【ClockOver! 】

End of acceleration.

The black armor bucket and the last remaining dragonfly adult retreated from the ultra-high-speed realm, exposed to the visible vision of the human eye, but unfortunately, this battle is still not appreciated.

Only performers, exude rhythm!

Adult dragonflies fly high in the air.

Adult spiders are also used as bait.

Circumvented Natsume’s kill.

Natsume raised his gun and fired.



The moment the gun sounded, it belonged to the black armor bucket, enough to make creatures like alien insects feel painful bullets, missed, dragonfly adults with their advantage of being able to fly, dexterously dodging bullets.

Those compound eyes can also see through the direction of the bullet.

The two are combined.

The adult dragonfly worm was unharmed except for the previous fight with Natsume, who did not know whether he was dead or alive, and fought relatively badly, and it can only be said that the adult spider worm is too nice as a tool person.

Many of these teammates want even if they fight hard.

Natsume raised an eyebrow.


In the design of the Kamen Rider system of the zect series, there are also Kamen Riders based on dragonflies, but unfortunately Thunder Fly is not an assassin and cannot fly, and is a complete melee shooter!

Natsume didn’t plan to use that card.

He easily took out another card from the card case.

【Kamen000RideDen-O! 】

【Kamen Harnessing Denwang】


[Form control! ] Electric King Holy Rod Form…】


The knight used by Natsume is one of the four fools of the tram, who can be called the lifelong enemy of Wang Xiaoming, and the very famous sound effect card of that year, and Natsume used it, it will not be the same situation

Similar to the thunderfly, this time Natsume transforms into a blue-bodied and red-eyed form.

The body is covered with heavy armor.


This is a steady and heavy fighter who focuses on defense and is good at medium-range defensive counterattack operations, and his performance is definitely better than that of the humiliating thunderfly, at least in the face of an ambush by ant soldiers, he will not pounce on the street in a second…

Thunderfly: Are you polite?

The dragonfly adult flew in the sky with its wings, relying on air supremacy, it frantically released energy light bombs towards Natsume, and Natsume moved flexibly, and easily dodged the past.

Subsequently, his card-box sword mimicked into the weapon used in the form of the Electro King’s holy rod, which was the fishing rod of Putarus.

“Do you want to try my fishing?”

Under the mask, Natsume raised his eyebrows.

Self-care said a word.

Then, at the right time, look at the alien insects flying in the sky, as if fishing, catching adult dragonflies.

Especially accurate hit!

The adult dragonfly obviously did not expect this, some were caught off guard, and even ClockUp was not used, a huge force poured down, and the adult dragonfly obviously failed to react and resisted, and was directly knocked on the ground.

“Gaa Mutter! ”

The adult dragonfly emitted a low mournful cry at this moment.

And Natsume’s offensive did not end there.

Arm Charge.

In one breath, the adult dragonfly bound by the fishing rod was pulled closer to the side, and cast continuous attacks, punches and kicks, and the adult dragonfly was like a sandbag at this moment, and the whole thing was dizzy.

It means that the baby is bitter in his heart, but the baby does not say.


At this time, the adult dragonfly opened its closed mouth, revealing its mouth, and at close range, a glowing bullet rushed straight towards Natsume’s face, and the adult dragonfly seemed to know the horror of Natsume’s strength.

That’s why such a short-distance raid was chosen.

Perhaps, can it have an unexpected effect?

The idea is good.

Unfortunately, the person he faced was Natsume. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He chose the wrong opponent.

Natsume had already noticed the small movements of the dragonfly adults, turned his head slightly, and the light bullet passed by Natsume’s ear, but the distance was just right to be controlled by Natsume, and Genyuki dodged it.

To do this, it also requires certain skills.

And Natsume, that’s such confidence (CBBA)!

Confidence, the pinnacle!

Natsume holds a long rod in his hand.

Throw it hard.


The adult dragonfly, who was bound and unable to act, was thrown out again, which was almost his fate, and fell to the ground with a heavy weight, and Natsume untied the long rod.

I threw the rod out.

The armor in the form of the Electric King’s holy rod returned to the original appearance of the Dark Emperor Rider, and the dark blue compound eyes bloomed with a terrifying color called death.

Send the kill card to the drive for reading.

【FinalAttackRideDarkDeDeDeDecade! 】

Dimensional Knight Kick!

The phantom of the card, almost at this moment, built a bridge to hell, maybe it can be turned into a bridge of help? Natsume jumped up and walked through the purple-black card phantom.

It then falls on the adult dragonfly.

Penetrate the past.


The explosion roared, Natsume did not look back, just lightly lifted the transformation, real man, never looked back at the explosion!

In my ears, there was a prompt sound of the Knight’s Fighting Evolution System.

[Defeat the insect and reward 10 points]

[Defeat the adult alien worm and reward 100 points]

Natsume turned straight away.

After the matter is gone, hide the merit and fame…

Soon after.

The ant soldier unit stationed here by Zect came, subordinate to the small branch under the jurisdiction of Tian Suo Xiu, and the leader of the team saw the depressed zoo, sighed leisurely, and ordered the ant soldiers to deal with the scene.

And he took out the collection and dialed Shuichi Tiansho’s phone.

“Captain Tiansho, by the time we arrive, the alien worm has already been defeated, I don’t know which knight it is for the time being, but it should have come in time, and the casualties and losses were not large.”

“Okay, take care of the scene, let’s close the team.”

Shuichi Tasho said.


The squad leader hung up the phone, and then began to deal with the scene with the ant soldiers himself, he was not the kind of personality who had to carry it, and as a squad leader, he had to be separated from his subordinates.

He prefers to mingle with everyone.

Like friends, like family…

Zect Division.


Tian Suo Xiu crossed his hands and ten fingers.

I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“Exactly there, is it Jia Dou? No, it should be the Dark Emperor Ride. ”

He whispered to himself.

Compared to the Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief, Natsume, who is active as a Dark Emperor, is a little more mysterious…

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