Masato Mishima did not answer Kagami’s question, because it was not necessary, the breeze was blowing his face and blowing his clothes, and he continued: “The others in Tasho are so nice. ”

“What does that mean?”

Kagami frowned.

Meet Captain Tasho.

Zect people?


“Do you know why he got hurt?” Masato Mishima narrowed his eyes, “The headquarters ordered him to arrange for people to participate in the experiment, and he was afraid that his beloved subordinates would be in danger, so he stood up himself.” ”

“That’s why Mr. Tasho was injured…,” Kagami muttered softly, and then immediately asked, “Are you from the organization?” What exactly is the experiment? ”

“Become the new Kamen Rider, the experiment of Steel Bucket.”

He stared at Kagami with a pair of eyes.

I didn’t inherit my father’s character at all…

Kagami ignored the coldness of Masato Mishima’s “one-six-three” eyes, and at this time, only the last words spoken by Masato Mishima remained in his mind, becoming, the new Kamen Rider, Steel Bucket!

“If the experiment is successful, the steel bucket will become Zect’s strongest Kamen Rider, and can even destroy the nest of the alien insect alone.”

Masato Mishima said in Kagami’s ear.

If his words seem to be guiding Kagami in a certain direction, the factory is a nest of alien insects, and many eggs to hatch are placed in it.

If Kagami wants to save the child who has long been imitated as an alien worm, then without relying on the Zect headquarters, she will inevitably have the means to destroy the xenomorph’s nest alone.

Then, he can only choose to participate in the selection of steel bucket fitness!

Take a deep breath.

Kagami seemed to have made a decision.

Bowed fiercely:

“Anyway, please let me participate in the experiment!”

Masato Mishima raised the corners of his lips.

“Follow me.”



In the city, a special restaurant, the old man drove, brought the little young master Shendai Sword to the outside, not BsitroSalle, but a restaurant that has been popular in the city recently.

At that time, the restaurant, which was already close to closing, suddenly came a new chef, with a unique flavor, which was welcomed by many people, so it was spread ten, ten, and sometimes even queued.

There are no people today.

Because the old man has already paid to wrap up the restaurant.

“Young Master, please.”

The old man opened the door.

Shindai Jian walked into the store first, looked around, and said, “Huh? The environment is not bad, but the place is too small. ”

The old man also walked in.

“No, this is a place for the common people to eat, I have seen it before, it is indeed overcrowded, and the place with many people must have its unique flavor, so take advantage of my birthday to bring the young master to taste it.”

“Great, old man, I’ve always wanted to try the food of the common people.”

“If the young master likes it, it’s good.”

The old man took out a suitcase, took out a tablecloth and special tableware from it, and after placing it, let the Shindai sword sit in his seat, found the shopkeeper and said, “Please serve your specialties.” ”


The owner immediately walked into the kitchen and asked the chef to prepare the meal, his mood can be said to be very good, originally the restaurant was facing the situation of closing, but one day a strange person came, said to help him revitalize the restaurant, he thought he was a liar, but thinking of the current situation of his restaurant, basically there is nothing worse than this, so he readily agreed.


Even he felt inexplicable, the restaurant came to life, and even the customers of several restaurants around were sucked in, and today someone came to contract the store, saying that it was a birthday banquet, and gave a lot of money, and the store manager was really refreshed.

After a while, the hearty dishes were served on the table.

The little young master sat in his seat and tasted it with anticipation.

Took a bite.

“It’s so unpalatable!”

“Huh? How come, the young master let me taste it. The old man also tasted it carefully, and the result was the same reaction as the Shindai Sword, as a person who likes food, such a taste is really a sin.

The old man was also a little confused.

What’s going on?

He obviously saw that this side was very lively, so he specially came to charter the restaurant, ready to let the young master taste it, and the result was this? If you want to have a lively business, you have to make it unpalatable?

This dish is already difficult to eat to the point of being sad and difficult to swallow. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“That’s right.”

The man in overalls came out of the kitchen, it seemed that he was a chef, “I can use dishes to manipulate people’s emotions, joy, anger and sorrow are in my control, I will use my way, to rule the world.” ”

“Oh? Interesting, listening to this tone, you don’t seem to be an ordinary person? Plebs! ”

Shindai Sword raised an eyebrow……….

Standing up, he looked at the man with indifferent eyes.

In his hand, there was an extra blade.

It was the sword scorpion’s shapeshifter.

“Your smell, I smelled it from a long distance, you are… Xenomorphs, right? ”

The man sneered.

“Huh? If you are seen through, then I have to take you.”

As he spoke, the whole person exuded a strange light.

It looks like an adult worm.

Adult mosquitoes!

“Hmph! Dare to give me such unpalatable food, and all the alien insects, I will defeat them! ”

He swung his blade to block the attack of the insect.

The electric sound sounds.


The mechanical scorpion drilled a hole in the ground and landed precisely in the hands of the Shindai sword.


Complete your transformation in an instant and engage the alien worm.

The heart of the Shindai Sword was filled with unspeakable anger.

Last year, on his birthday, the hateful insect killed his sister, and this year, on his birthday, he encountered the insect again, slashed down with a fierce sword, and the huge power poured out to knock the insect out of the wall directly.

The shop owner was distressed to see it.

The chef turned out to be a monster.

Not only is his shop going to close, but he can’t even earn back the money for the renovation, woo-woo…

“Now, killing you is my purpose, and that’s my best birthday present!” 5.2

Right, sister?

The sword scorpion seems to carry an indomitable momentum!

【RiderSlash! 】

A sword.

The insect was directly blasted.


The old man greeted him directly and said apologetically: “I’m sorry young master, I blame me for messing up the birthday party.” ”

“No, it didn’t.”

Shindai Jian said with a smile.

“Being able to kill the insect is the best gift for me, old man, let’s go back, I think… Eat the dishes you made. ”

The old man was stunned.

Then, he smiled kindly.


PS: Thank you for the support of the monthly pass that life is like a dream, and dreams are also drunk!.

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