Tian Suo Xiu Yi Branch, just launched the action, with the full cooperation of many parties, this plan is being carried out in an orderly manner, and the adult worm whose prototype is a burial worm is indeed hooked.

The final engagement is only a matter of time.

Everything is going in a good direction.

Natsume walking down the street.

Jingle bells.

Natsume took the phone and looked at it, and the caller was Monya Koya.

He answered the phone.

“Brother Natsume…”

Little Night stopped talking.

“Xiao Ye, what’s wrong?”

Natsume asked.

“Tonight, is Brother Natsume back?”

She hesitated and continued.


Natsume was stunned when he heard this, why did he suddenly have a sense of déjà vu that the Asura field was about to appear?

No, it must be an illusion!

Natsume thought to himself.

“Well, will be back.”

He nodded.

Of course he won’t stay up at night tonight, there is something going on on Yugetsu’s side, their squad is working hard to ambush the adult worm, and Natsume won’t put his mind on that kind of thing.

Women, it will only affect the speed at which he draws his sword!

Or find more alien insects, kill them to get points, now his strength is good, but compared with the real strong in memory, it is still far behind, at least the ability to create and destroy the multiverse at will, he does not have it.

Getting stronger is an extremely important element!

Natsume is getting stronger step by step in order to grow, and one day I can see everyone looking up and looking forward to climbing the highest peak, in order to be able to protect the important things around us.

How can you slack?

Hang up.

In front of Natsume, a strange figure suddenly appeared, a man in the prime of life, it seemed that he regarded Natsume as prey, and made a strange quacking sound.

The whole body was covered with strange light fluctuations, and turned into alien insects.

Bright red skin, it was clear that this was another mutant alien worm.


Natsume raised an eyebrow.

Then again.

When Rina Mamiya was still alive, she devoted herself to finding mutant alien insects and trying her best to make them molt, so as to truly form a special operations force that belonged exclusively to their alien insects.

A combination of three chiefs + two zodiac cadres.

It’s a pity.

Every mutant that Rina Mamiya is looking for, the final solution, is to meet Natsume, and then be easily killed by Natsume, if not Natsume knows, what happened, are just accidental, it is estimated that he thinks that he and Rina Mamiya have a deep hatred.

And now, Rina Mamiya has died in his hands, and there are mutants again?

He remembered that in the original plot, the mutants in the alien insects were not as much as they are now, right? The two cadres of Rina Mamiya and Reiji Nogi, as well as the strongest Insect Shindai Sword, and the man who looks like Shiro Kanzaki.

That’s all.

But now, the number is not limited to ten fingers, it has developed towards double digits!

Natsume thinks that this is probably the butterfly effect caused by his own crossing.


These alien insects will appear in front of them one after another.

It’s like the poles of a magnetic pole.

Pulling each other!

The red mutant insect swung its sharp limbs and suddenly attacked Natsume’s face, and Natsume seemed to have expected it, sideways to avoid the sudden attack of the insect, raised his legs and kicked the insect out. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Fighting monsters in the flesh is not a difficult operation.


The red mutant larva showed a villain-standard sneer, and when it showed such an expression, it was obviously doomed to his final end, that is, death.

Natsume took out the Dark Emperor Riding Drive.

“Exactly, I have a card and want to try it.”

Natsume said with a chuckle.

The mind moves.

From the card box, take out the card he wants to use, it is extremely accurate, in the card box, there are many cards, and now Natsume, far from collecting all the knight cards, but it is definitely quite a lot.

With so many cards, even if the card box is connected to the legendary Infinite Kettle of Klein, it is not a simple task to choose every time you fight.

But what comes from what you think, it’s different.

Feed the card into the drive for reading.

The right arm jerked towards the drive.

Instantly close and read.

【KamenRideStrengthenedSkyRider! 】

Masquerade harness…

Strengthen the Sky Knight.

This is a Showa senior.

The card that Natsume happened to get from the daily projection today, the power of the Showa Knight, this is the first time Natsume has used it, and the effect should be good! The shadows overlapped and the light flashed.

Natsume transforms into a Sky Knight.

However, it is an enhanced version.

The color of the whole body has become more vivid and bright, the movement speed is super fast, the combat power has been greatly strengthened, and after experiencing the friendship training of the predecessors and receiving energy transmission, he has mastered 99 special moves and has a power of millions of horsepower.

Flying at the speed of light is also a small thing that can be done easily.

The red mutant insect came towards Natsume.

Natsume shot at the same time as it.

The punch he unleashed, almost at the same time, fell on the opponent’s armor, and the insect’s claw strike was mediocre, and Natsume didn’t feel anything special, but the punch he threw was different.

The fist power of 70t is only a flat A, but it penetrates the body of the mutant larvae without reservation, even if its own defensive power is stronger (good for the king) than ordinary miscellaneous soldier-level larvae, but this does not mean that he has indisputable terrifying power without molting.

It’s impossible.

With one blow, the mutant larvae were completely penetrated, and the explosion exploded, and its life came to an end at this time.

[Defeat mutant larvae and reward 100 points]

The sound of getting a reward appears just right.

Natsume lifted his transformation and shrugged a little helplessly.

All that can be said is…

The basic data of the Showa knights is too strong.

The seniors did not have so many form transformation props to use, most of them were to transform people, in order to become stronger, what they did was not with the help of foreign objects, but sublimated themselves!

“Well, it’s not for nothing.”

Natsume said to himself…

Thank you for the support of the Monthly Pass without Regrets and Starfall!.

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