World Occult User Guide

Chapter 88 Sky Dew

"Da da da--"

The helicopter propellers made chaotic sounds, and the priest looked at the metal machinery in the distance with a calm tone.

"We have found the Thunder Clan."

"Thunderbird?" Little Dogtooth was stunned, "Mom, don't you know that's a helicopter?"

"God is never a specific image, but a spirit that exists all the time like forests, stars, and the sun. Just by looking for it, we can get the affirmation of faith and be full of longing for the road under our feet."

The priest of the Xunlang tribe smiled kindly at the little canine, who looked back at his mother with a vague understanding.

"So, the real purpose of this sacrifice is..."

"For the ceremony itself, for dancing around the campfire, for catching traces of gravel, for climbing the sacred mountain. Little canine teeth, the human heart hardens once it is separated from nature."

The little canine's eyes were very bright, and the sunlight streaming in through the shadows of the trees made her dark eyes as clear as water. She is eighteen years old this year, and the white wolf woman is forty-five. She looks at her daughter with loving eyes.

"The world is always full of beauty; don't be influenced by another group of people because they feel that the world is a place that must be endured. This torture lasts until they go to another world." The priest tapped the ground with his wooden staff, "It's time to go Saw coyotes at the top of the mountain.”

"Mom, let's wait a minute-"

Before Little Dog Tooth could finish speaking, all the tribesmen passed her and followed the priest to the top of the mountain. She had no choice but to follow behind them.

Finally, they climbed to the top of the holy mountain.

The eagle flapped its wings and flew across the water-washed blue sky, its long chirping echoing in the valley.

There are about tens of square meters of space at the top. The ancient rocks are shrouded in the brilliant rays of the sun. The thin light tips pierce the mottled snow, forming an upright and moving line, which is reflected in the pool at the top of the holy mountain. In the middle, sparkling.


The sound of the helicopter sounded again, and Little Dogtooth discovered that Lin An was landing from a distance with a parachute on his back. He quickly stepped forward to greet him, wiping the long-dried blood with the back of his hand with concern.

"Are you okay? There's blood all over your body!"

"It's not serious, to be precise..." Lin An pressed Little Canine's warm hand, "These are not important anymore, we have reached the end of time."

"The end?"

"The journey to find the gods is coming to an end, isn't it?" Lin An pulled Little Canine's arm, and she felt his voice was as sweet as corn wine, "They are holding the last sacrifice."

I saw the tribesmen taking off their clothes, and the cold and biting air blew over their brown skin.

Under the leadership of the priest, they bent down in an orderly manner to scoop up water from the pool, splashing it on their exposed skin, making a soft "chi" sound.

Water vapor rises in the alternation of hot and cold, turning into mist that drifts into the sky.

Around the pool, they danced a dance that Little Dog Tooth had never heard of, but was still dreaming about.

Can you hear the drums?

I could hear their voices, it was our grandfathers and grandmothers singing.

Can you hear them?

Looking around, countless souls stood up from the ashes, their songs became louder and louder, and those souls became more and more joyful.

Buffalo, monkeys, crows, tortoises, sturgeons and other animals have joined in. Their movements shake the earth, and they form a circle with humans, growing larger and larger.

Little Canine couldn't help but hold their hands and dance primitive dance steps.

The sound of footsteps caused ripples in the water.


As if to remind something, the little canine took a few steps forward, then stopped and stared at the natural patterns on the water.

Transparent ripples outlined some kind of entrance, and she stretched out her left foot and stepped into the water, followed by her right foot.

Under Lin An's thoughtful eyes, the little canine walked step by step to the center of the pool.

Suddenly, something opened.

The soles of her feet touched the cold spring water, and her memory returned like an electric current. She thought of history and the future.

She had experienced a great flood, which created new mountains, rivers, lakes and seas on the back of the turtle; she licked the blood and bones like dead branches of generations of hunters who died tragically; she listened to their sacrificial songs; she sniffed Smoking a herb-flavored pipe, I watched the creation and disappearance of sand paintings and fire sculptures again and again.

She has always been the watcher of nature and all living things.

But then, she found that she was holding a cold gun, and next to her were the bodies of three animals. The air was filled with the stench of carrion, and black smoke was rising and filling the sky.

There were more and more corpses underfoot, and the wind carried icy rain.

Her throat was dry, her hands were trembling, and her head felt like it was on fire. She had no choice but to stumble forward. Everything in front of her was shrouded in factory haze. Cars whizzed past, splashing mud all over her body.

In the gloomy clouds of the storm, she heard the voices of other companions. They tried various methods to pull her out of the quagmire, but always failed at the first step.

The starting point where Little Fang is trapped in a nightmare.

Although she wanted to listen countless times, the corpses on the ground and the gun in her hand frightened her.

She knows nothing about civilization, she is not mentally prepared to become a god, and she is even less able to compete with those terrible guys - they ride into the forest on horseback and can scalp hundreds of people in one day .

