And at this time!

In the realm of super speed, a red figure appeared that could not catch the trace, and he shuttled alone in the realm where only he was, wielding a weapon in his hand, and wiped out all the adult insects that molted and vainly tried to suppress the armor and steel buckets in numbers.

Just touching it, the power borne by the alien worm seems to exceed its own defense level.

In an instant, it exploded

Under the hands of that red figure, the strength of the alien insects was like dust and gravel, which was not worth mentioning at all, and all the alien insects present had embarked on the road of being eliminated.

In other areas.

After infusing power into each worm, the Red Armor Blade temporarily resides in a realm called HyperClockUp.

His gaze always fell on the armor and steel buckets.

Plus observations these days.

In the past, something changed…

Muttered softly.

He continued to walk in the realm beyond the super speed, and on the armor of the armor and steel bucket, he clenched his fist and gave it down, and then disappeared again, and everything around him seemed to return to its normal appearance at this time.

Alien insects exploded one after another!

It seems that it has reached the end of fate.

The armor bucket and the steel bucket also seemed to have suffered some kind of impact, forcing ClockOver.

The insectometer fell off its belt.

“What happened just now?”

He looked dazed.

If he remembered correctly, just now he transformed into a side by side with the Heavenly Dao and entered a super high-speed state, just to be able to quickly knock down the alien insects, but what happened just now?

Without realizing it, all the alien insects were destroyed, and they themselves seemed to be under attack.

Kagami was confused.

Is it a supernatural event?

Heavenly Dao, as the way of heaven, the person in charge of everything, his reaction is completely different from Kagami, and the shocking supernatural event seems to be like that in the eyes of Heavenly Dao.

Can’t turn over any waves.

He put his hands in his pockets.

His eyes looked calmly into the distance, thoughtful, as if he had thought of something, the corners of his lips quietly raised a curve, plus the quick glance at home in the previous morning, the red figure like a fight…


Tiandao suddenly said to himself.

In his heart, he already had some guesses.

However, it has not yet been confirmed!

Kagami put a question mark in confusion.

Heavenly Dao, this is not stupid, right?

What’s so interesting?

Could it be…

Because you were beaten?

Kagami secretly made up his brain, and after a while, he had already written a lot of unpublishable plots, and if he had the ability to integrate the plot, maybe he could still do it.

Unfortunately, Kagami does not have such talent.

The plan to become a novelist has already died before it even set sail!

Kagami never knew the meaning of what Hakudo had just said.

And Tiandao didn’t have the idea of explaining to him at all.

Relax a little.

Heavenly Dao continued to run forward.

“Kagami, let’s go.”


Kagami was still thinking about what had just happened, when the alien worm suddenly appeared, and then was inexplicably eliminated, leaving him without even the slightest sense of participation.

Heavenly Dao ran forward.

Kagami cried and kept up.

Fortunately, because of the previous transformation, his physical strength was temporarily restored, just like taking ten complete tonics, exhaustion, just the right amount of passing.

He ran forward following the Heavenly Dao.

Moving forward!

Compared with the windy and cloudy heavenly path that seems to be walking leisurely, Kagami is simply embarrassed at this time, not the most embarrassed, only more embarrassed! His physical strength is almost overdrawn.

He has potential.

And what Tendo has to do is to force Kagami’s potential out first, as long as he goes beyond despair, he can see hope, and after breaking through his limits one after another, he will become stronger.

Kagami was a former baseball player with much better physique than the average person.

But that’s not enough!

Since he had promised to help Kagami train before, Tiandao was also very serious and did not release water, no, Kagami felt that he was going to have nothing on the first day, and he just wanted to lie flat!

However, he knew in his heart that that would never work!


The other side.

Natsume also went out as always, and after walking not far away, Natsume found that someone was following behind, and his vigilance has always been strong, which is also one of the omnipotent talents.

Raise an eyebrow.

Kind of interesting…

Natsume pretended to be okay and continued to walk forward, he didn’t have a direction to go, so he walked somewhere at random, without arousing suspicion at all, as did the man behind Natsume.

He will automatically sense the direction of the appearance of the alien through the sixth sense derived from the dark space, so he walks around, looks at the scenery, and uses it for leisure, and when the alien worm appears, he can jump through the dark space and space.

When walking on the road, you will occasionally encounter alien insects. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The protagonist always has to be given some special treatment.

Like some Grim Reaper schoolboy.

Where to go, which dead man.

That’s the treatment!

Seven bends and eight turns.

Natsume walked to a remote pier, there were no people around, no ferry, only the sea breeze blowing, bringing a humid wind, and behind Natsume was not a worm.


Haidong Daiki in a white trench coat!

Kamen Rider Ultimate Ride!

Wang Xiaomingzhi 7~

In the current life of Xia, Haidong Dashu also has a unique nickname, Mrs. Haidong, as the saying goes, only the wrong name, there is no wrong nickname, that’s the truth.

As a thief knight, he once stole the final riding gun in the overhaul card, took the Earth Emperor’s belt (Zhao’s) in the Faiz parallel world, and his achievements in his previous travels were the same


This time he followed Natsume, not on a whim, but there was no special reason, probably because… Shi said yesterday that he had lost at the hands of Natsume, so Haidong came to find the main lord.

But… Is this guy supposed to be a slipper?

He couldn’t help but want to complain in his heart.

As a treasure hunter, hiding your figure and tracking is a must!

Haidong Dashu is very confident in his hidden means.

He was sure Natsume hadn’t noticed him.

After all, who would have thought that Natsume had already discovered that he was actually a hanging comparison?

Natsume stands by the fence of the coast.

Turn around.

Playfully looking in a certain direction.

That’s where Haidong is hiding.

“Come out and judge?”

Natsume said.

Haidong Big Tree: !!!


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