World of Immortals

Chapter 492 Martial Ancestor Reappears!

"How dare you call him an ant?" The calm and indifferent voice did not contain any emotion.

The fighting spirit is soaring!

The mysterious skinny figure, unfathomable, suddenly appeared in front of him, and his powerful fighting spirit shook the entire most evil place, and the two ancestor god-level powerhouses were all shocked and retreated.

He came so suddenly, even the two peerless masters in front of him couldn't detect it in advance.

His skinny figure was very thin, his long scorched yellow hair was messy like weeds, his body was skinny, and his body was covered only by a layer of yellow skin.

Xiao Chen almost screamed at that time, this mysterious visitor was not a strange face, it was actually that——the evil corpse!

The evil corpse that slept in the king's ship back then! The unrivaled master who once opened the world of death alone, went deep into it, and searched for the oracle bone map.

If it weren't for the mysterious evil corpse in front of us breaking into the Palace of Death and suppressing the mighty Pluto Ruizio, Xiao Chen, Tianwaitian and others would have fallen by now.

From the moment the evil corpse awakened from the king's ship, it has shown that it is strong and invincible!

"Who are you?" the bone-and-skeleton Zu Jun opposite, whose body was like suet jade, asked in a deep voice.

And not far away, the huge figure like a stele showed a look of surprise and uncertainty, and said in surprise: "You are..."

What responded to them was only a pair of fists, a pair of invincible iron fists that could shatter mountains and rivers and destroy the sky.


As if there was an unbearable weight, the words of the huge figure like a monument stopped abruptly, and it was directly smashed and flew out.

The Bone Ancestor, shining with holy light, reacted quickly and collided with the other fist of the evil corpse. Although he came up to meet him, he did not block it.


The mighty Zu Jun was also thrown flying by a punch, and his crystal-like jade palm bones were almost broken.

The ultimate power!

Although the thin figure of the evil corpse is very thin, it has the most terrifying combat power in the world, and nothing can resist it.

"It's you, it's really you!" The figure as huge as a sky monument showed an extremely shocked expression.

"It's me, and it's not me."

The skinny figure stood alone in the world, although it looked very thin, but it shocked everyone at this moment, and no one dared to make the slightest movement.

The huge figure like a stele finally manifested its real body, covered with dragon scale armor, the crimson light was very gorgeous, like a ball of flames burning.

The six half-ancestors from other worlds in the distance wanted to cheer, but they all held back the moment they stared at the back of the mysterious evil corpse.

There is no doubt that this is a powerful ancestor god from another world. It is the comrade Li Huiyou said was severely injured in the chaotic time and space and fell into a deep sleep. He is known as the ancestor of the red robe sword.

"Back when the four unrivaled masters dispatched, they still left you with a trace of life..."


Piercing through the world, the mysterious evil corpse responded directly with actions, and disappeared in place in an instant, not relying on magical powers, the pure physical movement speed exceeded the limit of common sense.

It exceeded the speed of human thinking and suddenly appeared in front of the red-robed Sword Ancestor. A thin palm slashed down obliquely, which was more terrifying than the Heavenly Knife.


It slashed heavily between the crossed palms of the ancestor god from another world, causing blood to splatter from the shining crimson dragon scale armor on the red-robed sword ancestor's body.

A large piece of the dragon scale armor was shattered, and the red-robed sword ancestor was sent flying by pure combat power.

In the rear, the Martial Mark was about to scream madly, extremely excited, and shouted: "Did you see that, this is pure martial power, a pure martial skill that was just criticized by you for nothing. If this is also a worthless skill, then you can enjoy it!"

It could be seen that the old magic stick had held back his anger just now, and now he vented it.

"A useless worm-like skill?" The mysterious evil corpse turned his back to the crowd, repeated the sentence indifferently, and said, "Has Wuxiu fallen so far? If so, I will use this useless worm-like skill to bury you here and open up a new world!"

When the mysterious evil corpse said this, it took several hundreds of feet to reach the red-robed sword ancestor in one step, shaking the heavens and the earth. The moment a pair of fists were swung, the entire most evil place trembled, and the entire sky shook violently.

The whole body of the red-robed Sword Ancestor was blazing with blood, and as he was named, he used his sword to reach the sky. Tens of thousands of sword lights burst out from his body, all sweeping and killing in one direction.


Like endless flying insects flapping their wings, the ear-piercing sound made Banzu's ear bones extremely painful.

The sky is full of bloody sword lights!

But in the face of this endless sword energy, the mysterious evil corpse turned a blind eye, and the iron fist went forward without hesitation, blasting towards the front.


A pair of iron fists shattered the blood-colored sword light in the sky, pierced through the sky and the earth, and smashed on the body of the red-robed sword ancestor with a bang.


