[Name]: Cat Sith, Cat Fairy, Wild Cat King

[Rating]: Disaster C level

[Radiation value]: 8.2%

[Pollution level]: 33.4%

[Media]: War Emperor

Cat-sìth, or translated as "Cat-sìth", pronounced as "cat-shee", its etymology comes from the Gaelic cat cait, and the suffix sith means fairy or goblin.

This legendary creature is the king of wild cats in the highlands of the Lion Kingdom. It has dark fur and a crown-shaped white spot on its chest. Its size is close to that of a border collie.

Although it belongs to the Goblin Kingdom, it does not stay in another world like other goblins. Cat Sith likes to travel frequently to human settlements, and often appears in the literature of the Lion Kingdom with various images and names.

Records of the Sith Cat mention two of its abilities.

First, they can transform back and forth between human form and cat form. Cat Sith can actively transform, or use the moment of transformation to avoid any state.

However, this ability can only be used 9 times, otherwise Cat Sith will lose its identity as a goblin forever and turn into an ordinary black cat.

Therefore, people in the Lion Kingdom believe that cats have nine lives. Through cultural transmission, people in Xizhou and some other states also got this concept. For example, in the Dragon Kingdom, there is a strange story about the "cat with nine tails".

The second type comes from the medieval Highlanders, who were influenced by the Messianic sect. They abandoned the natural spirit of their ancestors and associated the image of the "black cat" with the devil.

In addition to being a goblin, Cat Sith is also a "thief of consciousness". Highlanders believe that it is easy for it to take advantage of people when they are dying.

To avoid this, the wakes would distract the Sith cats with catnip, games, and music next to the coffin, although this was just one of the excuses for the Highlanders to drink and have fun at the funeral.

A total of three users of the World Tree Forum witnessed the true form of Cat Sith, indicating that this person has transformed at least three times.

Like [100 Shots and 100 Hits], this is a mysterious technique with a limited number of times.

But when the number of times has not been exhausted, this type of mysterious spell is usually stronger than the same rating.

"System, search for the method of 'Killing Cat Sith'."

"According to the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic I: Undead, Fertility and Dark Earth - Hittite Worship Ritual", a plan that meets the conditions was found - [Ritual to expel souls]."

"Do you want to consume the media 'God of Truth' x3, 'Seeker' x1, and 'Imaginary' x1 for use?"

"According to the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic I..."

After the system listed the three Hittite rituals, there was no sound. Lin An probably understood the situation.

Crushing Soul can ignore Cat Sith's transformation, but except for Hittite rituals, other lower-rated occult arts cannot kill Cat Sith, because she will turn into a black cat at the moment of death to avoid fatal injuries.

Being on the Bodehui stage, with two suspected members of the foundation sitting in the audience, the choice of Hittite ritual killing was simply out of impatience.

Lin An glanced at the charming cat singing loudly, and then at the cat Sith in the corner who was moving back and forth. Their mouths were almost completely synchronized.

This reminded him of Cat Sith's second ability, stealing the consciousness of a dying person.

Is the Charming Cat actor dead? Or was the cat Sith simply taking control of her mind?

In any case, when Lin An first saw her, "Comes"'s sixth sense felt that Charming Cat was not a pure Titan.

It turns out that she is not a mysterious person, but someone else's puppet!

Is this a characteristic of the "War Emperor" medium?

Currently, Lin An has mastered two mystical techniques of this medium, one is the dwarf devil's [Piñata of Despair], and the other is the Hand of Glory's [Falling into Panic]. Both are mystical techniques related to emotions, and Can create a wide range of fear and chaos.

He also thought that the key word of the "War Emperor" medium was "manipulating people's hearts", but after thinking about it carefully, "Prophet" was probably a medium related to psychology.

Could it be that the real point of the "War Emperor" is to "control the behavior of others according to your own ideas"?

After thinking for a moment, Lin An activated the communication device in his ear.

"Mixi, can you hear me?"

"Well done...well done..." Mi Xi's dazed murmur came from the other side.

"Melissa, it's me! Don't pay attention to that voice anymore!" Lin An shouted, "The mysterious person talking to you is called 'Cat Sith', a kind of highland fairy, and as the 'Fairy Queen', you and her After resonating at a close distance, telepathy occurred.”

"Lin?" Mi Xi came to her senses, "The person I'm talking to is... the cat fairy?"

"Yes, the fifth actor from the right side of the stage. She is wearing a yellow cat-print tights. Can you see it?" Lin An said, "According to the reaction, only you can hear her mind unilaterally, and she Can’t hear you.”

"Bah bang bang..." There were several crisp slaps on the other end of the device, and Mi Xi asked, "It's time for 5,000 Daole to wave to me! Lin, how do you plan to control her?"

"I have a way to make her change form. When you see this person transform into a black cat, say to her 'falbh mo rioghachd'."


"Isn't Highland Gaelic your native tongue...it means 'leave my kingdom!'"

"Sorry, I only understand English." Mi Xi curled her lips, "Are you sure this will work?"

