World of Immortality

Chapter 307 Preaching, 0-weight ruler

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Mentality collapsed!

After Zhang Yunxi withdrew from the virtual training ground, his mental state had problems. Foaming from the corner of his mouth, he sat in the connection cabin and kept muttering: "This is absolutely impossible! At the beginning of the growth period, can you kill me in seconds? Nima, this must be cheating! Cheating!"

"Dirty blood, did you drain the water? Your tortoise shell fell asleep, why did someone kill you so quickly?" Gu Yuyan asked angrily.

"What's going on?! Are you and this old man partnering to collect our money?" Kaka also didn't understand, and walked to the connecting cabin: "I have ten thousand yuan, and my death is worse than that of Jin Taisheng. !"

"No, how could her electric explosion energy suddenly increase so much?!" Zhang Yunxi stared forward with dull eyes, puzzled: "Her body can't bear such a strong energy fluctuation, how did she release it?" What? Damn, it's completely unreasonable...!"

"Where am I talking to you?" Kaka reached out and pulled Zhang Yunxi's head: "Don't pretend to be dead!"

"No, what kind of bullshit fighter is clever, how many times can it increase its own energy?? Nonsense, it's purely a fool!" Zhang Yunxi's eyes were red, shaking his head and muttering.

Wei Wu glanced at him, bent down and stretched his hand into the connecting compartment, and flicked it towards the hill on his crotch.

Zhang Yunxi didn't respond, and was still thinking about the scene of the battle just now.

"It's over, the blow is too big, and I'm dazed." Wei Wu stretched out his hand and patted Kaka: "Oh, my brother...!"

"Give me back the five thousand dollars."

"If we want to talk about money between the two of us, that is the greatest irony of friendship."

"Go away, pay me back quickly!"

"...I'll eat it for you next time!" Wei Wu grinned, turned around and left: "It's tomato-flavored, it'll be ready in a while."

Kaka looked at this wretched and shameless older friend with a rather speechless expression: "Okay, let's treat it as charity."

In the training room, Ye Zhi and other spectators, although they lost money, inexplicably began to greet Old Man Lin.

"Master, do you want to go to the AI ​​escort shop? My dad has a VIP membership card, so I can take you there.

If you want to have something exotic, let’s go to Amut when I’m on vacation, and I’ll spend it! "

"Grandpa, your surname is Lin? Are you from Chidu? Hey, do you know Lin Dahai, a big family in the east of the bridge? That's my second grandfather, maybe we are related...!"

"Senior, to tell you the truth, I have had a dream of controlling thunder and lightning since I was a child."

"Go, get out!"


A group of people crowded around Old Man Lin, chattering around and offering their courtesies, trying to make connections.

Old man Lin is not a good bird either. He sat on the steps and deliberately shook the received balance on the communicator: "Oh, I took a walk around, more than 40,000 yuan, I can make do with it today."

Everyone's teeth itch with hatred, but they still say good things.

Old man Lin naturally knew the purpose of these young people, and raised two fingers with a smile.

"What do you mean, senior?" Kaka stretched her neck and asked.

"I'm very easy-going and easy to talk to. One class is 200,000 yuan." Old man Lin bared his teeth and said, "You can become stronger if you pay."

"Fuck, you might as well grab it!"

"Cut, I'm over 200 pounds, and I'm out of breath, how much stronger can I be?" Kaka lost interest in an instant: "Farewell!"


When a group of young people heard the price, they all left in a hurry, and even mocked a few words of dirty blood before going out.

Ye Zhi stayed at the end, nodded and bowed and said: "Old Lin, you are a highly respected senior, a pioneer, and we are also organizational fighters with firm beliefs. Will you give a lecture to everyone later?"

Yes, all fools can see that this old man does have two skills, and they don't think that Jing Nansheng has the ability to break through his own limits, so they all want to extract essence.

Old man Lin glanced at Ye Zhi, saw that his face was like a crown of jade, and he was handsome, so he immediately patted his ass: " can say it."

Ye Zhi was stunned for a moment, seeing that the other party hinted at his field of expertise, he immediately responded: "Yes, it's easy to say."

"Ha ha."

The two made a joke, and old man Lin responded softly: "My method is not suitable for most people, but there are some experiences that can be shared. Later, I will ask Xiao Nansheng to sort out some information, and you can study it yourself, and you can understand it. As much as you can get."

"Okay, okay!" Ye Zhi nodded happily: "Then you are busy!"

After speaking, Captain Ye also left.

