When it’s time to meet, we’ll see you eventually.

That’s the pull of the power of the underworld.

A continuing bond between human beings!

An extended car galloped.

Shendai Jian holds the sword scorpion blade in his arms, the car window is open, the scenery that is constantly backward comes into view, and the wind that blows is not cold, but has a very soft feeling.

The Shendai Sword looked cold, not knowing what he was thinking.

Soon, they came to a very hidden location.

Inside a secluded building.


Somewhere in the room.

The room was filled with a gloomy and dark feeling, and there were not many things around, only a desk with a lamp on the table, which emitted a dim orange glow.

This is where the Shindai Sword receives the task of hunting and killing alien insects.

Masato Mishima sat in his place.

Seeing the Shendai Sword and the old man walk in.

Cheerfully wrote a check.

Four million eight million.

He handed the check to the old man, pushed his glasses, and said: “Hard work, this is the reward for defeating the four alien insects.” ”

“Confirm it, thank you very much.”

The old man spoke in a serious tone.

He was a butler and a very personable gentleman.

“Old man, the matter is done, let’s go.”

The Shindai Sword put his hands in his pockets and was about to leave.


Masato Mishima stopped him.

“And the next job.”

“There are Kamen Riders who are not subordinate to Zect, go and kill them.”

The corners of his mouth curled slightly.

Whether it is the Dark Emperor Rider or the Sun God Armor Fight.

Just kill it!

Shindai Sword skimmed his head.

Took a look at him.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not your subordinate, I bring down the insect, you give me money, this is the agreement between us, don’t come to me for other things, and I will help you defeat all the insect.”

“I promise.”

After he finished speaking, he turned to leave.

The old man quickly followed.


Masato Mishima smiled contemptuously.

Take out the medicine bottle and pour a few nutritional supplement pills in your mouth.

Click, click, click….

“It seems that we have to find other ways.”


Three o’clock in the afternoon.

Looking up, there are blue sky and white clouds, the clear sky is unobstructed, the sun is high in the air, the light warms the world, and the sun in this season is not hot.

Bsitro.Salle restaurant.

Natsume pushed open the door and walked in.

“Welcome, is it Natsume?”

Takemiya said in surprise.

“I haven’t been here for two days, Xiao Xu misses you very much.”

Natsume smiled and nodded.

Hey? Xiao Xu?

Miss me?

He couldn’t help but be stunned.

“Just… I didn’t. ”

Xiao Xu stomped his foot.

said shyly.

She looked evasive.


Her demeanor and movements are very unconvincing.

“By the way, Brother Natsume, are you free now?”

Takemiya Bowko suddenly asked.

“Nothing to do in the afternoon.” Natsume thought for a moment and said, “Is there something going on?” ”

“It’s not a big deal, there are no people in the store this afternoon, I can be busy alone, help Auntie take Xiao Xu out to play, relax and relax, no problem, right?”

Takemiya bow said slowly.

She smiled.

After living for so many years, how could she not see Xiao Xu’s thoughts.

However, Xiao Xu is shy and will not take the initiative to show his heart to people.

Alas, for the sake of this girl, she broke her heart as an old man.

“I’m fine, but Xiaoxu…”

“I, I’m okay.”

Xiao Xu hurriedly said.

It was a knee-jerk reaction, and after his own reaction, the voice became smaller and smaller.

“Be sure to have fun, Natsume, I’ll leave it to you this afternoon.”

Takemiya said with a smile.

This CP is good….

Packed up.

Natsume took Xiao Xu out, fortunately, Heaven’s Dao didn’t see it, otherwise the ‘way of heaven, the commander-in-chief’, it was easy to handle, and the man who could not change his face in the face of the crisis of world destruction had to break his defense.


The other side.


Kagami and her younger brother Ryo make an appointment to meet here, and when her brother, who has been missing for two years, suddenly returns, Kagami knows that there may be a problem, because her brother is likely killed by a xenomorph and imitated.

He also wanted to calm himself down.

Tell yourself this fact!

But in his heart, there is still a glimmer of hope.

What if….


Everything, there is no if.

The younger brother Kaga Miryo who contacted him is an alien worm, which means that he is the same guy who killed Ryo in the first place, and now appears in front of Kagami in a vain attempt to make Kagami also accept the mimicry of the alien worm.

For the rest of your life, live together.

It’s a mess to blow up.

It’s a pity that memory has changed its shell.

If you become a worm, you can no longer be called a human.

The insect revealed its original posture.

Hidden alien insects have also appeared.

Surrounded Kagami in the middle.


Kagami didn’t want to go through this, but it had already happened, and she felt a zect combination pistol from her arms and quickly aimed it at the adult bell cricket that mimicked her brother.

This gun was given to him for self-defense by Captain Tian So.

The power of the pistol is enough.

Continuous bullet strikes may even blast the larvae.

But how could the insect get him to do it?

The adult bell cricket suddenly moved.

Kagami’s pistol was thrown in the distance, and he himself fell to the ground.


Kagami whispered.

“Brother, let my companion come, we can live together in the future.”

The shadow of Kaga Miryo appeared on the adult bell cricket.

He is demagoguery!

Kagami seemed to have lost her soul and froze in place.

Just when the alien worm wanted to commit murder.

‘Bang bang…’

Gunshots rang out.

The bullet hit the insect without falling.

In Tiandao’s hand, he was holding the pistol that Kagami had just thrown out by Zhong Cricket, and the gun popped out of the chamber, and there was even a slight smoke from the muzzle, and the man who walked the way of heaven walked slowly.

“Grandma said that men need to be calm, and boiling water can only evaporate.”

He grabbed the flying insect meter.


It’s just a masquerade form, using a kunai gun to quickly destroy the unmolted alien worm, leaving only the adult bell cricket that mimics Kagami’s younger brother.

“Kagami, the choice after that is up to you.”

He allowed the adult bell crickets to attack.

Under the protection of the heavy armor of the Kamen form, the armor bucket did not suffer much damage.

Kagami clenched her fists.

Tears flowed.

It seems that a decision has been made.

“Please, Heavenly Dao!”

He roared.

This moment.

He seems to have grown.

The same is true of the basic stumbling block between them….


PS: Thanks for the great monthly pass support of ‘Void Turbulence’!

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