World Occult User Guide

Chapter 51 Original Matter

In addition to catching rabbits, Lin An and Mi Xi have been participating in the foundation's daily training these days, while Barry is learning how to control his own mystical skills in the research department.

Finally having time to return to the dormitory, Lin An took out [Ouroboros] and put it on the table.

After working with the system and researching the mysterious items, Lin An confirmed that it contained some kind of substance related to the "Goddess with the Lamp".

Lin An didn't know for the time being what role the "Goddess with the Lamp" played and what kind of behavior she would be attracted to.

At present, he can only confirm that observing the mystery related to the "Goddess with the Lamp" can significantly increase the radiation value.

At least, Lin An didn't have any abnormal reactions in the past few days after absorbing the white mist in Zomo's pupils.

Contamination levels did not rise and the system did not sound an alarm.

But the increase in radiation value is extremely real.

Does this mean that one of the functions of the "Lamp Lady" is to help others increase their radiation levels?

Moreover, this is faster and more efficient than occult magic that consumes the "seeker's" medium.

Lin An thought of the [Ouroboros] he prostituted for free from the foundation's point system. In addition to the ability to link fate, the system claimed that Ouroboros had an unknown ability, which was related to the "Lamp Goddess".

Coincidentally, Lin An's "Encyclopedia of Magic II" specifically records how to use alchemical techniques to refine the essence.

"Encyclopedia of Magic II" records: Metal is not a solid object, but a liquid, water full of emotion and passion.

By imbuing the vehicle with spirit, the "corporeal mold" becomes "immaterial," a perfect Neoplatonic spiritual essence whose power cannot be demonstrated unless the passionate virtue is released.

Combining alchemy's explanations, Lin An speculated that injecting the "Goddess with the Lamp" medium into the Ouroboros would activate the unknown substance it contained.

In alchemical imagery, the Ouroboros is two snakes devouring each other's tails, the male and female principles united in their common blood.

Ancient Greek alchemical texts considered this an image of engulfing, melting, dissolving and transforming.

Lin An's fingertips stroked the cold body of [Ouroboros]. The whole body was dark green that was close to black. There was gold hidden under the scales. Its abdomen was saffron color. The scales were made of four imperfect metals: lead, copper, Made of tin and iron.

It's scales covered in a layer of shiny particles - mercury.

Mercury, or mercury, is one of the most important substances in alchemy, part of the making of the Philosopher's Stone, and has numerous symbolic meanings. Mercury is the Roman name of the Greek god Hermes.

Mercury is liquid at room temperature, and alchemists believed it had qualities of matter and liquid spirit, both unstable and fixed, masculine and feminine, symbolized by androgyny.

As a spirit, mercury is associated with the "spirit moving on the waters" in the High Book, the breath of God, and Zosimos calls mercury "divine water."

[Mysterious Encyclopedia] has included [Ouroboros] in the "Fragments of the Philosopher's Stone" entry, which shows in disguise that it contains elements of the Philosopher's Stone.

Lin An suspected that it was a hidden mysterious technique that consumed the medium of the "Lamp Goddess".

"The system, inject the medium of the 'Lamp Lady', and use the [Mystery] of [Ouroboros]."

The divine medium from "Comes" slowly fell on the Ouroboros, and it seemed to melt and distort its form.

Pale mist emerged from the snake's body, transcending physical things and dancing in Lin An's pupils.

"Prima Materia..."

It seems to have the same structure as the mist in Zomo's pupils.

This is a spiritual energy that is higher than the other four elements of earth, air, fire, and water, and can bind other elements together or dissolve them.

According to Pythagoras, the spirit is equivalent to the soul.

"Revelation of the Mysterious Spirit" describes the alchemical essence as a fluid substance that not only refines metals and gives people health and longevity, but is also very important in the process of transforming base metals into precious metals such as gold.

"System, detect the method of 'absorbing the essence'."

"According to the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic II: Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone - The Metal that Creates Life", a solution that meets the conditions was found - [Gestures to communicate with God]."

"Do you want to consume the medium 'God of Truth' x1, 'Seeker' x2, 'Prophet' x1, and 'Natural Sacrifice' x1 to use?"


Invisible power spread out from Lin An.

With the increase in radiation value, he vaguely saw this energy transforming into a pair of slender hands. One hand held sulfur and the other held sea salt. With the Ouroboros as the center, they slowly clasped together.

This gesture is a symbol of conscious and unconscious communication, with the right hand representing the masculine principle and rational thought, and the left hand representing the feminine principle and intuitive thought, symbolizing the mystical union of opposites to create wholeness on a spiritual level.

Through divine communion, spirit and metal are separated, as if a dagger was snatched from its sheath, as if the dead were raised, or the living died.

Mist surged toward Lin An's eyebrows.

His whole body was suddenly enveloped in a strange lightness.

In the haze, stars twinkled brightly and darkly, and rainbows filled the sky. Lin An seemed to have entered another brand-new world, where he saw a face.

