A bridge of cards, with a beginning and an end.

The place where Natsume jumps is the starting place, and the end of the card is connected to the only spider adult in the xenomorph swarm that breaks through the Emperor Riding Bazooka light bullet.

Destiny, at this moment, has been engraved!

The Dark Emperor rode to victory.

Adult spiders, explosion and annihilation!

It’s inevitable.

When the Dark Emperor rode the energy cannonball of Bazooka to devour and annihilate almost all the alien insects, under the kick of his dimensional knight, the adult worm, which could barely survive the molt, exploded again.

Came to the end of his destiny.

Natsume landed safely.


The look was extremely calm, and in his ears, the reminder of killing the alien insects to obtain points sounded one after another, but because except for the one that the last dimensional knight kicked and killed, the “three one seven” molted into an adult, the rest of the alien insects were just larvae, so that the reward points for each one were only 10 points, and they were not mutants, and Natsume did not gain any special powers.

Not even the enhancement of physical fitness!

But Natsume’s concept of accumulating a lot is not wrong, dozens of alien insects, zero in total, there are hundreds of points.

This is also just a shot of the Dark Emperor riding the bazooka.

“This weapon is really easy to use.”

Natsume said as if talking to himself.

Of course!

If it is used in ordinary times, it is inevitable that it is used to kill chickens and use cow knives, but it is good to use it in group battles, especially when the alien worm and the knight have a large-scale decisive battle, or when the overhaul card leads a large number of miscellaneous soldiers and invades in a big way!

Give them a shot remotely.

Definitely the best means of welcome!

Natsume thought to himself.

After disarming the transformation, the Dark Emperor Riding Bazooka also disappeared as data, but this is not a real disappearance, when Natsume wants to use it, it is very simple, just use the card to summon it again.

It doesn’t need to be a special way.

Turn around.

Natsume thought that there was no one, clapped his hands, and was about to leave, but found that the old couple was not afraid to leave, perhaps because they had experienced too much in life, so when facing the haunt of terrifying weirdos, they were not afraid enough to control themselves, so they fled in a hurry.

The old man smiled and said: “Child, I discussed with my wife, you saved us, no matter what the reason, we must be thankful, if you don’t mind, have a meal together?” ”


Natsume smiled and nodded in agreement.

If they give money, Natsume will definitely not ask for it, he himself is not short of money, becoming a Kamen Rider, not to obtain money these foreign things, these are the simplest for him, as long as he thinks, even if he gets the most wealth in the world, it is not difficult.

Money, in his opinion, also pollutes his original intention to become Kamen Rider.

In addition to revenge, he also gained the points given by the knight’s fighting evolution system, which was the most precious for Natsume.

But if it’s a thank you or a treat to a meal, Natsume won’t refuse.

“Good, good, we’ll have a drink in a minute.”

The old man said with a smile.

“Don’t bring bad kids.”

The grandmother gave her wife a hard look, then looked at Natsume and asked.

“Kid, what’s your name? How old is it? ”

“Natsume, 21 years old.”

Natsume replied.

He did not hide it, his name and age were not a secret, and it was not like the world of constant war, where the two met during hostilities, and even the surname could not be told.

“I call you Natsume, right?”

The grandmother said with a gentle smile.

“Of course.”

“I know many girls your age, are you interested in meeting a few?”

She became a matchmaker, and seeing Natsume was like seeing her dead grandson.

“Eh… That, I have someone I like. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Natsume scratched his head and said.

He likes more than one!

Yuzuki Misaki, Renka Takato, Koya…

These names linger in my mind.

Their past experiences gradually emerged, and Natsume felt that he was a little greedy, but… Spider-Man once said that with great power comes great responsibility, and he firmly believes this.

And in the future, on the road of chasing evolution and eternal life, he will not be alone. 0


The other side.

After destroying all the weirdos who invaded this world with the Great Repair Card, he left the vicinity, and presumably soon, someone from Zect would come to clean up the mess.

He didn’t like that kind of trouble.

Moreover, he still has something to do.

Collect insect instruments!


What he lacked was only the steel bucket insect instrument in Kagami’s hand, and he would leave the steel bucket last because of some delays, but now it was time.

Defeating Kagami and holding Zect’s God of War Steel Bucket Insect Instrument in his hands, he has already collected all the Insect Instruments, except for the armor bucket he owns.

Queenbees, thunderflies, sword scorpions, steel buckets…

After collecting these insect instruments, of course, he cannot summon dragons, but he can exchange them with the high-level of Zect, and they must need the assistance of Kamen Rider to defeat the xenomorphs, and he can trade them with them through these insect instruments.

After learning the news of surpassing the insect instrument from the mouth of the mimic heavenly dao, he devoted himself to doing this.

On the way to find Kagami.

The road is attacked by alien insects.

Heavenly Dao is ready to strike.

Summoned the insect instrument, but he did not transform at 4.4 moments, because the man who was attacked by the alien worm, wearing a small white suit, took out a gun before he transformed.


A card!

For Kamen Riders who transform with cards, Tendo will certainly not be unfamiliar, because Natsume transforms with cards.

The man sent the card to the final lancegun to read.

Raise the muzzle and shoot into the sky.


The man drank lightly.

【kamenRide! Diend】

Then, the same mechanical electric sound as the Dark Emperor Rider sounded, but it was not DarkDecade but Diend, and Tiandao knew that there must be a connection between them!

Thank you for the support of Guangling Guantao and Starry Sky Monthly Pass!.

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