Many people have great power!

This is not false, Natsume has a deep experience, under repeated operations, Natsume seems to use the art of multiple shadow avatars, and the green jumping figure occupies the entire factory.

The factory has been turned into a copy.

It has completely become a place for Natsume to brush points.

Imperial bees, steel buckets, and ant soldiers are also struggling at this moment! However, compared to the alien insects that Natsume solved, it was just an addition, and soon after, the sound of explosions that sounded in the factory completely disappeared.

Traces of the explosion can be seen everywhere, as well as the remnants of the insect’s explosion.

The eggs were all destroyed!

The annihilation plan, this is the end of it.

The bomb brought by the Phantom Squad was useless, so they could only bring it back intact, and now they are using Zect’s special props to carry out a large-scale sanitize of the factory.

The remnants of the “June 17” insect explosion had to be cleaned up.

They collected parts at random.

Then, for the rest, it needs to be passed through with a Zect special spray that reacts with the residue of the alien worm, so as to passively dissolve and dissipate in the air.

In fact, in normal times, it is okay not to deal with it, because it will disappear automatically after a while.

But this factory can’t.

The residue of alien insects is more or less toxic, but some are more concentrated, some are thinner, and in the factory, there are too many alien insects, as well as explosive eggs.

Accumulate into a lot, so when stacked up, it is a little scary!

If left untreated, it may become a new purgatory on earth, a paradise for xenomorphs, a hell for mankind…

At this time.

Kageyama was like the Phantom team members not far away, as if they were playing pesticides, which was the task that Masato Mishima gave them Phantom before leaving, mainly to take Kagami away.

“Damn, it’s all to blame for the Dark Emperor Rider!”

Kageyama whispered instantly.

Very upset!

If the explosives were placed and the alien eggs were directly blown up along with most of the factories, wouldn’t it be once and for all? Now he doesn’t have to do such a thing so hard.

Although it was more due to the fact that there were so many alien insects that all the Imperial Bee he transformed into and the members of the Phantom Squad were dragged abruptly, this did not affect him from buckling the Black Cauldron on the Dark Emperor Rider.

Narutaki who passed by said it was amazing!

After Natsume left the factory, he opened the passage and entered the dark space, but he was not in a hurry to go out, sat down on the spot, looked at the dark and strange piece in front of him, and whispered to himself: “I didn’t expect that when the Dark Emperor rode and drove the Oz Doppelganger, it would also consume a huge amount of physical strength.” ”

Fortunately, his physique is now nearly forty points, which is already nearly four times the limit physique of human beings, and after such a battle situation, he is only slightly tired, and there is still strength left.

Even if you fight again at this moment, there will be no problem!


Natsume is self-aware, his physique is now very strong, beyond humans, but compared with those who are not human, it is less conspicuous, Wang Xiaoming is like this.

Don’t mention it after the transformation, let’s say that before the transformation, I resisted the sublimation of the ultimate empty me punch, and I can still root the same as a child, basically not a mortal, that thing, Guangping A has 100t, right?

shook his head.

Natsume opened the system and looked at the rewards, there were too many xenomorphs that needed to be solved in the previous factory, and the prompt sounds in his head must have followed, so Natsume turned off the prompt first.

Now is the time to settle the rewards.

On the panel, densely packed with records.

+10 points for defeating larvae.

+100 points for beating the adult worm…

What surprised Natsume a little.

Alien eggs are also counted.

Only 5 points though.

Natsume has no regrets.

The victory lies in the number!

This factory, not counting the adult larvae, even the eggs have more than a thousand, you can imagine how terrifying it will be when it is completely hatched, and how much harm it will cause to humans.

“System, can you summarize the rewards this time?”

Natsume asked aloud.

No way. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There are too many alien insects killed, and the rewards are relatively mixed, and the points can be calculated by addition and subtraction, but Natsume only remembered the previous number of points and physique points.

Back to the host, you can…

The system’s icy mechanical voice replied.

[Kill the insect today, reward: 9350 points, physique +3, tough skin! ] 】

“More than nine thousand points, it’s okay…” Natsume watched quietly, no one in the dark space would disturb him, so he could think unscrupulously, followed by physique +3 is not bad, in addition to cadre-level alien insects, the chance of adult worms bursting out special rewards is simply too little, with three physical rewards, it is already luck to explode…..

Among the warring adults, Natsume remembers that there are no mutants.

This means that the reward is actually bursting from ordinary adults.

“And tough skin?”

Natsume is more interested in this reward.

Pull away from the details brief.

[Tough skin: After an ordinary larva molts, the special power that it accidentally masters, especially its own defense, has been greatly improved! ] 】

It turned out to be an ordinary alien worm?

It’s kind of interesting.

This tough skin In Natsume’s opinion, it also increases physical fitness.

A superpower that belongs to ordinary alien insects!

After reading the details, Natsume’s ears saw a prompt again.

Host, where tougher skin is detected, is it fused?


Natsume closed his eyes, and in an instant, a special power melted into his body, took root somewhere, and spread outward from there, flowing through the limbs.

Warm and comfortable!

After counting the harvest this time, his physical strength was almost restored, and Natsume opened the dark space and went straight home.

“Brother Natsume, you’re back! Welcome home! ”

Monya Xiao is also at home for 3.3 nights.

Seeing Natsume return, he immediately greeted him happily.


Natsume nodded.

“Didn’t you go out to take pictures?”

“Waiting for Brother Natsume at home, and I’ve been shooting a lot in the past two days.”

Xiao Ye said with a smile on his face.

“This way…”

Natsume gently touched Xiao Ye’s head, I have to say that the home has been deserted for more than seven years, and it feels very good to have someone waiting when I go home, at least there is a little more fireworks at home.


Menya Xiaoye snickered in his heart.

Scratch your head and kill!

I’m very happy…

She was like a kitten, closing her eyes and enjoying it.

PS: Can I say, four chapters are owed….

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