The terrifying sea of ​​taboos has also been sealed off in the sky!

Fallen angels generally have the cultivation base of the demigod realm, and are regarded as an ancient family of gods by some disadvantaged races! And such an existence... is unexpectedly difficult to resist the sealing power of the taboo sea.

And not far away, a human fighter who was able to fly in the air was also quickly destroyed by the divine light. That is the semi-god-level powerhouse guarding the periphery of the island, waiting for the return of his own young powerhouse, and he is a very powerful figure on the Longevity Continent.

Practitioners in the realm of longevity and nirvana are basically not in the world. The semi-god-level powerhouses in the realm of Yukong are already considered to be the top of the pyramid in the world. They can compete with the legendary fallen angels of the ancient gods and the holy dragon of light, but they are also difficult to resist the sealing power of the taboo sea.

The strong young men on the outskirts of the island collapsed, and even the demigods couldn't get out of the taboo sea. How would they leave? They are trapped here forever. On this day, Long Island was full of panic, and this sudden change seemed to them to be waiting for the end of the world.

A hopeless Dragon Island, a hopeless Dragon Island!

The divine light on Dragon Island subsided, and the previous situation was restored. The nearby sea area gradually calmed down, and the divine light had also subsided. However, it could be clearly felt that there seemed to be a mysterious force in the sea water, which separated Long Island from the Longevity Continent.

For nearly a month, Xiao Chen has been practicing, strength is the last word!

He was not alarmed until today's catastrophe happened on Long Island. Soon he knew what happened, which was also a shocking thunderbolt to him! However, it is useless to be annoyed and desperate. Now we can only think about the things in front of us. I am afraid that there will be a panic on Long Island. If driven by someone with a heart, these few days will be an extremely dangerous period!

Xiao Chen grounded himself among a rocky cliff, and had to escape the initial dark period, and now the first task is to live well.

In fact, for the next three days, everything went as Xiao Chen expected. A bloody storm blew up on the island, and a cruel reshuffle took place!

It is definitely not one or two people who are pushing, there should be many people who are fueling the flames, filling the desperate people with panic, and the melee and killing have caused many young strong men to fall!

No matter where, there are ambitious people like heroes. This is the first major reshuffle on Dragon Island. It is not yet clear who is behind the scenes. Only when the island calms down in the future can we see some clues.

In the past three days, many cultivators were almost desperate and shot wildly. Many female cultivators were the first to bear the brunt, and their beauty brought disaster to them. Desperate crowd, animal nature broke out, what did they dare not do in the past, what scruples do they have now?

During this period, it was full of evil, the strong live and the weak perish, which has become an unchanging truth on Long Island. In just three days, nearly half of the cultivators on Long Island died, and hundreds of people died! Many ferocious beasts have a good meal.

This is a terrible disaster, this is a man-made reshuffle!

In those three days of incomparably dark and chaotic days, a group of truly terrifying powerhouses fell, those taboo opponents behind the scenes, and now it is finally over.

After a brutal reshuffle, the island gradually calmed down, everyone has been alerted, and everyone is thinking about future survival.

Originally, the people who entered Long Island were all representatives of various forces, and they were all opposed to each other, but now forming alliances will become a trend! If you want to survive well, you must unite together to grow your strength.

Shuren Valley is a good example. During the three-day cleansing, there was no one who pushed behind the scenes to kill Shuren Valley. Many people were greedy for Zhao Liner's peerless beauty, and some people attacked from time to time in despair. However, the dead bodies piled up in front of the Valley of the Trees, and the besiegers suffered heavy casualties, and they did not take the Valley of the Trees. This makes people see the importance of forming an alliance. Only when they are united can they have a strong ability to survive.

However, only the people inside the Valley of the Trees knew that it was a fluke that the Valley of the Trees was able to survive this storm. Although, several powerful treants participated in the defending battle. However, in the face of the crazy cultivators who came to kill them from time to time, if it wasn't for a critical moment when a terrifying young man walked out from the depths of the Valley of the Trees, they couldn't stop them at all.

The young man was two meters tall and had long dark green hair. He was as powerful as a fierce dragon. Most of the cultivators who rushed into the Valley of the Trees were killed by him.

As soon as the battle in the Valley of the Treants was over, Arrod and Kaio left, because Arrod already knew that it was impossible to subdue the Ents there, so he and Kaio began to prepare to form an alliance.

Not long after the cleansing ended, more than a dozen alliances appeared, including the "Natural Alliance" formed by Yarod and Kaio, the "Dharma Alliance" formed by Monk Yizhen and his senior brother Yizhi, the "Undead Alliance" formed by Yan Qingcheng and Rand, the "Light Alliance" formed by the light curse master Schroeder, and the "Blue Rain Alliance" formed by the female spiritualist Lan Yu...

Speaking of which, Shuren Valley is considered the first alliance. After the big reshuffle, powerful cultivators are forming alliances one after another to expand their strength. Forming alliances has become a major trend. Only in this way can they be strong and survive better.

Obviously, some of the behind-the-scenes driving forces in the Great Cleansing are the founders of some alliances, and now they are starting to recruit troops to strengthen their own strength.

However, within two or three days, some alliances had already reached forty or fifty people, but at the moment there were only six or seven hundred people on Dragon Island, and an alliance with dozens of people was already considered very terrifying. If it continued like this, it would definitely become the overlord of Dragon Island in the end.

Weak alliances, as well as cultivators who have not joined the alliance, among these people there are many conspirators, many of them jointly shouted and spread the news: there is no overlord or emperor on Dragon Island, everyone is free and everyone is equal!

In order to avoid the emergence of a super alliance, a harsh rule was gradually accepted by the vast majority, that is: the upper limit of an alliance is ten people, otherwise all alliances will unite and attack them together.

Thereby inhibiting the emergence of superpowers.

This regulation is supported by the vast majority of people, because they clearly know what it means and avoid many dire consequences. Otherwise, some people may become the "emperor" of Dragon Island, some may become the overlord of one party, and more people will be enslaved and become soldiers who obey their orders.

This is something that those behind the scenes did not expect. The people who entered Long Island were all elites, and the behind-the-scenes pushers were just the first to attack once. After the others calmed down, they were no less wise than them.

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