“Is it Gills?”

Natsume whispered to himself.

The projection to be challenged today turned out to be this knight, mainly because the life of Gills’ shapeshifter Reihara Ryo is too tragic, and people send nicknames to force Liang.

That’s why he remembers it deeply!

“In that case, use this card just right.”

The drive of the Dark Emperor Rider, which had already been equipped by Natsume’s waist, automatically extended a belt back, and then from the card box, the index and middle fingers of his right hand held a card.

Is that…

When transforming, even the knight who walks at night will not be afraid of the dark.

【KamenRideAgitΩ! 】

【Kamen Controls Ajito】

On the belt, an electric sound sounds.

This moment.

Natsume has completely transformed into the form of Ajito, and then again, the Light Force Seed has been collected recently, so what happens when the Light Force is fused?

Do you awaken superpowers first, or do you directly become Ajituo?

This is a problem!

However, now is not the time to think about this, after transforming into Ajito, Natsume clenched his fists and attacked in the direction of the projection Gills, fighting, and it was about to start!

In the parallel world occupied by the Overhaul Card, Nobuhiko Tsukikage sits on the throne of the leader of the Overhaul Card, and the appearance around him is only deep darkness, and nothing else.

As villains, they all seem to like this scene very much.

They are born in darkness, but they are not like their brothers in hell, even in the endless darkness, they must seek the light!

Battery Tiger failed, so …

Tsukikage Nobuhiko pondered in his heart.

He’s a cautious man.

Unlike those humble bosses, who can’t find the north when their minds are hot, the man who called himself Nautaki before took the initiative to join the overhaul card, and after receiving the transformation to become Colonel Zor, he reported the world where the emperor was located.

He sensed that the monya carrying the Earth Stone was in that world.

But he did not immediately launch a large-scale operation.

Instead, send someone to investigate the situation first.

Because he was thinking about what he had made before, about the success rate of the Menyaji and the Menya Night Plan, according to the news brought by those under him, he could know that the Menyaji had lost his memory.

And Menya Xiaoye was also fooled and lame by him before.

Maybe he can fool around now?

He laid out for so long.

Just give up the words.

Also a little unwilling?

It is a pity that as soon as the battery tiger passed, it lost contact.


It won’t be that bad luck, right?

“In that case… Porcupine freak, take someone on a trip and try to find out the specific situation of that world~. Tsukikage Nobuhiko thought about it, and asked the porcupine weirdo below to bring another group of people over to investigate the situation.

“Yes! My lord. ”

Porcupine freaks take orders.

He then turned around and left the base to take the combatants with the overhaul card.

After the porcupine freak leaves.

Tsukikage Nobuhiko continued to ponder.

He couldn’t fully believe Narutaki’s side of the story.

This is one of the reasons why Nobuhiko Tsukikage did not take action directly.

It should have been planned a little faster than it is now.

But who would have thought that the battery tiger pulled like this?

Now he decided to let the porcupine freak run again, and if something went wrong this time, Mokikage Nobuhiko would no longer hesitate and directly crush it with the team of the overhaul card.

the plan!

A high mountain top.

Nautaki, dressed as Colonel Zor, stood here, and from this he could take in the overhaul Kabase Tower not far away, when a dimensional wall streaked through, taking the porcupine freak and his team away.

Nautaki noticed the situation. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Whispering to yourself.

“How cautious… However, this is also good, the abominable emperor ride! Abominable Dark Emperor Ride! Soon, it will be your time to die! That world is your burial place! ”

His expression was full of hideousness, as if he had thought of something, and he couldn’t help but feel a little dark.

Jia Dou World.

This is not a parallel world, but an overworld.

That timeline on the backbone!

This day.

The sky is clear, the breeze is gentle.

The General Division of Heavenly Dao sent tree flowers to school as usual, not far from Shenghua Junior High School, on the crowded street, a dimensional wall quietly streaked by, and even others thought that it was just an illusion, and they didn’t care much at all, but the General Division of Heavenly Dao was keenly aware of it.

That silver curtain has an extraordinary origin!

His guess was correct.

After the curtain dissipated.

Out of it came a porcupine-like weirdo, followed by many strangely dressed Shuka miscellaneous soldiers, showing off their might and appeared on the street, in fact, the people sent by Moon Kage Nobuhiko to investigate were not quite right.

Battery Tiger is a weirdo who wants to destroy as soon as he appears, but the porcupine is not bad, and he is also a weirdo with a hot temper!

Once it appeared, what I thought about was to open up the territory, not to explore some news.

“All for the overhaul card! You guys, on! ”

The porcupine freak ordered.


With a uniform sound, the Shuka soldiers immediately all dispersed, chasing humans, and even had a strange temper, directly transformed into humanoid rockets, ignited into the air, and instantly exploded not far away.

Blew up some people!

“Cheerful! Hearty! Refreshing! ”

The spikes behind the porcupine freak were thrown out like pears in a rainstorm.

Another person was caught off guard.

The scene is bloody!

This is the real knight’s world, far from as beautiful as it appears on the surface, and the tokusatsu drama that Natsume watched in the previous life is also specially treated, the real world, bloody (Nolee’s).

Heisei Kuroto rice dumplings have a good fit.

“Ah! Monster! ”


“Ouch, my mommy!”

Looked at.

The Heavenly Dao General Division frowned.

These weirdos who suddenly appear to wreak havoc are not alien insects or protozoa.

So they came with the silver curtain, what exactly is it for? Also, recently he came to send tree flowers to school in the morning, and he always met some strange people, who were previously mimicked as his protozoa, and now they are some strange organization… Quality.

But now, it’s not the time to think so much.

“Grandma said that I am the center of the world, so I want to save the world!”

The Heavenly Dao Master said to himself, raised his right hand, and grabbed the sky.

Step by step…

Thank you Barbatos Draco Emperor for your great monthly pass support!.

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