World of Experts

Chapter 974: Monsters

"Oh! There is still such a situation. What a bad luck! Well, you can give me as many as you can. Give me some good matching dishes, so that's it." Shi Hao said helplessly.

"Okay! Then I'll tell the kitchen. The dishes will be ready soon." The beautiful waitress left with a grin. But just as the waitress walked away, this Han Li sat opposite Shi Hao, and immediately became a little curious.

"Mr. Ye Feng! What kind of strange animal did you say? I heard that Panshui City attaches great importance to such a characteristic cattle as Panshui Bull. It stands to reason that if it weren't for a powerful strange animal, I'm afraid it would not be possible in Panshui City. Kill the cows under everyone's eyes." Han Li said suddenly.

"No matter how many him. We are not raising cattle." Shi Hao smiled.

"But... Although we are not raising cattle, there are still many people in Panshui City who live by raising Panshui buffalo. If they continue like this, don't they have to lose their money? Do we want to find out why? . If you can help those people solve their problems, it will also make their lives easier." Han Li said.

"Yeah! Girl Han Li is a bodhisattva. Okay! You said so, let's finish eating first. After eating, treat it as good food or for those who raise cattle, go and see." Shi Hao said. After that, it didn't take long before I saw that beautiful waitress came back, carrying many dishes. Among them, half a catty of beef sauce. After Shi Hao and Han Li ate, they applauded again and again.


Soon after, Shi Hao and Han Li left the small shop, and then walked all the way to the outskirts of Panshui City. When we arrived at the outskirts of Panshui City, we saw a green meadow with a meandering river that was dug out by hand, and on the green meadow there were cow herders looking sad.

Seeing this, Shi Hao and Han Li approached a herdman and asked. Shi Hao said, "Hello! May I ask if you are having any troubles here. I heard that there are fewer and fewer Pan Buffalo here. It seems that a monster has come out and ate the cows stealthily, right?"

And the cow herder suddenly became a little confused, and immediately said, "Excuse me! What are you two?" And what I have to say is that like this kind of cow herding, they need to work hard outside all day long, and they are not free. He went to watch the game in the city and had no spare money to bet on the game, so he didn't know Shi Hao.

Han Li smiled and said: "We are people in the city. Seeing that the amount of beef in this city is getting less and less day by day, we are thinking to see if we can help solve the problem. Don't worry, this place in front of you This gentleman is called Ye Feng! He is very powerful. If there are any monsters, he should be able to help you solve the problem."

The cattleman was overjoyed, "Really! Oops!" The cattleman took a closer look at the clothes of Shi Hao and Han Li. Although Shi Hao's clothes are not particularly luxurious, they are not what ordinary people in the suburbs can wear. Han Li's clothes are very luxurious.

And the cowherd was even more pleased, believed Han Li's words, and said: "That's great! You two are not ordinary people. Great! Finally someone from the city helped us solve the problem. Don’t say anything! These days have started about a month ago. I really don’t know what’s wrong. This buffalo will be inexplicably lost at night, and will run out by itself, and it will run more and more. Far away. And whether the strength of those of us is as strong as these water buffaloes, we can’t stop these cows. And after these cows ran far away, none of them came back, and in the end we could occasionally find them far away. We all know that the bones of some buffalo buffaloes are dead if they leave. What a bad luck."

The herdler let out his unhappiness in one breath. After listening, Shi Hao thought for a while, and suddenly shouted, "It's been a month! Didn't Luo Chao send anyone? It's really damn. This Luo Chao! The more I look at him, the more upset I get."

The cowherd said: "Lord Luo Chao! Now it has indeed changed. But when he used to, I remember that I was a child. Lord Luo Chao was a wise man at that time. I remember once when I was a child. Lost in the woods outside, I met Master Luo Chao by chance. Master Luo Chao was leading a team to sweep away a monster in the forest. That time, Master Luo Chao personally held a sledgehammer and found the monster alive. It was really amazing."

Han Li also said: "My father also said that Luo Chao was a very mighty person in the early years. It's a pity that Luo Chao didn't want to make progress later on. He didn't advance and retreated. Speaking of, Luo Chao's current combat effectiveness, Maybe it's not as good as half of what he was in earlier years. If you change to Luo Chao from earlier years, at least he can now be ranked in the top three of the three tiers of the Blood God List."

Shi Hao smiled: "Luo Chao is just a waste that doesn't want to make progress. Going against the current, you will retreat if you don't advance. Let's not mention Luo Chao's waste."

The cattle herder was suddenly startled, "Ah! You said Lord Luo Chao is a trash. If this is heard, you can sue you, you can't bear it." The cattle herder looked around, and no one noticed the situation. , This was a little relieved, relieved.

Shi Hao laughed and said, "Luo Chao can't help me. Alright! I probably know the situation. I think! Let me see the cows tonight and see what the situation is."

The cowherd smiled and said, "That's great! Please trouble this gentleman."


But the time came to this night. Shi Hao had already sent Han Li back to the inn to rest, and he went to the suburbs outside Panshui City again, watching a group of Panshui buffalo grazing on the enclosed meadow. But as time passed, a short while later, when the moon was hanging high in the sky that night, Shi Hao suddenly felt a strange power spreading on this grassland with the help of moonlight.

Shi Hao was shocked, "This...what kind of guy? I feel a powerful force!"

And then, on this piece of grass, almost all of the buffaloes began to howl, and one after another began to rush towards the surrounding fences. In a short while, a hole was opened in the fence, and a group of buffaloes swarmed toward the hole.

Seeing this, Shi Hao, even if he acted quickly, said in his heart: "Let's take a look at where these cows have gone, and take a look at the situation." Shi Hao followed the cows and walked quietly. Up.

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