Lin An was stunned when he heard this.

I originally thought that Mi Xi was the most "normal" person in the team, but now it seems that the character who attracted the divine medium at this time has a more or less weird personality.

"Then you..." He hesitated, "Mixi, did the witch just let you go like this?"

"After rejecting her, a gust of wind blew across my cheek, and I fell into a hallucination." Mi Xi recalled, "Oh! Before I completely lost consciousness, I vaguely heard the witch muttering something to herself, 'It is eating my soul...' "

"Eating souls?"

"Anyway, when I woke up, all the mysterious items in the exchange warehouse had been swept away, and the witch left a message on the computer: Don't let them rot in the cold machine." Mi Xi said, "I think she probably Are you here to recover the body of the mysterious person?”

"I always feel it's not that simple." Lin An frowned.

So far, no official employee in the department has reported the discovery of the witch. Could it be that she really just came to collect the corpses of her companions and say hello to the foundation?

Impossible, the witch is not the brainless boss of the novel.

She didn't join the fight, not necessarily because she didn't want to, but perhaps more likely because she couldn't stay where she was at the time.

Mi Xi mentioned the last words of the witch, she said that something was eating her soul.

If I remember correctly, Lin An saw something in the item list in the exchange warehouse last time, called [Invisible Candle], and the introduction read:

A symbol of the underworld, the soul is its fuel.

To date, the Foundation has not discovered any uses for this item other than its negative effects.

Does the witch know the function of this candle?

The candle that keeps devouring souls...

Lin An fell into deep thought.

In occultism, a candle is a light used to attract certain spirits and drive away others, and is associated with ghosts and the dead, divination of the future, and the discovery of buried treasure.

Ancient philosophers believed that burning flames revealed mysterious things, and by gazing into the flames, people could enter an ethereal state of unconsciousness, see gods or see the future.

The Egyptians of the third century AD recorded mystical rituals involving candles:

A man retreats to a dark cave facing south, sits down to gaze into the fire, and then lies down to sleep, and God appears in a dream with the answers he seeks, telling him answers about the future.

Starting in the 12th century, candles became part of monotheistic rituals, and they were often placed on church altars and used in rites of blessing, absolution, and exorcisms.

During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, according to popular legends during witch hunts, the devil often appeared on the Sabbath wearing a lighted candle between his horns, and witches lit their candles with the devil's fire.

The 18th-century magic book "Little Albert" records how to use "candles" made of human fat to search for pirate treasures. Not only can it illuminate and lock the location, it can also summon the souls of the dead who guard the treasures.

Westerners believed that candles made from fat contained life energy, and they were often used in the Black Mass and other black magic in the 17th century.

These magics use candles of different colors, each playing a different role in the ritual.

Below are the symbols and types of magical powers of colored candles.

White and Black: Exploring spirituality and truth, meditation, neutrality, breaking spells.

Pink: Emotional issues, harmony, entertainment, testing moral principles.

Red: sex and love, physical health and vitality, fertility.

Brown: communication, problem solving, mutual help, encouragement.

Yellow: Persuasion, confidence and charisma, leadership skills.

Green: Luck, curiosity, exploration and the power of persistence.

Cyan: Peace of mind, exploration of the natural spirit, protection during sleep.

Purple: Unbridled imagination, intuition, providing extra strength.

Gold: Revelation, judgment, the ability to judge, reversal of curses.

Silver: Awakening, sealing, communicating with another world, and digging into the secrets of the soul.

Brown: Protect companions or pets, solve family problems, and attract help from others.

Coffee color: subconscious mind, accelerating disease recovery, exploring dreams, curse killing.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the witch really swept away all the mysterious items for burial. After all, those are indeed the "remains" of the mystics.

What a strange woman...

Suppressing her doubts, Lin An continued to listen to Mi Xi's narration.

"Anyway, I quickly woke up Caroline outside the door. She was still a little delirious, so she had to rely on me."

She puffed out her chest quite proudly.

"I must inform the entire foundation about the witch invasion! Maybe I was too impatient. Some kind of invisible energy came, like a sixth sense. I suddenly separated into several consciousnesses, from five to six Routes to each room."

"Congratulations on awakening the mystery, Mi Xi."

"Hey, I have the opportunity to demonstrate to you." Mi Xi said happily, "The research department couldn't see the prompt, but fortunately the direct contact department accurately obtained my information and activated the alarm. I also grabbed Caroline and took the elevator. Join the others.”

Mi Xi's night was quite thrilling.

Glancing at the depressed Caroline and then at the calm-looking Mi Xi, Lin An couldn't help but wonder.