The moment the red-robed Sword Ancestor was hit, he soared into the sky, floated above the sky, and shouted: "Billions of stars, listen to my orders, Xingyu Tianjian——comes down!"

In the vast starry sky, endless stars are shining, and dazzling sword lights shoot down from the stars one after another. With the stars as the source of the sword, the sky is full of murderous aura, and the entire sky is backed by the red-robed sword ancestor.

This is the frightening thing about Sword Ancestor, hundreds of millions of stars are the divine sword in his palm, and his incomparable supernatural power is enough to obliterate everything in the world!

The glaring light flooded the area, and all of them focused on the mysterious evil corpse.

Facing this terrifying supernatural power, even the Bone Ancestor behind him showed a dignified look, the power was too powerful.

But the mysterious evil corpse has no fear, rushing up among the thousands of Xingyu Tianjian, smashing all obstacles with unparalleled combat power, and opening up a passage.

His goal was very clear, to concentrate all his fighting power on one point and attack the red-robed Sword Ancestor.

Since the billions of Xingyu Heavenly Swords were all summoned by the Red Robe Sword Ancestor, as long as he was killed directly, all the terrifying Heavenly Swords would naturally collapse.


The mysterious evil corpse's combat power is against the sky, and it uses pure force to defeat the great supernatural powers of the ancestor gods! His body was spinning extremely fast like a top, smashing all the endless swords in the sky, and he rushed to the red-robed sword ancestor. Ten fingers spread out together, like ten heavenly diamonds, piercing towards the chest of the red-robed Sword Ancestor.

Completely piercing through the three-foot-thick protective light of the ancestral god-level powerhouse, the mysterious evil corpse has unmatched combat power, and it slammed to the front with pure force.


The red-robed Sword Ancestor roared, extremely disturbed in his heart, and tried his best to condense into thousands of sword lights in front of his chest, blocking the spread of ten fingers.

"click click"

The sound of shattering came, and the mysterious evil corpse's force was shocking, and the pure physical attack surpassed the limit that everyone could imagine. The ten fingers seemed to pierce through white paper, leaving ten terrifying blood holes on the bloody dragon scale armor of the red-robed Sword Ancestor.

The mysterious evil corpse was terrifying. Ten fingers pierced the red-robed sword ancestor's chest, and ten bloody arrows gushed out immediately.


The red-robed Sword Ancestor yelled, and fled for more than ten miles like a beam of blood, before stopping with his hands on his chest.

"This is the small skill of a pure warrior..." Xie Zombie said indifferently and calmly.

But it proved the power of Wuxiu with facts!

In the distance, all the half-ancestors from other worlds were horrified. It was their ancestor god who lost to this mysterious enemy.

And the eight kings were all shocked. This mysterious man was too powerful, with boundless combat power, and wounded an ancestor god so quickly.

In Paradise Lost, Xiao Chen and the others were also extremely shocked. They had seen the birth of an evil corpse in the Sea of ​​Taboo back then, but none of them expected him to be so powerful.

Has the strength to kill the ancestor gods!

"Is it the seventh heaven of the ancestor god, or the eighth heaven?!" The bone-boned ancestor in the distance showed an extremely dignified expression. Although he hadn't made a move yet, he was oppressed by a terrifying fighting force from the beginning to the end.

"Back then, he was an unrivaled figure in the Nine Heavens!" The red-robed Sword Ancestor repaired his injured body, and strode back in the void.

The Bone Ancestor was silent when he heard the words, he had to join forces with the Red Robe Sword Ancestor at this moment, otherwise he would never be able to face the terrifying warrior in front of him alone.


The Bone Ancestor pulled out the Bone Knife that was on his back seriously and dignifiedly. His whole body was white, and his murderous aura pierced the sky in an instant. Terrible power and endless stars condensed into one.

Although it is a white bone knife, it is more terrifying than ordinary ancestral soldiers. This is the bone knife he has been cultivating since he was awakened from a small fire creature. It has evolved into a real top ancestral soldier!

"My name is original sin, and the sword is called perdition."

Bone Ancestor's self-registration number.


The bone knife slashed down and grew to a length of three thousand feet. The snow-white bone blade was so sharp that it swung down like a mountain.

The land of death is shaking violently, and endless evil spirit rises from the grass and trees, and condenses on the bone knife. The bone ancestor named original sin can summon the power of the world of death.

The evil corpse's feet were like stepping on stars, rushing up in the void, clusters of halos bloomed under its feet, and its movements were unpredictable, rushing towards the huge bone knife.


The bone knife named Shen Shen was completely shaken with the palm of the hand, and a loud noise erupted. The mysterious evil corpse was safe and sound, and the bone knife with a length of three thousand feet was blown up.