Suddenly, a pair of warm and strong hands behind her took away her gun, and the corpses around her opened their eyes one after another.

No, that wasn't a body at all.

The priest's wise words echoed in the ears of the tribesmen who just woke up from their long slumber.

"Human beings are not immutable imprints taken from a piece of stone. On the contrary, we are free and can use the memories of the past as we see fit anytime and anywhere to find how to live in a new way."

An idea suddenly struck her, her heart was beating fast, and she dived into the bottom of the pool.

The mud on her body was washed away, and the lake kept pushing her backward, while she struggled to move forward step by step.

After an unknown amount of time, the resistance of the water weakened, and she remembered more things.

The power that shaped the universe fell on her, and she looked above the pool. Only blue remained in the colorless light falling from the sky.

The sun was calling her.


Lin An saw the little canine immersing her whole body into the pool water. Ten seconds later, she emerged from it with relief as if she had passed through a concrete wall.

The aura suddenly changed.

At this moment, Little Dogya is not just the precocious tribal girl, but an awakened coyote, a true local god.

The timelines of the past and reality began to intersect, and the appearance of the little canine teeth became a little blurry.

She stood in the middle of the pool, her well-defined arms lifted up her wet black hair decorated with feathers. Crystal clear water droplets fell along the tips of her hair, and a strong unknown aura filled the air.

Lin An couldn't help but widen his eyes.

These water droplets contain part of the energy of the little canine tooth!

The moment when an individual awakens, using the medium as the support point, and receiving the initial radiation from ‘Comes’, it is the moment when the energy is the most intense and pure.

This reminded Lin An of a legend about the Philosopher's Stone.

He immediately stretched his wand forward, and at the same time the thought of assigning alchemy flashed to his mind.

"System, use [Art of Transcendence]!"

The water droplets surrounding the little canine instantly lost their crystal luster, and the lake-blue energy was extracted and blended into the emerald of the wand.

The dew that only the gods can give...

This is a kind of condensed water with alchemical properties. Alchemists believe that dew is a gift from heaven or the gods, sent directly from the top of heaven to the earth, and has special spiritual purity.

The alchemists called it Azoth, also the name of Mercury, specifically referring to the "alchemical Mercury", or the essence of Mercury. They believed that the dew had great power because it contained Greek, Roman, Hebrew and Arabic symbols. first and last letters.

In alchemy, dew is one of the raw materials used to make the Philosopher's Stone.

Woodcuts of Paracelsus show his portrait holding a round-headed staff inscribed with Azoth, which he used to cast healing spells.

According to Barber, the dew contains precious etheric power that can regenerate limbs, rejuvenate, and even resurrect limbs, but it must remain in a state that has not yet touched the ground, lest the etheric energy within it return to Titan Land.

Therefore, Lin An took advantage of the moment when the water droplets raised by the canine fangs fell back into the pool to perform alchemy.

In proper, harmonious proportions, through miraculous fusion, the essence of the water droplet swishes into the gem at the end of the snake staff.

The color of the gem immediately became dark green and deep, as if there was a real trickling flow.

A slightly changed tone sounded in Lin An's mind.

"By using the Mystic Technique, the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increased by 0.2%."

"Through alchemy and the use of the 'Tracing to Source' function, you refined [Fragment of the Philosopher's Forum I - Mercury of Philosophy] and combined it with [Fragment of the Philosopher's Forum I - Parcel Celsus' Five matrices] are merged. The picture of the mysterious item has been updated."

Green data appeared, and Lin An rubbed his eyes to confirm that he had read it correctly.

[Name]: Fragments of the Sage's Pond

[Evaluation]: Myth C level

[Radiation value]: 22.4%

[Polluting degree]: 0%

[Media]: Weaver

During the battle just now, he was still guessing what impact the increase in pollution would have on him. Unexpectedly, the next moment, the system told him with actual actions.

The data actually started to get garbled! doesn't seem to have any impact on my body.

Suppressing his random thoughts, Lin An scanned the new wand panel, and the trace of panic in his heart was washed away by the new harvest.

Not only is the radiation value increased, but relying on the energy of the dew when the little canine tooth awakens, the wand has also been upgraded by one rating!

By the way, how about the little canine tooth?

Looking up again, Lin An saw the lively and simple girl standing on the pool with her hands behind her back, raising a bright smile, but her eyes had never been more complicated and sad, looking at Lin An reluctantly.

He put away his wand and held out his hand to her.

"Come to the shore..."

However, before he finished speaking, a burst of intense light suddenly flashed between the two of them, making Lin An dizzy.

Reluctantly opening his sore eyelids, he saw the little canine slowly kneeling on the ground, and the coyote's great and vital shadow replaced the girl's flexible body.

The God of Creation closed his eyes and sank into the boundless ice water.

The past and reality completely passed by.

When the chaos subsided, Lin An saw the hazy and soft white mist emerging above a pool of spring water. As the wind surged, it gradually took shape and became clearer and clearer.

The moose's deep eyes looked at Lin An again.

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