Stand still.

After thinking for a while, Tendo simulated in his mind the battle between him and Natsume just now, they used the same form, the same knight system, and after transforming into a transcendent armor fight, Natsume did not use his special superpower.

So, in a sense, they are on the same level.

When everything is about the same.

You can see the strength and weakness.

The battle between them seemed to be evenly matched, but if you think about it, you will find that he has actually been pressed and beaten all along, and he has never jumped out in the circle set by Natsume.

Natsume’s growth was even more terrifying than he thought.

He lost again.

Moreover, extremely thoroughly, last time it could be said that Natsume used the power of transcendence, and surpassing super high speed is faster than super high speed I don’t know how many times, even if it is as strong as him, he can’t react.

But this time, there was nothing to say.

Moreover, the real strong will not make excuses for their weakness, but will sum up from this and make themselves stronger than they are now, which is what Heaven’s Dao does.

Take a deep breath.

Turn around and go home.

“Next time, I will become stronger!”

His gaze was like a torch.

The expression was calm.

He didn’t break down because he lost once or twice, after all, he was always the terrible man who was favored by heaven, walked the way of heaven, and was the commander-in-chief, and he would not stop there.

Quite the opposite!

He will, get stronger…

Walk home quickly.


Shuhua opened the door, “Brother, welcome home.” ”

Tiandao smiled and walked into the door.

Shuhua asked again, “It’s Brother Natsume just now, brother, did you have a conflict?” ”

Tiandao shook his head.

“No, but we talked a little.”

“Well, that’s great.” Shuhua breathed a sigh of relief and continued, “If my brother really had a conflict with Brother Natsume, I don’t even know who to help.” ”


Tiandao was speechless.

Struck dumb!


Shouldn’t the tree flower stand firmly on its side? Damn it! Natsume’s guy, really humane destruction, Heavenly Dao thought viciously in his heart.

The expression on his face did not change at all.

“I’m going to school tomorrow, go to bed early.”

“Uh-huh, brother Ann!”

With that, Shuhua quickly ran upstairs and returned to her bedroom.

Tiandao sat in the living room for a while.

After the tree flower sleeps.

He turned around and walked to the gym behind the yard, now he really can’t sleep, or work hard, beyond the form of HyperClockUp, the requirements for physique are very high.

Especially when you want to reverse time.

It is his long-cherished wish to become stronger!

Heavenly Dao is in the gym, sweating, and the armor insect instrument is constantly flying and circling, it will accompany the fittest, until the last moment, even if the weirdos of this world are all solved, the world has entered the era of peace again, the knight does not need to appear for the time being, but when the weirdos are infested, it will appear again and fight side by side with the Heavenly Dao.

Time passed, and soon it was twelve o’clock in the morning.

Natsume family villa.

After washing, Natsume returned to the bedroom, lying flat, with anticipation and excitement, Natsume entered the system space of the Knight’s Fighting Evolution System, everything was as usual, nothing changed from before.

For the system space, the only thing that can be counted as a change is that Natsume’s challenging projection has become less.

Natsume’s luck is good.

Basically, the number of times to challenge the Leo Cavalry and Kamen Rider to mass-produce knights is not so much, and in addition to the mass-produced knights, the rest of the knights can be challenged only once, and they will not cycle.

In this way, it is much easier to collect almost all the knight cards in one body.

If not!

I’m afraid that Natsume’s difficulty in collecting cards is much greater. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There are too many knights born, and every knight is cyclically challenged…

Then, the probability of drawing a new knight every day can be described as one in a hundred.

That chance, unless it is the lucky Ou Huang.

Otherwise, it is useless to estimate.

“System, extract new projections.”

Natsume said straight to the point.

It has been so long since the system rebooted, and all the procedures have long been familiar to Natsume, so why bother too much?

【Projection extraction…】

On this early morning occasion.

System space.

The screen that extracted the new projection was scrolling again, and one after another illusory figures continued to streak by, and the speed was so fast that even with Natsume’s current physique, he could not see it clearly.

According to the fantasy side, it is on the screen, a special law is applied, blocking the line of sight, no matter what, it cannot be easily seen.

Natsume was not in a hurry.

Just waited for a moment later.

The scrolling of the projection screen slows down.

Immediately after, a knight appeared.

Kamen Rider…

Time King!

“Huh? Is it actually the King of Time? ”

553 Natsume was a little surprised.

However, if it is the time king, it is not bad, in this way, all the main horses of the Heisei era can be regarded as collected, and the final form of the time king, in the system, is defined as the king of the Chonghuang time.

Not the devil!

The real Demon King needs the power of the Devil, and when Natsume is knightly controlled, under normal circumstances, he definitely does not have the power of the Devil, so when using the King of Time card, the Emperor is the end.

As a summoner, Chonghuang is indeed good.

“So, let’s get started!”

Natsume muttered to himself.

The surrounding scene changes.

The battle scene is where the little devil first transformed, just like being on an ordinary street, there is nothing special, and the projection AI that transformed into the king of time is standing not far away.

Natsume takes out the Dark Emperor Riding Drive and prepares to transform.

Of course.

In addition to the card that transformed into the Dark Emperor Rider, Natsume had something else in his hand.

That is…

K touch screen!

A god-lord form that harnesses the power of the old Heisei main horse.

God Lord, to the Emperor of Heaven.

Natsume thought, you can try.



【KamenRideDarkDecade! 】


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