In the huge training room, only Zhang Yunxi was left sitting in the connecting cabin, talking to himself with his head bowed.

Old man Lin stepped over, looked at the cabin with his hands behind his back, and roared angrily: "Hey!"

This voice pulled Zhang Yunxi back from his thoughts, he turned his head to look at old man Lin dumbly: "She is definitely cheating, it is absolutely impossible for a super-body in the elementary stage of growth...!

"A few years ago, would you have thought of yourself becoming like this?" Mr. Lin interrupted and asked.

Zhang Yunxi was at a loss for words.

"There is nothing absolutely impossible in this world," Elder Lin looked at him and said flatly, "There is only one thing that cannot be lost."

Zhang Yunxi blinked, and crawled out of the connection cabin: "Then tell me, how did she do it?!"

In the huge training room, old man Lin walked towards the empty central area, and said indifferently: "These 360 ​​lines, each line has its own technique. Those who turn spoons pay attention to heat, and those who sell Daliwan also have their own secret recipes. The same ten There are pickpockets in the year, some people get into trouble every day, and some people support the whole family with a coin in their pockets."

Listening to old man Lin's words, Zhang Yunxi stepped forward to follow.

The two came to the center of the wide training ground. Old man Lin glanced at it casually, pointed to an elastic ball on the ground on the left side, which was used to practice subtle strength control, and said, "Pick it up."

Zhang Yunxi was puzzled, but he still walked over, bent down and picked up a bouncy ball the size of a grapefruit: "What are you doing?"

"Is the wall here strong? Can this ball not be broken?" Elder Lin turned his head and asked.

"It must not be broken. This is a super physical training room, and the walls are made of special finance." Zhang Yunxi replied.

"Okay, just stand here and throw the ball towards the wall with your normal body posture." Old Lin said with his hands behind his back.

Although Zhang Yunxi didn't understand what the other party meant, he still followed the old man's request and threw the ball with all his strength.


The elastic ball made of special material, thrown by Zhang Yunxi with all his strength, flew towards the wall at an extremely fast speed, almost in the state of an afterimage, and the ball was obviously deformed.

Although Zhang Yunxi didn't activate the mutant, the power of ordinary people's physique has already been enhanced. Not to mention normal people, even the physical fitness of athletes cannot be compared with him.


With a muffled sound, the ball hit the wall and bounced off, and bounced off the indoor wall three times irregularly, before it slowly dissipated and landed, continuing to bounce and roll.

"Is this your greatest strength?" Old Man Lin asked.

"I didn't play well, the posture of holding the ball is wrong, and I can adjust it." Zhang Yunxi replied truthfully.

"Keep throwing away, throw away the three next to you." The old man ordered.

Zhang Yunxi didn't ask much, but continued to throw the ball.

For the remaining three times, Zhang Yunxi kept adjusting his throwing posture and threw with all his strength, but the final results were not much different. The ball that bounced the most was the third ball, which bounced four times in the room.

"What do you mean?!" Zhang Yunxi asked with a frown after throwing it away.

Old man Lin glanced at him: "Is this your limit?"

"Yes, almost." Zhang Yunxi nodded: "Find the angle, and then change the posture, it may be stronger."

"No, the limit of your strength is there." Old man Lin shook his head seriously at this moment: "If you throw it again, the ball will hit between the two walls at most four or five times."

Zhang Yunxi frowned in thought.

"Can you break through?" Old Man Lin asked.

Zhang Yunxi thought about it, and finally shook his head.

"Come on, take two more balls." Old man Lin ordered.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yunxi went to the equipment box and took out two brand new bouncy balls from it.

"Throw the first one first, then hold the second one in your hand, get ready." Old Man Lin ordered.


Zhang Yunxi immediately threw the first bouncy ball in the most comfortable position.


The sphere hits the wall and starts refracting.

When the ball was refracted for the third time and saw that the impact was insufficient, old man Lin suddenly shouted: "Use your second ball and hit the first ball straight, right now!"

This kind of operation is quite difficult for ordinary people, and it may not be accurate to throw it a hundred times, but it is not difficult at all for a super body with strong control of power and strong ability to catch sight.

Zhang Yunxi suddenly threw the second ball, which accurately hit the bouncy ball that was about to hit the ground.

There was a muffled bang, and the force of the collision of the two balls caused the elastic ball to deform greatly. After refracting it back and forth three or four times, it landed with a crackling sound, and a slight crack appeared at the point of impact.

Seeing this, Zhang Yunxi stared at the two balls on the ground, as if thinking of something.

