Some hidden alien insects also actively exposed their existence.

Battles began with the combatants of the overhaul card.

There is no other reason!

This, all because of the purpose of the overhaul card, they came to this world, in addition to recovering the Earth Stone carried by the Emperor Rider Drive and Monya Xiaoye, if they can conquer this world, it is obviously very good!

Of course, the insect also wants to gain control of this world.

Therefore, of course, it is impossible to let the overhaul card mess around.

However, it is a pity that the comprehensive strength of the alien worm is inferior to the overhaul card, and the overhaul card and consortium X belong to the same level, and in terms of the number of cadres, it is much less.

Compared with the large number of miscellaneous soldiers, in fact, the real ability to distinguish the strength of the two organizations from the weaker must be at the cadre level, or even beyond the cadre level, because at this level of strength, the number of miscellaneous soldiers is already difficult to reverse the situation.

Unless it is ridiculously large and can directly consume people to death.

This is a different story.

The Shindai sword walked out of the manor of the Shindai family with a complicated expression, the old man 663 was not at home, the base of the overhaul card appeared, he turned into a poisonous scorpion insect, solved a small team of overhaul card combatants, and returned home.

He knew that the sword and scorpion blade had been picked up by the old man and returned home.

This time, he is going to transform into Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion!

“I don’t know how the old man is doing, it will be very sad.”

Shindai Sword whispered.

He held the sword and scorpion blade in his hand, and his expression was firm, he had always thought that he was a human being, and for seven years, he had been fighting hard to destroy all the alien insects.

Under the protection of the old man, he is a carefree young master.

You don’t have to think about too much.

He was actually really naïve.

Now it’s gradually becoming mature.

But the price of this maturity is a bit big…

He remembered everything.

He killed his sister and himself, because he was the one who was responsible for the disaster in the Shindai Sword, and now he knows everything, but he can never go back.

Knowing his true identity as an alien insect, can he still live as a god substitute sword unharmed like before?

That’s impossible!

Sometimes, alien insects will be suppressed by the powerful feelings and thoughts of human beings, suppressing their consciousness and suppressing the heart of insects, but one day, the remaining thoughts of human beings will dissipate.

It is eventually devoured by the heart of the worm.

That way.

It will definitely hurt the people around him, which is what the Shendai Sword does not want to see, he has become more and more similar to the alien worm, will it hurt the old man if the six relatives do not recognize it?

Can’t go back!

Shendai Jian knows it, and he knows this matter very clearly, so what he has to do now is to pave the way for the future and kill all the alien insects, this dream will not become a false word.

He will still walk this path seriously.

It’s just that there will definitely be some deviations from before.

Kill all the alien insects!

Including, yourself!

Holding the sword scorpion blade, all the way to the direction of the Daxiu Ka weirdo, slowly walked, the expression of the god generation sword was extremely firm, this should be the last time he fought as a sword scorpion.

The gaze is as firm as ever!

“Then, accompany me on this final journey.”

He stroked the blade gently.


A little guy suddenly appeared on the ground, it was a mechanical scorpion one by one sword scorpion insect instrument.

Not far.

A panicked exclamation was heard, and the weirdo who was overhauling the card appeared, and under the order of Moon Shadow Nobuhiko, Apollo Geist and other weirdos took their subordinates to fight. (cbef)

Look around for the location of Monyaji and Monyaji Night.

And their appearance also brought fierce resistance!

Xenomorphs and zects, there are gentlemen. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The three races of humans, alien insects and protozoa in this world who had never been accustomed to each other, and then calculated each other, suddenly became angry with each other.

Fight foreign enemies together.

They were fighting with each other, fighting for the ownership of the planet’s resources, and everything was planned well, waiting for the final winner, but the overhaul card suddenly appeared.

Third… No, this belongs to the fourth party to intervene?

The remaining three forces naturally couldn’t bear it!

The Divine Generation Sword immediately rushed over.

The weirdos of the overhaul card are showing off their might, and their general purpose is to obtain the Earth Stone and the drive of the Emperor Horse and the Final Horse, but when they pass by, they are also very scary.

Many people subconsciously fled in a panic.

This is human nature.

The Shindai Sword clenched its blade and transformed while running!


He shouted.


Immediately transformed into the appearance of Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion, but he was not just for transformation, and then there was…

【CastOff! 】

【ClockUp! 】

Armor disarming.

Super high speed…

A set of operations is fierce, the Overhaul Card invasion is his last transformation battle, he wants to do better, and he tries not to let himself have regrets until the plan to destroy the xenomorph is completed.

Take a deep breath.

His heart gradually strengthened his faith, and at this time, his own strength seemed to be stronger, not at all constrained by the power contained in the knight system itself.


In this magnificent city, fighting is taking place everywhere.

Shuichi Tasho leads the team, the ant army and the steel bucket, and are fighting against the small group of weirdo troops of the big repair card.

The Hell Brothers transform in search of light in the darkness.

Kick the locust! Fist locust!

See on!

In addition, Jia Dou, Thunder Fly, Empty Self, Final Horse, and Emperor Horse all entered the battle state.

Natsume teleports through dark space and tackles enemies everywhere.

The troops of the overhaul card were too scattered.

So much so that he is a little lackluster.

You can only kill weirdos around with space jumps.

So he has always maintained a state of transformation.

Fortunately, Natsume’s physical strength is full.

Don’t panic at all.

Natsume’s mood is actually quite good, in this case, wouldn’t the points click?

For points, Natsume likes it very much!

Thanks for the monthly pass support!.

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