This face is very similar to his, but its eyes are deep, and the surrounding light changes with every call, sometimes radiant, sometimes dark and gloomy.

At this moment, his face suddenly shrunk to a point, and his eyelids drooped lifelessly.

The next moment, those eyes suddenly became huge and clear again, shooting out a scorching gaze.

For some reason, Lin An had the urge to kiss it, caress it, and run away from it and get rid of it at the same time.

But no matter what, it has been deeply embedded in his heart and cannot be separated.

This is...the supreme gnosis of the Philosopher's Stone.

It turns out that the "spiritual perfection" pursued by ancient mystics was precisely their conjecture and desire for the energy of "Comos".

"By observing [Mystery], the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increased by 1%."

"Due to the radiation from the Lady with the Lamp, your pollution level has increased by 0%."


One of the functions of the "Goddess with the Lamp" medium is to increase the radiation value!

Lin An opened his eyes, and the variegated metal wrapping the Ouroboros fell away, and it shone with golden light.

Through alchemy, not only did Lin An obtain the original substance contained within the Ouroboros and a certain mystery of the "Goddess with the Lamp" medium, the Ouroboros itself also underwent transformation and became a near-perfect precious metal.

According to Paracelsus, there are three types of gold in alchemy: astral, elemental, and mundane.

The gold generated by Ouroboros is an elemental gold, the purest and most fixed part of the elements, which in spiritual alchemy represents the realization of high intellectual levels of consciousness.

"Your pursuit of knowledge has attracted the medium 'knowledge seeker' x1."

The system prompt sounds.

The corners of Lin An's mouth curled up at the double happiness.

He brought up his personal dashboard, and a row of green data showed his mysterious situation.

[Name]: Mysterious Encyclopedia

[Rating]: Source Class B

[Radiation value]: 3.2%

[Pollution level]: 4.5%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

[Inventory]: Seeker x2, Visionary x7, Seer x6, God of Farming x1, Emperor of War x3, Lord of Dreams x3, Mother of Desire x3

[Inclusion items]:

Source Class B "Encyclopedia of Magic I: Death, Fertility and the Dark Earth - Hittite Worship Ritual"

Legend C level "Encyclopedia of Magic II: Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone - The Metal that Creates Life"

Legend D-level "Liuyao VI-Tuting Secret Book"

Catastrophe Class D "The Curse of the Lower East Continent: Pishtako"

Ghost Story D-level "King Solomon's 72 Demon Pillars III: Magic Bullet Shooter"

Kaidan E-level "Taming the Goblin IV: Dwarf Demon"

The media with the most storage at present are "Imaginary" and "Prophet". The former has no mysterious collection, but if you have time, you can experiment with the rabbit that often escapes.

As for the “prophet”…

Lin An has always wanted to try the effect of [Blood Disaster], but has not found the opportunity.

Last time I wanted to attack the "Orc", but it turned out that she was a senior, and the International Bridge was also the hometown of the Free Mystery.

I haven't been able to leave the foundation's facilities recently. The captain is watching, so I just want to trick my teammates. Can I find someone I know? For example, the head of a certain department...

"Brother Tongzi, will the [Blood Disaster] kill people?"

"It depends on their own luck for the day." The system's answer was both mysterious and mysterious.

Lin An nodded thoughtfully, the mystery of the "prophet" medium was as abstract as ever.

"You have a visitor."

The voice of

"Lin, good afternoon." He said with a faint smile on his face, "The captain has received a new duty, let's gather now."

"I'll leave right away. Thank you for notifying me." Lin An remembered something, "By the way, Mi Xi asked me to accompany her to the exchange office when I have time. Do you want to come with me? I am a formal member and have independent authority. Open the exchange warehouse."

Barry twitched the corner of his mouth: "I won't, what's the point of just joining in the fun with 3 points. Unlike you, Lin, how many points did you get through 'catching rabbits' recently?"

"Not much, I only have 90 points now."

"The Versailles behavior was unacceptable."

Since the last time, the research department has developed a 24-hour shift system for changing Zomo's restraints. Lin An caught the Zomo rabbit once in the past two days.

Once the research department becomes more proficient in its operations, Zomo may never be able to escape again.

Alas, there are limits to the bugs that the foundation can fix.

"Lin, what I want to say is..." Barry went out with him and walked towards the building, "Thank you very much last time, otherwise... I would not only let James go, but also hurt Mi Xi's score. "

"Little things, little things."

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Barry asked sincerely.

Just as Lin An was about to refuse, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

"Don't you have to go to the hospital in the city center recently? Can you go to the airport to pick up my mother at 8 o'clock in the evening on the same day?"

Thanks to Silent Owl, Extreme Decay, and Wei Yun for the reward, thanks to Wei Jie, Mengye Jiuzuo Q, Shuyou 20171008152848650, Shuyou 20170819133739475, Shuyou 20210701210930802, Let’s debate, Shuyou 20221125215355191, Mo E, Feng Yangyi monthly pass , thank you all book friends for your recommendation votes ~

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