An axe.

One sword!

On it, respectively, there was a flashing sharp, terrifying light, that light, as if to swallow everything, at the moment of collision, bloomed endless terrifying aura.


Crisp sound, volley!

The two figures froze in mid-air.

One touch away!


It is another continuous slash, but there is no doubt that they all show a situation of momentum ~ equal strength.

【CastOff! 】

Jia Dou chose Explosive Armor.

The heavy armor, at an extremely close distance, surged towards the entire body of the Dark Emperor Rider, swept away in an instant, Natsume’s brows wrinkled slightly, the distance was too close, and he couldn’t dodge it…

Crossing his arms sideways, he tried his best to dodge most of them.

Cards thrown into the sword.

【KamenRideBlade! 】

【Kamen Driving Sword】

【AttackRideMachJaguar! TackleBoar! 】

[Attack to control the cheetah! ] Wild boar! 】

After stabilizing your body.

Natsume successively sent cards of combination skills into the drive, and the body of the cheetah spade 9, which moved at supersonic speed, and the 4 of spades, which strengthened the impact force, seemed to emit extremely strange steam at this moment, which was a prelude to acceleration.

In the blink of an eye.

Natsume had already rushed to Tendo’s side and knocked him out of the newly transformed him.

The terrifying power made it almost impossible for Heavenly Dao to control his body.

The defensive power of the knight form is not so amazing.

This impact force, accompanied by the force after the shock absorption and unloading, poured into the armor, and instantly felt that his body seemed to fall apart, but at this time

Fly out upside down in mid-air.

Heavenly Dao twisted his body.

Safe landing.

Reach out and tap the Zect sensor on your waist.


Muttered softly.

The whole figure disappeared in place, moving at a super high speed, Natsume’s brows wrinkled slightly, a pair of compound eyes quickly looked at the direction, and the dimensional vision that came with the Dark Emperor Rider could see the scene of moving within the super high speed.


One punch blasted.


This blow was missed, but it was a punch that smashed into Natsume’s heart, throwing him out, and Natsume did a flip and landed steadily, and the whole look did not fluctuate.

【ClockOver! 】

The armor bucket that accelerated to the end quietly appeared not far from Natsume.

The corners of Natsume’s lips fluttered.


Heaven’s Dao is evolving, worthy of being favored by the world, in the Jia Dou world, he is a well-deserved protagonist of Heaven’s Destiny, as long as he thinks, fate will almost always go to him.

The punch thrown by Natsume had already predicted the location of the landing point of Heavenly Dao, but Heavenly Dao had predicted his prediction, changed his moves when he was about to fight, successfully dodged the attack, and then counterattacked.

In this regard, Natsume can only say, horror is like a thing!

It is worthy of being the General of Heavenly Dao.

The way of heaven, the commander-in-chief.

These eight characters are well deserved.

Natsume returns to the appearance of the Dark Emperor.

“Well, I’m more serious.”

Talking to himself.

A pair of dark blue compound eyes, looking directly at Jia Dou, and Jia Dou also stared back without hesitation, losing people do not lose the battle, this is the truth, Jia Dou once again chose to enter ClockUp.

He knew very well that Natsume would not be able to keep up without entering Kamen Rider, who could also keep up with the super speed, and even if he saw it, he could change his moves by the way and use other methods to meet the enemy.

Heavenly Dao has this confidence!

“Be careful.”

Heavenly Dao doesn’t care what he says at super high speed, whether Natsume can hear it, even if he can’t hear it, Natsume will definitely be able to react, this is people walking on the same path, between each other… Sympathetic to each other.

Close, close!

In the super high-speed, Tendo waited until he was close, and then waited for the opportunity to launch an offensive, extremely fast, but this time, Natsume stood strangely in place, without the slightest movement.

Tiandao was a little surprised.

But the attack did not stop.

Under the mask.

The corners of Natsume’s lips raised slightly, of course, he did not enter a special state similar to the Extreme Intention Gong of Freedom, but because he had already wrapped the power of mind around him.

Nian power has no color, no form. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Only when the controlled person successfully attacks the person, will it bloom a strange and strange brilliance, Natsume after gaining the power of thought, not many times to use, the strength of ordinary insects, can not enter Natsume’s eyes.

Ask for flowers 0

The strength is really too crotch-pulling.


Using them to test whether the knife is sharp or not is a problem, and the Heavenly Dao is different, and he who is on the road of high-speed evolution can be said to be almost fundamentally different from ordinary people.

Experiment, exactly!

Heavenly Dao converts ultra-high-speed particles into violent fluctuations, all stored in the right fist, not a must-kill, but the power of this blow is not weak at all, in other words, the special effects are not so obvious, and the knight’s piston punch on the right leg is also not cast, and the release of auxiliary power, the average person is more difficult to cast.

But this is not too difficult for Heavenly Dao.

One punch, hit…?

And it didn’t!

This punch, about ten centimeters away from Natsume’s body, stopped, as if there was an invisible barrier in front of him, completely blocking Natsume’s punch.

There is no more way to move forward.

Tiandao couldn’t help but be stunned.

But not for long.

Because, immediately after, the inexplicable fluctuation has already bloomed with power, and the invisible fluctuation spreads, and the distance attack blows the armor bucket out.

Quit ClockUp again.

But it’s passive.

The armor hit the wall and then sat on the ground in a charming position.

Natsume put away his thoughts.

The corners of the lips are gently raised.

This power is really terrifying, if you can cover the power of thought around you all the time, then it is tantamount to a real absolute defense, the kind that is difficult to break.

At that time, even if Natsume wanted to get hurt, it was difficult.

“What kind of power is that?”

Tiandao got up and asked.

Somewhat mysterious.

Is it the Dark Emperor Rider?

A little off…

“Actually, I still have an identity.”

Natsume smiled and said.


“Actually, I’m Camida!”

Well, that’s not bad to say.

The power of light that gradually atavistic evolution.

Angel of Fire, White God, Promes…

Thank you for riding a snail and soaking a girl for your great monthly pass support and!.

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