World Occult User Guide

Chapter 32 Cultural Thief

"I can't control myself from leaving you anymore."

"Then don't."

The TV was playing scenes of the male and female protagonists of "Morning City" looking at each other affectionately. Lin An moved a chair and sat next to April's bed. Mike put the plastic bag he was carrying on the table and rummaged through it.

Compared to the swaying aiming interface in the swimming pool, Lin An could see it more clearly at this moment.

April's skin turned an abnormal light cyan color, and the original dark brown of her hair was replaced by snow-white. The flesh and blood disappeared from the philtrum down, and the whole person was as skinny as a withered bone.

Her eyes were dark, and she couldn't tell the difference between the whites of her eyes and her irises.

After careful inspection, Lin An found that April's figure was unreal, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind. He brought up the system panel and found that the pollution level increased by 1.5% compared to before, reaching 37.2%.

Generally speaking, the situation is not bad, but unfortunately the foundation has no way to reduce the value.

According to Lana Rona's story, as April's level of contamination increases, she becomes more and more transparent, eventually becoming the true ghost of the Weeping Woman.

If this continues, it will undoubtedly be a slow death.

One of April's abilities is related to sound. In order to control the level of pollution, the foundation strictly ordered her not to speak, so she signaled Lin An to open social software.

April: Lin, I’m so happy that you came to see me! Recently they cut off my signal and I can only send messages to people connected to the WiFi inside the facility! I don’t know what’s going on in college. There are so many winter festival parties, but I can’t go. It feels so bad.

Lin An laughed dumbly.

As expected of an optimist, his only worry after being controlled was that he would not be able to attend the party.

"I'm glad to see you safe and sound," he said. "By the way, how does this facility explain what happened that day?"

"They said that since a year ago, a super bug has been spreading throughout the Eagle Kingdom. Once infected, the body will develop lesions and gain superpowers. Some people have weak immune systems, and mutations occur faster than they can acquire superpowers. Some people do it the other way around.”

Mike pulled out a bunch of bananas and a few apples from a plastic bag.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Give me an apple." Lin An said.

There are five levels of authority in the St. Annilov Foundation, from low to high: white, yellow, orange, red and black.

Mike is a newbie in the field department with only white authority level. The Foundation told him some fabricated information to explain the "Cormus" radiation from a biochemical perspective.

This set of explanations is also the foundation's unified approach to the outside world as a last resort.

April sent another message.

April: I hope this institution can cure my illness and get me out of the hospital soon, preferably before Easter next year, when Doris is throwing a big party!

April: They only gave me the opportunity to report to my family that I was safe, but they prohibited me from contacting other people. Alas, Doris’s party was so lively, but I ruined it! And my whereabouts are unknown, which must make her very worried.

April: Lin, have you contacted Doris? Apologize for me~

Lin An took the apple from Mike and thought about what happened in the swimming pool that day.

After chatting for a few words, he got straight to the point.

"April, our conversation was a bit rushed last time. Which translation software did you use to translate that book "Aztec Mythology" so outrageously?"

April: I told you I don’t use translation software! A friend who is also at the art college helped translate it.


So deceptive.

April: Kim Ji-eun. His class schedule is similar to mine, and we often have classes together. You are all from the Dragon Kingdom, so I mistook it for you.

A foreign student from Long Kingdom?

Lin An recalled that he had never added this person to his Green Bubble.

April: He's as knowledgeable as you, Lin. His country was very remarkable in its history. It was called "Goguryeo" or something like that. Their territory was all north of the Yangtze River. They invented the moon calendar, opened up the Silk Road, and established the foundation of Central Asian culture.

April: He also taught me a lot about clothing and culture~

April: Wait a minute, I suddenly remembered that he is not from the Dragon Kingdom... But isn’t the largest country in Central Continent the Dragon Kingdom?

Lin An said calmly: "I understand, Xiao Xiba."

April: Konishihachi?

"Althea countryman."

April: Where is the Althea Kingdom?


Emotional Jin Zhien spent a long time promoting fake history, and April didn't understand where he was from.

It was just that April was not interested in geography. During the three years at school, Jin Zhien plagiarized many traditions of the Dragon Kingdom arrogantly and convinced many foreigners to believe it.

These cultural thieves...

""Aztec Mythology" comes from Lower East Continent. How did you think of finding him as a translator?" Lin An asked.

April: Among the people I know, apart from you, he is the best at explaining these stories and legends. Lin, if you don’t attend the party, you don’t know that he is very famous in our circle!


April: He is the Dragon Kingdom’s version of a ‘prophet’. Many girls go to him specifically to interpret prophecies and - well, hexagrams? He and I met through a palm reading.

