When Natsume returned home, it was almost early in the morning, but it took a little longer, but the harvest and effort seemed to be proportional, and he encountered a few adult worms that molted.

After leaving the light photo museum, the points obtained by Natsume have reached two thousand.

It’s comparable to two projections!

Natsume walked into the entrance.

The light in the living room is on.

Monya was curled up on the sofa, already asleep, Natsume walked to her side lightly, did not wake her, she seemed to be dreaming at this time, sleeping exceptionally sweetly.

Beside her, there are also a few freshly washed photos, all of which she captures Natsume from various angles on weekdays.

“This girl…”

Natsume smiled.

Seeing that she slept so soundly, Natsume didn’t call her, sorted out the photos and camera, put them on the coffee table, and then reached out and picked her up in the “three eight zero” princess hugging posture and took her back to the bedroom.

Cover her with a quilt before returning to her room.

After Natsume left.

Menya Xiaoye, who should have been asleep, had her eyelashes trembling, her hands pinched the small quilt, and her face was also dyed with red clouds, and she had woken up when Natsume carried her upstairs just now.

But she was still pretending to sleep.

She didn’t open her eyes until after Natsume left.

“Brother Natsume’s smell so good…”

She muttered softly.


It’s cute.

Twelve o’clock in the morning!

Natsume entered the system space on time, and today he was in a hurry, came back to pack up, and just when it was time for the daily projection to refresh, Natsume took advantage of the situation to extract the projection.

With Natsume’s current physique, even if he stays up all night for three days, he is definitely the same as a child, and the next day he will be alive, and it will not affect him in any way.

“Today’s projection is…”

Natsume looked at the large screen in the system space that was scrolling due to the projection extraction, and the number of knights at this time was much smaller than at the beginning, but the scrolling was still fast.

He looked at the screen.


You can see it clearly.

“Kamen Rider… Rogue! ”

His eyes flashed.

“It turned out to be an honest man.”

Squeeze one of the three fools!

In this way, the three silly Natsume already have two, and the distance from collecting them is so close to the door, and the surrounding scenery changes, entering the red-glowing sky wall scene.

“In that case, use this card.”

He took out Croze’s card from the card case.

As the saying goes: Defeat magic with magic!

To deal with the three fools of extrusion, it is definitely necessary to use the three fools of squeezing.

After the wee hours of tonight, he will add another card to his deck.


A few days ago, in addition to rice dumplings and yalan, Natsume also went to find Kagami and fought with him, and Kagami, who was originally a knight and a little swollen, was educated by Natsume.

Natsume took advantage of the trend and included the cards of the steel bucket series!

One night without a word.

Early the next morning.

Kagami came to the Tendo family.

“I’m coming, Heavenly Dao!”

Kagami changed out of the suit, wearing a sportswear, full of vitality to greet Heavenly Dao, since he had already decided to train with Heavenly Dao, of course, it was not a joke.

I don’t know what happened later, whether he can hold on or not remains to be discussed.

Today is the first day, and Kagami doesn’t pull her crotch.

“Oh, it’s all here.”

Tiandao made him sit on the sofa.

It’s too early to say.

After all, many people have just gone to work, but it can also be said that it is not early, and Shuhua has already eaten breakfast and gone to school before.

“I said I want to exercise today.”

Kagami scratched her head.

Tiandao nodded.

He also went back to the bedroom to change his clothes, and the kimono he was wearing was not suitable for going out to exercise.

“Let’s go.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Tiandao opened the door and walked out.

Kagami honestly followed.

“By the way, Heavenly Dao, we are going… Where? ”

Seeing that he had already arrived at the courtyard and was about to walk out of the gate, Kagami was stunned and asked, he had also come to the Tendo House before, and knew that there was a well-equipped gym in the back.

All kinds of equipment are available.

If it is used for daily exercise, it is enough, and Tiandao trains here on weekdays.

“Run, you better warm up first, set a small goal first, run from here to Kuriyama Park, and after that, talk about other things……..,” Tendo glanced at Kagami and said in a calm tone.

“Kuri… Mountain Park? I heard you right! ”

Kagami was stunned.

Gollum swallowed.

He knew the land well.

The city’s famous park, although there have been many rumors of weird people haunting, and there are witnesses, but the flow of people in Kuriyama Park has not been affected by this.

Kagami has also been there a few times.

Because there’s a baseball stadium over there.

Once… He had been there more than once, when his brother was still there.

And think of the distance of Kuriyama Park from this side.

Kagami said she wanted to die!

Who can stand this?

He looked at Tiandao, as if he wanted to see such a trace of joking from Tiandao’s expression, but unfortunately he didn’t.

Tiandao skillfully raised his index finger and pointed to the sky.

Kagami seemed to be cooperating, and subconsciously looked at her fingertips.

Tiandao spoke, “Grandma once said that if you want to have a good body, you can’t do without persistent exercise, which is not something that can be done by fishing for three days and drying nets for two days. ”

“My training method is not suitable for you now, or run honestly and polish the foundation.”

There are also many places where you can train for long-distance running.

Such as endurance, than slimming and shaping.


Kagami nodded bitterly 2.1.

It’s so hard.

However, thinking that she could become stronger, Kagami held her breath and said that she endured it!

Suffer from hardship, for the superior.

Kagami secretly cheered herself up.

So he jogged behind the Heavenly Dao.

The aura of Heavenly Dao is peaceful.

With a wistful smile, he looked quite enjoyed, and Kagami behind him was slightly embarrassed, his physical strength itself was not as good as Heavenly Dao.

Especially today is the first time to run like this.

Kagami said.

Some can’t stand it…

He is now even looking forward to suddenly changing the sky, from the vigorous appearance of the morning sun to the pouring rain! That way, he can rest, right?

PS: Thank you for the great monthly pass support of Water Moon Mirror! Try to change your schedule….

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