World Occult User Guide

Chapter 64 Flag at half-mast

After saying this, Lin An and Simon remained silent for half a minute tacitly.

Then Simon dialed the communication device with a normal expression and contacted the captains of the other two teams. After a brief exchange, he nodded to Lin An.

"I'll go to the outside of the foundation facility to search for the mysterious person who may have escaped. Lin, you go to the first floor to meet Melissa and use her communication equipment to communicate with others."

"Okay, Captain."

Lin An went to work, assisting others until early morning, when the sun rose high and illuminated the ruins of the foundation.

In addition to Simon, who continued to search for the mysterious person by taking advantage of his flight, Reagan called the direct-facing department to the office on the third floor below. He and the director of the research department announced the end of the riot.

Reading the report hastily compiled by the civilian department, the full-scale conflict between the Foundation and the Free Mystics was presented to Lin An in the form of words.

First of all, there are the escaped mystics. The St. Annelov Michigan branch currently has a total of 6 first-level control animals. Through the unremitting efforts of the direct contact department, a total of 2 animals were recovered, 1 died and 3 were missing.

28 were under secondary control, 18 were recovered, 4 died and 6 were missing.

The missing person was taken away by the Free Mystics. As for the deceased, the report records the general cause. Some asterisks indicate that the cause of death is still under further investigation.

As for the three-level control mystics who remained awake, they evacuated to a safe area with other employees when the riot began. Except for one mystic who disappeared in the chaos, everyone has returned to the ward smoothly.

Affected by the battle, the two mystics under third-level control have become more polluted and have been upgraded to second-level control.

Fortunately, April is not one of them.

In addition, all the mysterious items in the exchange warehouse were looted by the witch. Looking at the names of each item listed in the report, Lin An's heart started to bleed.

There are several things that he is going to save points to redeem!

On the next page, the civilian department densely listed a series of sky-high figures, roughly calculating the cost of repairing the buildings, equipment and facilities damaged in the riot.

This invasion was a tragic loss for the Foundation.

Not only did the mysterious beings under control suffer heavy casualties, but the reconstruction of the facilities afterwards was also a huge expense.

This is not a problem that Lin An has to worry about. His office is on the third negative floor, and the battles are fought on the first negative floor and in the lobby, which has no impact on the direct-facing departments at the bottom.


The last few pages record the number of victims of the Foundation.

Twenty-three people died in the civilian department, 15 people died in the logistics department, 27 people died in the research department, and 4 people died in the direct-face department, all of whom were members of the disciplinary squad.

Faced with the siege of the sea monster, the basilisk and the free mystic, the punishment team was really at a loss for resources and was eventually wiped out. It was also unable to prevent the sea monster from leaving the foundation with its companions, leaving the basilisk behind.

If [Sariel], as an archangel, had not had the power of continuous self-healing, Simon might have died together with the basilisk.

The foundation's ground department has a total of 375 registered people, which is the total number of civilian and logistics personnel. The research department has about 100 people, and the direct-facing department has only 21 people. This sacrifice rate is quite high.

Tonight's battle situation was too unfavorable for the Foundation. Only half of the direct-facing units remained at the facility, and the remaining two teams were far away in southern Michigan and could not come to support.

The betrayed Cardenas used the family's methods to untie the restraints, causing all the Mystics to lose control, and even diverted the Foundation's forces.

Even so, the direct confrontation department left the bodies of more than four free mystics. Among those witnessed by Lin An alone were the two witch's right-hand men, [Wendigo] and [Basilisk].

Tapping the report with his fingers, Lin An estimated the comprehensive strength of the three major factions.

The free mystics with the witch as the core have loose internal rules and the strength of the members is uneven. The weak have almost no ability to protect themselves, but the strong are extremely strong, such as the sea monster who destroyed the entire punishment team.

This faction is more like a group of like-minded friends. They meet regularly, chat about daily life, pour out their sorrows, help each other, and rely on the abilities of the witch and powerful companions to avoid being hunted by the Foundation.

If you hang out with them who do whatever they want, you will basically not get any research data on "Comes".

This group of mysterious people let nature take its course, without any utilitarian intentions, and they did not care about delving into the power of "Comos".

The St. Annelov Foundation has a strong logistics team and modern high-tech support. It is extremely organized and usually operates as a team. It also carries some additional mysterious items, such as black restraints to assist in combat, but the overall strength of its members On the weak side.

It is the only official organization, and its treatment, intelligence capabilities and reward mechanism are far beyond what a witch's "interest club" can match.

The Aristocratic Family, undoubtedly the strongest faction, has inherited four thousand years of "Comes" accumulation. Just throwing out a few pieces of information will attract the mystics. However, they focus on "bloodline" and do not accept family members other than blood relatives. people into the inner circle.