Then he rushed forward like a flash of light, and with a "bang", he touched the white bone ancestor with a palm, and the white bone ancestor was sent flying out at once.

"Don't compete with him in pure force. Few people can compete with him in that field." The red-robed Sword Ancestor shouted loudly, "Take him with spells and supernatural powers!"

The ancestor of the dead world, the original sin, flew for more than ten miles before he stabilized his figure. His whole body was crystal clear and almost transparent. He nodded and said, "Then we will subdue him with the law of supernatural powers."


The evil corpse has already been killed, and it will face the two great ancestor god-level powerhouses alone! Xuan Ao's incomparable pace made him like a ghost in chaotic time and space, unable to guess where he would appear in the next moment.

Pure force and terrifying combat skills are unmatched in the world. The evil corpse shook the heavens and the earth, and brought great pressure on Zu Jun Yuan Sin and the red robe sword ancestor, making them very uneasy.

At this moment, the two of them did not hold back, and they all showed the power of the laws of heaven and earth that they had comprehended.

"My name is Original Sin, and I will be punished on behalf of the heavens, and my soul will be deprived of it!" The Bone Ancestral Home Original Sin shouted so loudly, the sunken bone knife in his hand flashed with a strange light, and swept towards the evil corpse.

This is an extremely evil supernatural power, derived from the power of the dead world, and wants to deprive the soul of the ancestor god!

In the most evil place, the flowers and plants were originally fragrant, but at this moment, evil spirits soared from the ground, and black mist enveloped the entire world.

At the same time, the sound of "cracking" came out, and thousands of huge iron chains, each as thick as a mountain range, suddenly appeared in the dark world, danced wildly, and entangled towards the mysterious evil corpse.

Deprive the soul of the ancestor god!

The iron chain of death summoned by the Bone Patriarch can bind the soul of an unrivaled powerhouse of this level!

Tens of thousands of huge iron chains were dozens of kilometers long, hanging down from the sky, and drowned the evil corpses in one fell swoop! Such a huge rope is not binding, but really wants to be annihilated.

How vast is the power of the dead world, iron chains can truly imprison the souls of ancestor gods.


Bone Ancestor Lord Yuan Sin yelled loudly, the sunken bone knife in his hand trembled violently, and the endless huge iron chains in the sky all rattled and shook violently, which was breathtaking.

The half-ancestors onlookers were all terrified, this kind of power is really terrifying, unheard of, it actually locked the evil corpse that could kill the ancestor god!

The evil corpse was submerged by the giant cables all over the sky, and endless black air lingered on his body, as if he was imprisoned.

A powerful force is tearing his soul apart!

"The world collapses, and my soul is immortal. It is impossible to detain my soul!" The evil corpse suddenly shouted: "Break it!"

At this moment, a raging wave swept across the world, shaking mountains and rivers, and monstrous combat power erupted from his thin body.

The huge iron chains in the sky all broke!

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The deafening crackling sound continued.

The sky is full of shattered death chains! The strips are as huge as mountains.


The fighting spirit of the evil corpse soared into the sky, shaking all the black clouds and mist, the sky and the earth returned to clarity, and all the evil forces disappeared.

This deeply shocked everyone!

He completely forcibly broke the terrible confinement just now with his body.

"Tianyu Xingjian!" At this moment, the red-robed Sword Ancestor swiped his hands into the void, and a hazy light curtain appeared between his palms, and a sea of ​​stars surrounded his palms.

Unrivaled supernatural powers!

He actually summoned a star universe, the mustard seed Nasumi, and held it in his palm!

This taboo supernatural power is really shocking.

Suddenly, the starry sky held between the palms of the hand erupted with dazzling brilliance, and the sea of ​​stars quickly enlarged, enveloping the mysterious evil corpse, tens of thousands of sword lights rushed out, and every star turned into a star sword.

"Cultivate your body with martial arts, and you will be immortal forever." The voice of the evil corpse was extremely indifferent, and its speed was extremely terrifying, as it rushed directly into the endless star sword summoned by the red-robed sword ancestor.

Breaking through the starlight, shattering the star sword, destroying the dead, the evil corpse let out a roar, and had already approached the red-robed sword ancestor, stabbing obliquely with his left hand, and chopping down with his right hand.


The rain of blood splashed all over the sky, and Tianque's fingers pierced through the chest of the red-robed Sword Ancestor, leaving five blood holes that quickly cracked, causing the entire sternum to split apart in fours and fives, and the hand of God smashed the lower half of the body to pieces.

The red-robed Sword Ancestor, the ancestor god from another world, was torn apart by the evil corpse, and the flying head roared angrily: "Martial Ancestor, you are still going to die after all..."

Martial Ancestor's ten fingers shook together, and three large characters appeared in the sky: "Recommendation ticket!" If you have a ticket, please support it, thank you.

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