April: Jin knows two kinds of prediction techniques. One is palmistry, which is to predict the direction of a person's fortune by observing the lines of his palms and fingers; the other is physiognomy, which is to observe other people's facial features and make predictions.

April: His calculations are extremely accurate! More powerful than a professional tarot card master - ah, I remember! He calls himself a ‘fortune teller’!

"Okay, don't say any more." Lin An shook his hand and cut off the apple peel.

April: Hey, why?

"Haha, eat the apple." Lin An gave her the apple slices to prevent her from hearing more about Xiao Xiba's antics.

April: It’s in the shape of a bunny!

"As a prolific animal, the rabbit symbolizes the resurrection of spring and the birth of new life. It is the pet of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, the guide of Horta, the Germanic land goddess, and the messenger of the goddess of Easter. April, You'll definitely be better by April."

April crushed it with a special Foundation tool, threw it into her empty mouth, and dropped it directly into her esophagus.

April: Lin, you must come to our parties more often in the future, they are really fun.

"I will try my best."

Sensing Lin An's low mood, April looked at Mike suspiciously, who coughed: "You keep talking about Jin Zhien's bad things, which makes Lin angry."

April's eyes widened.

"Don't you remember that one time, when you said to that Xizhou exchange student, 'Isn't pizza a specialty of Hawai'i?', he scolded you in Naples for an hour. I haven't read the history of Central Continent, but Jin Zhien said I’m afraid they are using the dragon flag to confuse the origin of culture.”

April suddenly understood and quickly explained.

April: Sorry, Lin, I really thought you were from the same country.

April: Because Kim Ji-eun goes to work in Chinatown every weekend.

April: That’s where people from the Dragon Kingdom gather. I took it for granted that he was from the Dragon Kingdom.


According to the information given by April, there is a high probability that Xiaoxi is a mysterious person.

It is unknown whether he was the man behind April's awakening, but he must have been exposed to radiation from "Comuth".

And got the "prophet" medium.

Without the blessing of mysterious energy, Jin Zhien's "fortune telling" would not be so accurate and highly sought after by the whole school.

Speaking of Chinatown, Lin An couldn't help but think of a strange incident that her senior sister had been talking about for more than three months.

[Mysterious disappearance in the city center].

It is said to be the city center, but it is actually a section near Chinatown. It is said that seven or eight people have disappeared one after another.

Nearly three months have passed since the initial disappearance. I wonder if the local government intentionally prevented the news from spreading. Lin An rarely saw mainstream media reports, and the matter gradually faded out of public view.

As if it shouldn't exist.

If Lin An guessed correctly, it was the St. Annilov Foundation that sealed the case, because the guy who committed the crime was a mysterious person, maybe a follower of the witch, which was very troublesome.

Otherwise, he would not be able to continue committing crimes and remain at large.

As a mysterious person resident in Chinatown, will Kim Zhien know some inside information?

After asking April for Xiao Xiba's contact information, the three of them chatted for a while. The lines of "City of Morning Light" were so loud that they couldn't hear the sound. Mike finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"I turned off the TV."

To prevent April from changing channels freely, the Foundation's TV adopts a special control method, which requires access to the black card permissions before it can be operated.

Mike stood up and left. April and Lin An looked at each other and suddenly fell into silence. The latter took a deep breath and asked hesitantly.

"At that party, before your 'virus' broke out...can you tell me what exactly you went through, April?"

April tilted her head. Her eyes were no longer alive due to pollution, like eternal night, making it difficult to see through her emotions.

For a long time, she typed.

"A pair of hands pushed me off the edge of the pool."

"Did you see his face clearly?"

April shook her head: "Let it pass. Mike is right...I overestimated my abilities and tried to take on the responsibility of raising my children."

The breeze blew her white hair, her thin jaws closed up and down, and her round cheeks were replaced by hard edges.

"Since the Aztecs believed that blood should be used to worship the gods, the blood that dyed the swimming pool red that night was an offering from my soul, saying goodbye to the old bigotry. New flowers, songs and parties are waiting. Looking after me."

The two maintained a tacit silence until Mike came back after changing the permissions and continued the irrelevant conversation.

As night fell, Lin An left the ward on the first floor.

Looking at the stars in the sky, he took a gentle breath of the winter air, settled his thoughts, and clicked on the shortcut link on his phone.

The screen jumps to a page with a black background.

twelve_reganr: How accurate is tarot and astrology? ! [Picture] People from Althea country told me this...

April's story involves the appetite of river crabs...just let's just watch it TT

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