The aristocratic family in Detli City seems to have only Doris Wood. However, she alone has formed a tripartite force with the other two factions, which is enough to prove the family's background.

It's a pity that Lin An is not related to them. Even if he licks his face and joins the family, he will probably be used by them, drained of value, and finally abandoned like all Doris's men.

Thinking about it this way, the foundation turned out to be the most suitable organization to join.

It’s really the Dietry City Competition...

Tonight, the leaders of the three major factions did not participate in the melee. The witch left with the candle, the president was on a business trip, and Doris did not show up.

If they join in, there's no telling who the final winner will be.

Lin An cleared his thoughts, and other employees in the direct-facing departments simultaneously read the brief report from the civilian department and fell into mixed silence.

For a long time, slight sobs and low-pitched prayers came one after another, as the living mourned the death of their companions.

Lin An didn't know the punishment team, so he didn't feel any emotion in his heart, but he clasped his hands cooperatively and joined in their prayers.

Vanessa closed her eyes, and the sweet and gentle voice flowed in everyone's ears.

Lord, please guide souls into heaven,

Especially those who need you.

May divine tenderness,

Count all the happiness for them,

May all comfort be with them.


A full day had passed since the Foundation riots. As soon as Lin An walked out of the dormitory, he saw the foundation flag fluttering in the sky lowered to half.

Saint Annelov's flag is very interesting. It has the same purpose as Lin An's World Tree Forum. It is also a simplified icon of a tree, with colorful fruits growing upwards in harmony, connected to each other by branches.

Lin An speculated that the inspiration for this pattern may be the legendary "Kabbalah Tree of Life."

Industrious civil servants cleaned up the messy courtyard, the broken plants were buried in the ground, and new seeds were planted. Rainbows rose from the mist, and the moist and refreshing breath of dew washed away the smell of blood.

Seeing Lin An, they all greeted him.

"Good morning, Mr. Lin."

"It was a hard work confronting the department the night before yesterday."

"Lin, are you resting well? Is there anything we can do for you?"

During the riot, ordinary people had no chance to participate. They could only watch their companions die, follow the flow of people into a narrow safe space, and look forward to news of victory in the sweltering heat and restlessness.

Having experienced a life-and-death crisis, these ground employees looked at Lin An with even more admiration.

No wonder the employee handbook repeatedly emphasizes that direct contact with departments is the foundation of the foundation!

These people deserve their heartfelt admiration!

Lin An waved his hands repeatedly and said: "I made no contribution in that battle. I am far behind the experienced seniors. And in terms of hard work, you are not much easier than us. At least I had a whole day of rest yesterday."

"You are too modest, Lin."

In order not to affect his attendance, the civilian staff resisted the urge to strike up a conversation and made way for him. When Lin An passed by them, he could only hear endless chatter.

"I heard that he and Captain Simon worked together to kill that disgusting chicken-headed snake! Not to mention newcomers, it is difficult for regular employees to accomplish such an achievement. He is indeed a genius who scared our minister into having a heart attack during the interview."

"So handsome, let's get married."

"Is it really your turn to get married? Didn't you receive an email from the research department this morning? His teammate Melissa Slane is the fourth legendary C-level mystic in this foundation, and she and Lin are a perfect match. This is called Face the internal digestion of the department.”

Melissa is also a legendary C-level?

Lin An pricked up his ears and only heard a few people mention the word "goblin". He took out his mobile phone and faced the department, but he didn't receive the mass email.

It doesn't matter, I will meet Mi Xi soon.


The elevator door opened, and the familiar deep corridor and the image of


So far, the foundation has not come to trouble Lin An, which shows that the captain has indeed kept his promise, kept secret, and did not tell anyone what Lin An had to confess.

"Captain, I just heard someone say that we defeated the basilisk together." Lin An asked casually while operating the coffee machine.

"My report is factual. Except for the [Gem of Wisdom] part, the rumors you heard are probably because the people in the civilian department like you too much." Simon glanced at him, "What are you holding in your hand?"


"On the other hand."

"Thank you for keeping my secret, Captain, even though I 'destroyed' the evidence overnight."

With a strange smile on his lips, Lin An rolled up his sleeves, and his five fingers were seen holding a staff made of two snakes, and the atmosphere of magic filled the air.

"This is the crystallization of two fragments of the Philosopher's Stone."

Thanks to the three-two-one-pot wine and Nifeng formation for the reward, thanks to Xu'an for the monthly pass, and thanks to all the book friends for the recommendation votes and follow-up reading ~

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