Can make Daisuke Kazama fall into a bitter battle…

Natsume thought as he walked.

But think about it.

It seems normal again.

It’s a big deal!

In Xia’s current memory, Thunder Fly is not the protagonist of this world, so there are very few memories of his battle in his mind, and even this is already a fusion of the TV timeline and the theatrical version of the Shensu Love timeline.

Even, on the side of God Speed, he also showed a wave of famous scenes of being killed by ant soldiers machine guns after transformation!

Secretly shook his head.

Natsume didn’t think much about it anymore.

Following Xiaoyan, he soon came to the river where Daisuke Kazama was fighting with the alien worm, and at this moment the position of the battle had been shifted, and the thunder fly was defeated by two alien insects and even a cadre-level adult worm.

Tough to meet.

In close combat, he is not Rina Mamiyiya’s opponent, long-range shooting, and even unable to break the defense, he originally wanted to cast a killer knight shot first and solve one of the alien insects first.

But Rina Mamiya and they obviously didn’t want to give Daisuke Kazama this opportunity.

Rina Mamiya accelerated abruptly and instantly approached the 19th body of the thunderfly.

As a shooter, once you are close to a powerful fighter, the result is difficult to say, especially if it is Rina Mamiya who is ranked first in strength, reaction, and defense among alien insects.

Thunderfly is the second generation of the Knight system for ZECT.

It is different from armor and steel buckets with balanced capabilities.

His partiality is serious.

Especially in hand-to-hand combat!

He can occasionally make cameo appearances as melee shooters when encountering ordinary aliens, but like now, when he encounters really strong opponents, it is difficult to deal with.

Daisuke Kazama felt like he had a bit of a toothache.

Alone, without support!


He may explain here, but unfortunately he still has a lot of things to do, if he dies, he can’t even call Xiaoyan, say goodbye, and can’t compete with newcomers who have become famous in the beauty circle.

If you think about it, your life is actually full of regrets.

“Huh, you even dare to wander your mind?”

Rina Mamiya smiled dismissively.

Raising the huge steely pincers of her right wrist, she could easily smash what stood in her way, and in Mamiya Reina’s opinion, if it was the Dark Emperor Rider, she would be a little more vigilant.

Can it be a thunderfly?

There is no need!

She raised the swing of the giant pincers, and in an instant, the huge impact suddenly fell on the thunder armor, and Daisuke Kazama inside only felt that it was not uncomfortable.

Another adult worm, also take advantage of the hand!

As a subordinate of Rina Mamiya, his strength is not up to the cadre level, and he is not a mutant molting, so he is a high-level thug at best, but in terms of combat ability, he is also not weak.

The ability to seize opportunities is also very strong.

This does not.

The thunderfly, which was repelled by Rina Mamiya, became his target, and ClockUp rushed behind the thunderfly, and his limbs surged around him, as if he turned into a sharp bayonet in that instant.

One after another, it fell towards the thunderfly.

The heavily armored form covered by the mask has a very good defense ability, even the diamond blade cannot leave a trace on it, but this is not an absolute defense.

There is the limit of defense!

Under the mixed doubles of Rina Mamiya and Daisuke Kazama, the Thunder Fly in the form of the mask couldn’t help but break its defense, and the whole heavy fell into the river, and the drive and weapon combined with the Thunder Fly butt and the insect instrument fell to the ground.

The Thunderfly Insect Meter fell off. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Daisuke Kazama, who fell into the water, was forced to dismantle his transformation, and the insect imitating Daisuke Kazama was about to pick up the lost butt of the thunderfly gun, when the gun sounded, and a dense bullet fell in front of the insect, blocking his movement.

Natsume holds a card-box gun in his hand and keeps shooting in a shooting position.


Xiao Yan hurriedly ran to the river, pulled up Daisuke Kazama who was embarrassed in the water, and gasped for breath, only to withstand the attack of two alien insects in a row, making his physical strength violently consumed.

It is now a state of emptiness.

“Xiaoyan, I’m so happy to finally see you.”

He smiled weakly.


Xiao Yan said angrily.

Without her guardian by his side, Daisuke doesn’t seem to be doing well.

Natsume ignored the reunion of the two of them.

In Kazama Daisuke’s heart, he already regarded the eight-year-old Xiaoyan as the sustenance of his heart, right?

Looking at his appearance, except for embarrassment, he should be fine.

After all, it was a matter of time to enter the safe zone.

Natsume’s playful gaze looked at the alien worm of Rina Mamiya and Daisuke Kazama not far away, and couldn’t help but squint, Natsume’s memory, Masato Mishima and Rina Mamiya cooperated to eliminate the disobedient Kamen Rider.

Thunderfly is the test product.

However, unlike the current situation, it is obviously different that instead of forcing Daisuke Kazama to die through a fishing boat, Rina Mamiya brought people directly up to PK, in a vain attempt to kill Daisuke Kazama simply and rudely.

Mimic Knight Project!

I don’t know if there is a ZECT figure behind this, it stands to reason that inside ZECT, whether it is protozoa or humans, and alien insects are the life-and-death enemies of 057, but they will still put aside their prejudices and cooperate.

It can be seen that what drives them is interests…

For them, hatred, not everything?

The Dark Emperor Riding Drive is right around the waist.

Natsume skillfully sent cards to complete the transformation, his movements, there is no special training, Natsume has always been how relaxed, how to transform, revealing a kind of freedom and unruliness.

Push the drive with both hands.


【KamenRideDarkDecade! 】

The proud posture of the Dark Emperor Rider replaced Natsume’s figure and suddenly appeared.

Natsume wiped on the sword of the cardbox, stepped forward, and launched an attack towards the alien worm, and Rina Mamiya and another adult shrimp attacked Natsume very tacitly, and in an instant, they were in contact.

Credit card!


Full Moon Slash!

The blade avatar that controls the card box sword turns into a ghost that can perform physical attacks, and swings towards the xenomorphs, and Natsume faces the two xenomorphs alone, and still does not fall behind.

Take a leisurely walk, be at ease…

ps: thanks wj101: Great monthly pass support!.

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