World of Experts

Chapter 990: Lead people to apprentice

The waitress was overjoyed and said: "Really! Say so! This guest! You are really amazing." I have to say that the waitress does not seem to recognize Shi Hao. Shi Hao is now a great celebrity in this city of water, those who have seen Shi Hao’s face during the game, and nowadays the portrait of Shi Hao are quickly circulating in the city. If you say that people in this city of water know Shi Hao It must be superfluous to not know Shi Hao.

Shi Hao smiled at this moment: "It seems that you really don't know me! You must have not gone to the game. Did you not go to the previous games?"

The waitress said: "I didn't go to see! I just like to cook and guard this small shop."

Shi Hao smiled and said: "Oh! Sure enough. It doesn't matter! By the way! My name is Ye Feng, don't you know what your name is?"

The waitress said: "Ye Feng guest! You just call me Xiaoan."

Shi Hao smiled and said, "Xiaoan! Um! Okay! Then I'll wake up those little guys, I will take them to the martial arts gym to find a master, and I must let them stay in the martial arts gym to learn art. You can rest assured ."

The waitress Xiao An said: "Okay! Thank you Ye Feng for your guests."

Shi Hao said, "Then I will go now." After saying that, Shi Hao immediately ran to wake up the little guys who were all asleep, and took them to leave the shop and head to the city. Wuguan learns art. However, before Shi Hao took the little guys out of the shop, suddenly Shi Hao looked back at that Xiao An.

Xiao An was stunned for a moment, "Ye Feng guest! Have you forgotten things are in the store?"

Shi Hao smiled awkwardly: "No! I haven't forgotten anything! I just don't know where the martial arts gym is."

Xiao An suddenly got a black line and smiled reluctantly: "It's okay! Wait a moment, I will close the store, I will go with you, I will lead the way. After all, these little guys have been there once, but I don't think they can remember the way. Going outside to ask for the way is afraid of asking the wrong question. Let me lead the way." After she said that, she took action quickly. And soon after, Xiao An led the way, leading Shi Hao and the little guys, slowly walking towards a martial arts gym in the city.


And not long after, Shi Hao and the woman named Xiao An brought the little guys to the front of a martial arts gym. But I saw that this martial arts hall is actually not big. At first glance, it feels the size of a small hotel, and there are not many people here at the moment, and the location is a bit remote. It doesn’t seem to be like a monk in the day. place.

Shi Hao couldn't help but glanced at the Xiao An next to him, and secretly said, "Sure, it's here? Don't you give these little guys a bigger place to find a master?"

Xiao An immediately replied secretly, saying: "No need! This is just fine. Those big places, even if these little guys squeeze in, they will be secretly crowded out by the people inside. People in the big martial arts hall in the city. They are all the heirs of many powerful and inferior people who are learning arts in it. Of course, the descendants of the powerful and powerful will not be sent to low-end places like martial arts. Now the descendants of the powerful are fighting for the scalp. Also squeeze into the Youth Reserve League of the Blood God World."

Shi Hao nodded, "Okay! I understand! Then let's go in."

Immediately, Shi Hao took Xiao An and the little guys into this little martial arts hall.

Just as soon as I entered the martial arts hall, I saw a person sitting idle in the center of the martial arts hall. On closer inspection, the sitting person was about forty years old, and his muscles were very prominent. However, Shi Hao knew at a glance that the strength of this person's cultivation was by no means the second level, even the first level. The ranks can only barely reach the middle and lower reaches of the level, and their strength is very average.

At this moment, Shi Hao shouted at the sitting person, "Excuse me! Are you the master of this martial arts gym?"

After the sitting person heard the sound, he first glanced at Shi Hao lazily, and then suddenly was shocked, got up quickly, walked carefully in front of Shi Hao, and watched it secretly for a while. And then, the man shuddered involuntarily, and quickly said: "I am the master here, my name is Bai Dahu, and I am the owner of this martial arts gym. Dare to ask... you are Mr. Ye Feng, right? I recognize your appearance. Although I am not very capable and lack martial arts, I didn't have the courage to participate in the competition, but I went to watch all of the competition. Mr. Ye Feng is really a god. By the way! Mr. Ye Feng, wait a moment."

After that, the idler named Bai Dahu hurriedly ran back, brought a seat from the back, placed it in front of Shi Hao, and said, "Mr. Ye Feng! Please sit down."

But Shi Hao shook his head, but said: "Don't sit down! Master Bai! I came to you today, there is something for you to help. After talking about things, you agree to come down, and I will leave. Other things, that's fine. Don’t bother. It’s not bothersome, I just stand and talk."

Bai Dahu was shocked immediately and said quickly: "Mr. Ye Feng! You have something to ask me to help. Just say it. You can't talk about helping, but I will definitely not refuse to do anything for you. Mr. Ye Feng’s effort to do things, that’s my honour.”

But after Bai Dahu said it, he smiled and muttered in his heart: "Ye Feng is an unfathomable person, and his position is extremely noble in the future. Today he has something to help me, doesn't it give me a chance to climb Is this tall branch? Great! I want to seize this opportunity. I, Bai Dahu, thought that my life would be so mediocre. But when the opportunity comes, I will never miss it." His eyes were firm. Reading, looking at Shi Hao.

Shi Hao immediately said: "Okay! Very good! Then I'll just say it." Shi Hao paused, and then said, "I came here this time and brought a group of little guys. I think these people are all helpless. The orphans you rely on are also very difficult. And I heard that these little guys were going to come to you to apprentice art, but you refused before. This time I personally take them here, I hope Master Bai this time Give me a face."

After saying that, Shi Hao stepped aside and pointed to the little guys who followed him.

But Bai Dahu looked in the direction of Shi Hao’s finger, and immediately saw it, he was shocked: "Mr. Ye Feng! These little guys did come to me once before. That time I saw them were not good I just rashly refused to learn martial arts materials. But this time, since you brought them personally, Mr. Ye Feng, well, leave them with me."

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