"Have you broken through the limit now?" Old Man Lin asked.

"Damn, that's it!" Zhang Yunxi suddenly looked at him, and instantly understood: "I see, it is the energy of the collision of two electric explosion balls, which has produced a qualitative change, so the energy of the short-term explosion has doubled, right? ?!"

"Hehe. You still have a bit of understanding, but it's not right." Old man Lin said with a smile: "Most of the explosion energy generated by the impact will be consumed in the collision, and it is not enough to hurt you. After all, you are rough and thick. of."

Zhang Yunxi blinked: "Is that compression?"

"Compression is not accurate, it's superposition. Instead of putting two balls, she superimposes three balls in a row. Because she has excellent control over energy and excellent time estimation, the sphere That’s why it didn’t explode immediately.” Old man Lin explained softly: “Her first attack gave you the illusion of mediocre energy, so you were able to hit Xiao Nansheng’s way and let the ball approach you.”

"Can you still fight like this?!" Zhang Yunxi murmured softly.

"Has your magnetic field been tested? How much is the gravity?" Old Man Lin asked suddenly.

"After entering the growth stage, the gravity of a directional attack is about 35,000 jin. This depends on the actual combat performance, the state, and the ability of the opponent, as well as the environment, physical condition, etc." Zhang Yunxi frowned and replied: " And it can’t attack multiple times, and it’s easy to get exhausted.”

"Even if you have 30,000 gravity, how much is the superposition of the two ripple fields?" Old man Lin asked again.

When Zhang Yunxi heard this, his eyes were bright and his expression was extremely excited.

"Furthermore, if within the gravity of 30,000 jin, if you press another 30,000 jin, what kind of offensive ability will it have? Conversely, what will happen if you stack two layers of directional ripples when defending?" Old man Lin with his hands behind his back Looking at him: "You have such a special mutation, you know how to slash with a sword. I say you are rubbish, but you still don't admit it. Why do special forces have to go through countless high-intensity training?! Because the body is the foundation, and the technique is the upper limit !"

Zhang Yunxi looked at him, and shouted excitedly: "Senior, you gave me a new life! If you want to say that, I can kill mutants above the growth stage."

"You can do a fart! It's not as simple as one plus one. How to control the energy, how to prevent the power of the domain from colliding with itself, and whether you can hit the target accurately after the gravity is superimposed, all these require years of practice." Old man Lin looked at him: "Do you think that Xiao Nansheng knew this kind of technique when she was born? She is in the virtual world, just practicing these three balls, and the total training time is one year and eight months. It is the training time. ,Understand?!"

Zhang Yunxi had already opened a new door, and he said excitedly: "With perseverance, an iron pestle can be ground into a needle!"

"Okay, I've been entrusted by others, and I'm done giving advice. The rest, you can figure it out yourself!" Old man Lin deliberately played tricks, and after he finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Zhang Yunxi chased after him, took his arm and said, "Senior, I have a very good suggestion. I will send you to die, and you teach me combat skills. Let's... tell a good story about master and apprentice."

"I closed the door, and I have not accepted disciples for a long time."

"I'll go to the companion store for you, the wife who is full of thieves, big waves, and a VIP, do you think it's okay?!" Zhang Yunxi has no shame.

"I'm a little tired...!"

"Master, what do you think is the name of my combat skill? The power of gray superimposition? It's too earthy! Explosive sword?! It's just so-so... Hey, what do you think of it being called the thousand-weight ruler? It sounds infinitely varied, It feels so good!" Zhang Yunxi babbled beside him like his mouth was broken.

Old man Lin ignored him, and walked to the door of the control building: "Don't forget, I will be arranged for New Year's Eve."

"Master, I don't know yet, what's your name?!" Zhang Yunxi called out.

Under the bright sunlight, old man Lin walked with his hands behind his back, forcing Wang Fanzhuan: "My name is Lin Ye!"

"Ye Ye? Grandpa?! Master, your name is quite big!" Zhang Yunxi shouted.


Mingzhu City, Institute of Biology, Supervision Administration Bureau.

Director Lailai was wearing protective clothing, standing in the observation room, looking at Yan Xing who was lying on the bed in the laboratory: "How is his condition?"

"His situation is very special...!" The professor next to him adjusted his glasses: "Not only did he not lose his will, but his body was greatly enhanced by the mutated cells. He should be regarded as a super body. And...!"

"And what?!"


There are two chapters at noon and one more chapter at ten o'clock in the evening. Ask for votes, brothers! Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

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