"Mixi, after seeing the witch with your own eyes and experiencing so many bloody and strange things, don't you feel like you have a broken cognition?"

"You are still a college student, Lin. I don't understand that you will always encounter difficulties at work. But as I said to the interviewer, my strong ability to withstand stress and psychological quality are my advantages. There are always more solutions than difficulties. Don't Just escaping!"

Lin An's eyes twitched.

I take back what I said before, Mi Xi is definitely one of the "freaks" in a million!

She actually treats the foundation as an ordinary job!

While talking, the group of people had already arrived at the second floor of the basement along the spare stairs in the basement. Caroline kicked the shoggoth into the isolation room and straightened the file posted on the door.

Lin An also put the peaceful Zomo into his single room.

The rabbit kicked its legs reluctantly, its eyes glued to Lin An's body until it was out of sight. It exposed its front teeth and gnawed on the restraints.

Come to me next time, 20 points.

Looking around, Lin An found that almost every isolation room was completely unrecognizable. Due to the wanton destruction by the out-of-control mystics, the glass was broken and there were no protective measures.

In addition to the Shoggoths, there were three or four controlled mystics who were thrown into a room without partitions. Although the restraints restricted their movements, they struggled and twisted and whined non-stop.

Taking a deep breath, Caroline took the initiative to speak for the first time since they met.

"I'm sorry for making you laugh. As a senior, my reaction this time was really immature... I will reflect on it afterward."

She shook her head vigorously, as if she wanted to get rid of the memory of the witch completely.

"In order to prevent a second loss of control and escape, I am going to stay on the second floor to guard these mysterious people. You should go to the ground to join Captain Reagan first."

"Okay. See you later, Caroline."

When Lin An went out, he just wanted to return Zomo, but he didn't expect that during this battle, he didn't bring any communication equipment and had to rely on Mi Xi.

"Mich, does Captain Reagan have any new orders?"

"He asked us to rush to ward 0-15 and caught another out-of-control Mysterious One that needed to be transferred."

"We have become porters." Lin An teased.

"No way, no matter how big a company is, emergencies occasionally happen, such as server crashes, public relations crises, mysterious people losing control, etc. It's very common." Mi Xi smiled enthusiastically, "Looking on the bright side, tonight our The overtime pay must be high.”


Stop instilling in me the mentality of a social beast!

If he stayed with Mi Xi any longer, Lin An felt that his cognition would become abnormal.

As soon as the two people came out of the stairs, they heard a loud bang from the glass. The glass on the left side of the hall shattered. A thin figure smashed in and rolled on the ground several times, dragging a bright red blood trail.


The black feathers were scattered, and the man finally leaned against the wall to stabilize his body. He gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground, revealing a face that was completely drained of blood.

"Team, captain?" Mi Xi shouted in surprise.

Simon turned his head when he heard the sound, and when he saw the two people not far away, his pupils immediately narrowed.

"Don't come here! Go downstairs! Go downstairs immediately!"

A fishy smell came, and the icy cold wind was mixed with undisguised malice. It wrapped around Mi Xi and Lin An's legs like tarsal maggots.

The next moment, more violent sounds continued to blast in their ears, and a huge creature followed closely, smashing its head into the load-bearing wall on the side of the foundation hall.

The whole room shook as if it were an old train car.

The bricks were broken and piled up into disorderly garbage, the wallpaper fell down, and the dust was flying, making it difficult to tell the difference between east, west and north.

"Oh my god, this place is going to collapse!"

"Let's go to the corner!"

Just as Lin An was about to grab Mi Xi's hand, a crack suddenly appeared under her feet. She was caught off guard and fell.

However, considering the solidity of the first floor below, it might be safer to fall down.

Lin An slid to avoid the steel bars that came down from the wall and hid under the foundation's sturdy desk.


After all, the foundation's building was specially reinforced. The shaking lasted for less than a minute, and all noise and movement were replaced by eerie silence.

Lin An tentatively leaned out half of his body. The moonlight in the courtyard illuminated the collapsed ruins. The once exquisite hall was filled with construction debris. A golden chandelier swayed from side to side and creaked in the aftershocks.

Fortunately, the employees had already evacuated the dangerous fighting area, and there were no casualties.

Only the smell of blood lingered, getting stronger and stronger.

The captain probably wasn't crushed to death.

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, the moonlight above Lin An suddenly brightened, and something lifted up the desk where he was hiding.

The cold air permeates the air, like a giant beast that chooses people to devour.

"Hiss, hiss..."

Lin An turned around suddenly, and the basilisk's rooster-like head was less than one meter away from him.

Thanks to Fengxun Qiqi, Soft Candy, and Magnetic Field Dianlao for your monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading~

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