World Occult User Guide

Chapter 4 World Tree Forum

Ranger_12: I just got on the last bus in this city. It just so happens that the city center is separated from where I live in a relatively desolate area.

The bus stopped at the intersection. Half asleep, I leaned against the window and saw something flying away from the corner of my eye.

I thought it was a car that illegally ran the red light, but after about a few seconds, it came back again.

It seemed like something was staring at me. It was pure white. I was so frightened that I lost all sleep and took this photo with my mobile phone.

[The image] shows a white shadow sliding across a grainy lens, with the glass reflection vaguely revealing a pair of disembodied trousers.

Ranger_12: Anyone who can find this forum should be familiar with it. What are these mysterious creatures that are somewhat humanoid, two-legged, and often travel in pairs.

Uno0jo: Fresno Nightcrawlers?

Ranger_12: That’s right, the first commenter. In the distant year of 2007, this mysterious creature was sighted for the first time. It is said that its appearance originated from people's fear of alien creatures at that time, and was also related to the culture of the native people of Upper East China.

Fogлес: Nightcrawler is just a fictional story spread with the rise of MyTube.

Fogлес: With its cute appearance and 'unknown' charm, it has captured the imagination of Internet pop culture, joining the ranks of Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster and alien flying saucers.

Fogлес: Actually, I think this is a tourism ad for the city of Fresno. There are so many people checking in.

Taborburn: The photo looks like it's some kind of primate, or a person wearing baggy pants.

NightyNightX: The little thing is quite cute, my XP is moving.

UbiSunt: Mamma Mia, anything will only harm you.

Lastgreatdynasty2035: Fake image.

Lastgreatdynasty2035: [Link] This is a falsification video.

SyFyGuy_111: It's hard to fake something this mysterious.

Hariaaaa: Innocent child, why don’t you identify the synthesized supernatural photos? [Picture][Picture][Picture]

ViperSS: As a Fresno resident, I hate this has replaced the Big Bad Wolf as a bedtime story to scare children.

DaoFaZiRan: The World Tree Forum discusses and analyzes paranormal phenomena from various places in an academic way. The poster must not take it seriously. Titan has no mysterious existence.

Lin An watched with satisfaction as the replies increased.

"Fresno Nightcrawler" is just a random story with a fifteen-minute P-picture attached.

He wasn't stupid enough to reveal that he had met a "dwarf demon".

The purpose of posting was to test whether the mysterious person could be fished out. When the discussion almost filled the page, Lin An set the post to be visible within the city of Ditli, and the screen of his phone went black.

Stepping onto the dilapidated stairs, Lin An opened the door at the end of the corridor.

During the summer vacation of her sophomore year, after receiving approval from the university, Lin An moved out of the campus dormitory and rented this 50-square-meter apartment.

After heating up a piece of pizza in the microwave, Lin An finished washing and went to bed.

Fatigue overtook him and he fell into a deep sleep.

The earth is gray, desolate, barren, lonely, and terrifyingly quiet.

The thick white mist was like gauze, and the rustle of swaying reeds came from both sides. The dim orange candlelight swayed, and thousands of lights rose from the water, returning to the dark color.

There were twelve candles in total, and repeated shouting could be heard in my ears.

It was a call that Lin An had never heard before, but was very familiar with.

In the dark, they seemed to be calling him.

"Jingle Bell--!"

The ringtone of his mobile phone woke Lin An from his dream. He pressed the connect button in a daze, and the anxious voice of his senior came from the other side.

"Street boy, give out the green bubbles first at 12 o'clock! I'm worried to death, you know!"

"Uh, this..."

They both fell silent at the same time.

"No matter what, it's better to be safe." The senior sister said awkwardly, "Don't forget to report that you are safe next time. The center of Ditli City is really chaotic. Not long after you left, the TV broadcast was about robbery and shrimp man. Listen It scares me."

"Senior sister, who is said to be dead on the radio?" Lin An became more energetic.

"A thief."

As expected, the St. Annilov Foundation did not want ordinary people to come into contact with the mystical person, and did not notify the death of the dwarf demon.

"By the way, senior sister, I specifically investigated the disappearance case you mentioned. It's amazing." Lin An took the opportunity to say, "It's just that the report was a bit confusing. I don't know if the suspect was found in the end. Senior sister, 伱Be careful too.”

"You want to trick me? No way." The senior snorted, "From now on, take the bus home immediately after get off work, otherwise I will ask your parents to fire you."

"Does Senior Sister know something inside?"


"Hey, tell me quickly." Lin An was very interested.

"I heard that in Chinatown at night, if a wage earner doesn't go home at 11 o'clock, his body will... turn into barbecued pork."


"That's it. Goodbye, Xiaolin - Dudu -"

Lin An put down the phone with a black line on his head.

I originally wanted to find clues about the mysterious person from these disappearance cases that were passed down by word of mouth in the streets and alleys. Unfortunately, the senior sister insisted on protecting the physical and mental health of the junior students and was unwilling to explain in depth.

