke of the casino and fly towards the bright and dreamy night of the City of Ecstasy.

"There are still two minutes and fifty seconds left."


St. Anne Love Foundation, temporary base at Caesars Palace.

The members of the inspection team are looking at nearly a thousand surveillance images, but most people's eyes are only focused on those screens related to drones.

"The moment the Thunderbird destroyed the drone, we immediately transmitted the video to X. Through code identification, it will be played in the conference room on the 'Queen' floor of the headquarters."

"Even if the president and his cronies find out that the Research Faction's decision-making caused the Thunderbird to go out of control, thousands of people witnessed the mystery, and injured innocent people, regardless of whether it is out of justice or to preserve the reputation of the foundation, they will not We have to support the decision of the inspection team.”

"Did the other deacons say anything in the contact?"

"Everything is normal." A member connected to the "White Pigeon" communication, "The meeting is about to enter the voting stage. At present, our votes are still at a disadvantage."

"It's okay, it will be one-sided soon." The branch president of Las Medos guarded the operating system that sent the message, "Once they see this video."

"Once you see this video..." one member muttered and repeated.

"Branch President, someone is coming for us!"

Suddenly, a person pointed at several oddities in the surveillance footage.

"Dawn Association? It's strange. Deacon Kesheli has killed one team, but didn't expect there was a second team? They actually sent so many people to lurk in Ras Medos?"

The branch president quickly came to his senses and energy gathered in his palms.

"Leave a few people to guard the area where the letter is sent, and we go to fight! As long as we persist until the end of the voting, not even the Dawn Association has the power to change the result!"

Before he finished speaking, a horrified voice sounded.

"No, this is impossible... Branch president, please come here quickly! Look at this, the image captured by the surveillance screen inside the drone..."

"Where is the out-of-control Thunderbird?"

"This is obviously just an ordinary long table!"

"Huh?" The branch president's eyes widened in disbelief, and he immediately pressed the device with the contact chip and shouted, "Deacon Kesheli! Deacon Kesheli!"

"The operation is terminated! Destroy all evidence! Don't let the headquarters know about the chaos here!"

Hill's hoarse roar came from the other side, making the branch president's heart drop to the bottom of despair.

"At least today, we must completely block the news and prevent this matter from reaching the headquarters! As long as this... the results of the voting will turn around!"

"Okay, Ms. Deacon!"

While directing the employees, the branch head looked at the Dawn Association whose surveillance footage was getting closer and closer, took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

"We are holding back the Dawn Association. Everyone, please act according to the instructions of Deacon Kesheli!"

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