"Your radiation value is not high, but its rating exceeds that of Cat Sith. Moreover, the Fairy Queen is qualified to expel any fairies who disobey orders from Fairyland. The exiled fairies cannot get food and gradually lose their original magical powers."

"I understand, I'll try to do it."

Charming Cat's solo came to an end, and the other cat actors jumped back to the stage, surrounding the leading actors with brisk steps. Lin An took this opportunity to get close to Cat Sith without leaving any trace.

"Dance with me, miss."

Cat Sith raised her painted cheek. It was a mediocre face, as unmemorable as her voice. It was as if if you put her picture on New York Street, countless people would come the next day. claim.

Hearing Lin An's words, Catsis frowned slightly, but she thought it was a temporary arrangement by the troupe, so she did not refuse.

"Hey, where is Shi Jinbo? Where is Shi Jinbo?"

A new song was performed, and the logistics staff changed the stage scenery, from a moonlit forest to a locomotive in a metal forest.

The two followed the beat, Lin An leading her pace, jumping around like butterflies.

"Good evening."

The tempo of the orchestra pit was getting faster and faster. Lin An pulled her close to his chest and asked in a low voice.

"Did you murder the Charming Cat actor?"

Cat Sith's pupils shrank suddenly, and she immediately wanted to break free, but Lin An held her fingers tightly.

Seeing that she couldn't break free, she was not afraid. Instead, she took the initiative to lean her head on Lin An's shoulder, and put her moist lips close to his ear.

"Damn, don't sound so scary. That guy is too old, accidents happen in life, and I just happened to lock her medicine cabinet."

"You don't seem surprised by my appearance." Lin An raised his eyebrows.

"Because four guys like you found me last night, it's not hard to guess that the government has established some kind of agency similar to SHIELD to control people with superpowers."

"Then you won't run?"

"Leave Border Club?! Then do you know how harshly the New York Times will criticize this theater company?" Cat Sith's eyes widened, "Without the female lead, we will go from rave reviews to complete garbage. !”

"Compared with the crisis of my life, I am actually more worried about the reputation of the troupe."

"You have to strive for something while living. Since my family is opposed to my decision, I must take this road to death!"

Lin An's eyes twitched.

Sure enough, the law that mystics are all freaks has never failed.

"I didn't expect you to kill my cat form and come back without giving up." Cat Sith sneered, "Are you alone today?"


"Then I advise you not to act rashly, otherwise I can't help but do something I have wanted to do for a long time." The musical actor suddenly took action, grabbed Lin An's neck, and asked him to raise his head, "Look at the ceiling. Lighting equipment.”

"You planted a bomb?"

Lin An slowly opened her fingers and couldn't help but think of some common plot points in detective comics.

"No, but I have someone to help me saw the steel pipe and I can always make it fall off if I want."

The cat Sith shook its soft ears. It turned out that they were not props, but mutations that caused the level of pollution to increase.

"Hmph, if I hadn't been disturbed all the time, I would have controlled the entire troupe sooner or later."

"You didn't kill them, did you?" Lin An asked tentatively, "Because Charming Cat is still alive, she seems to have just experienced a near-death state and was deprived of control of her body...?"

"Killing is just a means, not an end."

Cat Sith changed the topic to his area of ​​expertise.

"Being behind the scenes is the best feeling in the world. Damn it, if only all the idiots on Titan could be regulated as they should be!"

The silent Lin An estimated the distance, let go of one of her hands, and touched the wand on her waist.

"Have you also seen the review in the New York Times? Since I took over the lead role, the theater's evaluation has continued to rise! It is even expected to win the best musical award this year!" Cat Sis showed his white teeth excitedly.

"If you're so good at singing, why didn't they let you play Charming Cat?"

"My body doesn't like to work hard, maybe it hates being a part of me." Cat Sith's mouth curved, "My voice is ordinary, my figure is mediocre, and my appearance is mediocre. Don't you think they are being unfair to me?"


"I am obviously a genius in opera! A well-deserved genius!"

Cat Sith squeezed Lin An's wrist hard, forcing him to continue listening to her soliloquy.

"Mr. Agent, do you want to watch civilians die in chaos, Bodehui's reputation fall to the bottom, and the electronic screens of Time Square publish panicking news? Let me go, this is the deal."

At this moment, the two of them had reached the edge of the stage. Lin An took out the wand without saying a word and struck it hard on Cat Sith's chest. At the same time, he changed the light of the gem and aimed it at the protruding railway set.

The internal material changes and turns into a sharp steel pipe.

The back of his head hit the steel pipe hard, and the severe pain made Cat Sith's smile grow crazier.

"Okay, you killed these people with your own hands!"

As expected, she transformed into a black cat with a white crown on her chest in front of Lin An. She jumped along the locomotive towards the ceiling at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye.

There was a burst of whispers from the audience, and the clear voice was particularly loud among them.

"falbh mo rioghachd!"

Thanks to Xia Yufeng and Liming Zheng for their monthly tickets, and to all book friends for their recommendation tickets and subscriptions ~

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