Not only the St. Aniloff Foundation, but also the so-called "liberals"...

Lin An's eyes were dark.

[The Witch of Bavomet].

After washing his face, he opened the forum page. The post he posted last night was pushed to the top, and the screen was filled with replies from the same account.

DerTodesstern: Do you admit that what others say is difficult?

DerTodesstern: Don’t block me. If you have the guts, let’s try it offline and see if you dare to bb.

DerTodesstern: Didn't the teacher teach you to think independently? Education in Zhongzhou is so pathetic! If you come out and take a look, you will find how small your country’s civilization is!

Go ahead, where is the retardation coming from?

Lin An read the posts in reverse order. This person wildly refuted those who thought "Nightcrawler is a fiction" and gave various pointers, as if everyone was sleeping and I was alone.

Finally, he found the first reply.

DerTodesstern: Am I the only one who thinks the occult is more useful than science? When did World Tree gather so many frogs in the well? Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it’s not real. It’s just that you’re not like me, so you’re not qualified!

After thinking for a moment, Lin An logged into his mobile phone account.

Ranger_12: Everyone is right. I went to the same place and took a look, and it turned out that the photo captured white pants drying on the roadside.

Ranger_12: DerTodesstern, have you seen the Fresno Nightcrawler?

DerTodesstern: I know a lot about the occult, you are just blind.

Constantly seeking attention, high-intensity surfing, and fragmented words, several characteristics made Lin An almost imagine the appearance of the opposite person. The corners of his mouth curled up, and he turned on the computer while talking.

Ranger_12: Tell me.

DerTodesstern: Just ask me? Who the hell do you think you are?

Ranger_12: Being unable to give examples means that you cannot be held responsible for your speech. Yggdrasil is a forum for communication about paranormal phenomena, not a stage for sensationalism.

DerTodesstern: You idiot, you're holding on to me. People in this forum are all talking nonsense, why don't you confront them, you jerks.

Ranger_12: Okay, too lazy to chat with illiterate people.

After saying that, Lin An banned him.

While he was heating up breakfast in the microwave, there was a beeping sound in the background, and the man sent several private messages angrily.

DerTodesstern: You think I don’t understand? It’s so funny, if I don’t understand, how could the mysterious power choose me?

DerTodesstern: No reply? Misfiring?

DerTodesstern: A coward who only dares to hide behind the Internet! I can already imagine how your whole body is shaking and your blood is rushing to you!

DerTodesstern: I am a hacker and I can retrieve your personal information in minutes. Be careful, don't let me know where you live, or I'll kill you!

DerTodesstern: Send the verification code.

Lin An laughed dumbly and hit the enter key.

Ranger_12: Guess why my online name is ‘Ranger’?

DerTodesstern: None of my business!

DerTodesstern: Just tell me if you're scared.

Ranger_12: Because I am the creator of the World Tree Forum.

Without waiting for the other party's reply, Lin An blocked his IP and dragged the copied information to the cloud.

Hedda Steiner, 3110 Tuna Street, Glenwood Avenue, Detli, 2nd Floor, Suite 23B.

Unexpectedly, the first "suspected mysterious person" to take the bait was so abstract.

Find time to meet him...

Alas, wait a little longer.

I feel like this kind of person won't have any useful information.

Lin An finished his breakfast and got on a bus heading to the university campus.

He wanted to retrieve the "Encyclopedia of Magic" from his friend's dormitory and include it in the system to avoid long nights and dreams.


"Damn it, fuck it, fuck it!"

The obese man looked at the notice "You have been permanently removed from the World Tree Forum ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭" and was so angry that he raised his keyboard and slammed it against the computer screen.


The huge sound of breaking glass attracted a woman with a weathered face. She opened the door a crack and asked cautiously: "Baby, are you okay?"

"Shut up, stupid bitch!" the man yelled, "it's none of your business!"

"That computer and keyboard..." A trace of sadness flashed in the woman's eyes, "It cost me three months' salary... My dear, my mother's work is very tiring every day."

"What? You're so exhausted, forget it! You didn't have to give birth to me in the first place!"

"Xiao Da, how can you say such hurtful words! You clearly know that you are my mother's only concern!"

"Get out of here, you're as annoying as a fly."

The man drove her away and took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket.

“The founder of World Tree—I don’t believe I can’t catch you!”

Years of Internet experience have taught him some skills in finding information.

The keywords lit up from a blurry screenshot that said "original address is inaccessible or expired." The man squinted his eyes and leaned in front of the screen with his butt sticking out to watch carefully.

"...World Tree...Plan...Produce...Sasaki Haruto?"

He licked the corners of his mouth, breathing heavily, and clenched his gloved right hand tightly. The brown leather faintly revealed a strange light with cold colors, which vaguely gathered into the pattern of a gun.

"It turns out you are a bitch from Sakura Country. If you dare to block my account, I will kill you! Ever since this thing appeared, no one will continue to look down on me... I am special! I am unique..."

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