Natsume didn’t even use skill cards.

At super high speed, a random slash, but even just this slash, it also carries great power, the same as before, as if it is just an ordinary blow at will.

But it always bursts with great power.

Under one blow, the target is bound to die!

This is inevitable.

【ClockOver! 】

End of acceleration.

The figure of the Dark Emperor Rider has appeared not far away, his current appearance, it is simply indescribably relaxed, and he subconsciously wiped the sword with his hand, which is what he is doing at any time.

And at this time.



The sound of the explosion of the combatants and other strange people suddenly appeared, and immediately exploded one after another, Natsume said that it didn’t matter, this was normal, but Apollo Geist was stunned.


The way the Dark Emperor Rider fought seemed to be slightly different from what he had learned?

The card is used, but why can you use power without transforming into a corresponding knight!

This is somewhat 21 unscientific.

About the passion state.

Not many people know.

Apollo Geist’s expression froze, and then he slashed towards Natsume with his sword, although he was shocked by the strength displayed by the Dark Emperor Rider, but it was not his style to sit still.

You still have to fight for everything!

Otherwise, there will always be regrets.

Natsume also stepped up.

The movements of the two sides, at this moment, seemed to be the same, and the sharp and sturdy driving card box sword collided with the Western sword in Apollo Geist’s hand at this moment.

There was a particularly terrifying jingo handover sound.


The sound is crisp and sounding!

The blade was also trembling.

However, Natsume didn’t feel anything, the divine armor on the Dark Emperor Rider automatically filtered this impact, and a small part of the power was removed, and most of it was converted into its own power.

So superimposed.

The next blow will become even more terrifying.

One touch and no more.

Followed by.

Natsume moved!

His body did not move in place, but the blade held in his hand was swung by him again.

Once, twice, three times…

Stack each time.

The strange sword technique continuously slashed in the direction of Apollo Geist, his speed and strength control were excellent, and the visual effect was also exploded, as if Natsume had cast a knight slash.

On the card box sword, an illusory figure that assists the attack is separated.

Unfortunately, it is not the figure gathered by dark energy.

Of course, it is also not an entity.

It’s just that the speed is too fast, and the illusion that arises.

Continuous slashes, Apollo Geist could resist at first, and then he could only barely resist with the shield in his hand, and at the last moment, what awaited him was another sharp slash.

Push it back straightforwardly.

Apollo Geist took a deep breath, condensed a light of energy, and shot towards Natsume, but was easily dodged by Natsume, and then approached again, the passionate Dark Emperor Rider, even ordinary is a critical attack.

It is clear that there are no special effects, and it is basically the same as the original state, but the effect that can be shown is terrifying.

Described as terrifying.

And that’s no overstatement!

In this battle.

I saw that Apollo Geister can only be defeated, and he, as one of the powerful cadres who can be counted in the overhaul card today, swore to receive the task to conquer the world easily, but the final result was very different from the imagination and did not match the image.

Not long after it appeared, it hasn’t been long since it flaunted its might.

It was directly declared cool.

Because he met the Dark Emperor Rider.

【ClockUp! 】

【RiderKick! 】

Super High Speed + Taxi Kick.

Two cards in a row. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A skill.

One must kill.

When used, there is quite a sense of déjà vu that takes advantage of its unpreparedness and surprise, and after entering the ultra-high-speed action, at least for that moment, Apollo Geist is difficult to see and perceive.

This gives Natsume room to maneuver.

After super high speed.

Immediately used the knight kick, not the zect knight’s own atomic collapse kick, but the empty self special move, the sealing energy into it, easy and freehand kill.

And the reason why I chose the empty self skill is mainly because of the simplicity of accumulating.

No of those bells and whistles and cumbersome offensive stances.

While running, you can charge your strength.

Natsume’s practice is surprisingly good.

The acceleration ends again.

Even if he resisted a blow, Apollo Geist did not explode directly like ordinary alien insects, leaving no smoke and dust behind, although the inside was really seven, but it was stable.

However, he looked at the culprit, the Dark Emperor Rider, with a helpless expression in his eyes.

The strength of Apollo Geist has been fixed here.

In addition to doing a frightening makeover again.

Otherwise, this is his future.

Natsume put away his playful thoughts.

Still holding a sword blade.

This time, he did not test the weirdos step by step like before, because there was no meaning, the cost performance was not too high, but it was a bit of a waste of time.

Therefore, Natsume resolutely used his special power!

An energy bomb gushed out.

However, it was easily evaded by Apollo Geist.

Without full target designation like this, it will be difficult to hit when you meet such a person, unless you are close, or you cover 280 with fire in full range, Natsume shrugged and did not care.

Hold the sword in your right hand.

Subsequently, in the posture of space jump, he constantly attacked Apollo Geist.

Up and down, left and right, front and back.

Agility is incomparable.

Finally, Apollo Geist attacked Natsume, but he slashed at the air, because Natsume had already used an ability similar to blurring to integrate his existence into the dark space.

In the blink of an eye, Apollo Geist’s body had several more scars.

Natsume saw the moment and threw in the kill card again.

【FinalAttackRide! DarkDeDeDeDecade! 】

When he heard this electric sound and the card bridge was built, Apollo Geist’s heart did not have the slightest other thought, only one, that is, to start escaping!

However, the ghost of the card has gained the tracking function.

Constantly extending in the direction he ran.

It can even be extended indefinitely.

Natsume jumped.

Through the increasing number of phantoms, the superimposed power all penetrated Apollo Geister’s body, and in addition to the ordinary attack that caused scars, this was the second knight kick he received.

This time, he didn’t have the good luck he had before.

It exploded directly and turned into powder (points).

Apollo Geist, pawn!


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