
A very strange-looking silver light curtain streaked through the sky, until the base of the overhaul card was completely gone, and then it disappeared completely, it was the dimensional wall.

And disappearing along with the dimensional wall, there is also the base of the overhaul card.

After the knights landed smoothly.

The transformation was unanimously lifted.

Natsume saw that the base of the overhaul card disappeared, and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, it seems that the overhaul card was not completely destroyed because of the death of Nobuhiko Tsukikage, and the survival of the leader does not absolutely represent the survival of the overhaul card.

This is an indisputable fact.

Wildfires burn endlessly, and the spring breeze blows again.

This is the overhaul card.

Engage in things, they are very serious.

Even in the original work of Natsume’s memory, the overhaul card has undergone several changes, and the super repair card that appears after it is inextricably linked to the overhaul card.

Natsume didn’t bother anymore.

Everyone exchanged a few pleasantries.

So they all left.

Where Natsume and Monya Koya first met, Monya Koye was standing here, she was originally going to go directly to the headquarters of the overhaul card, but she suffered some accidents and encountered several batches of strange people who overhauled the card.

She carries some props that can be used by 017 to fight weirdos, which she made in the laboratory of the overhaul card in the early years, some are relatively large, so they are not easy to use, but those that are lighter and easier to carry, she brings a lot.

Coupled with the earth stone, it can bloom with great power.

Such a background can completely allow Menya Xiaoye to keep herself safe when she encounters some danger, and of course she keeps her safety first this time.

It’s just a pity ….

There are really too many weirdos from the enemy, and Menya Xiaoye is not the kind of reckless man who directly rushes up to confront him, judging the time and sizing up the situation, judging the strength level of herself and the enemy, she can easily distinguish such things.

Therefore, while retreating, she disrupted the enemy’s attack.

Fighting while retreating, this is the so-called guerrilla tactic.

Menya Xiaoye is also handy to use.

Like a, he stepped forward and went head-to-head.

That’s impossible!

This way.

Monya Koye originally wanted to enter the base of the overhaul card and explain something clearly to Nobuhiko Tsukikage, but as a result, things turned out to be beyond expectations, so much so that she stayed here for a long time.

Or later, the knights burst into battle with the weirdos of the overhaul card, and with the various ant troops of the Zect, many of the combatants and weirdos of the overhaul card were successfully driven to the vicinity of the overhaul card base.

When the last all-knight kick fell, everything came to an end at this moment.

In the end, some of the remaining cadre-level weirdos had a prophet, did not kick and clash with all the knights of the knights, and after dodging the past, they secretly used the huge base of the dimensional wall and the overhaul card to slip away.

What they believe in is to keep the green mountains, not afraid of no firewood.

The movement on the other side of the mountain is more terrifying.

Monya Xiaoye also noticed.

Finally, the overhaul card base disappeared.

She shook her head helplessly.

It didn’t help.

Then, since everything had been settled, there was no need for her to go over, and she looked around, it happened to be the place where she and Natsume’s brother had met, so she decided to take the opportunity to take a few photos.

It’s kind of reminiscent of the past.

Click, click…

After Natsume left the battlefield over there, he walked freely in the dark space, walked in the darkness, did not make a space jump, and looked at the scene outside through the observation mode.

Here, Natsume can easily see everything outside, but the people outside can’t see him at all, this mode, horror G still has bad).

It seems to be walking aimlessly.

Waiting for the premonition of the insect or weirdo, but at this time the overhaul card just left, Zect and the xenomorph side lost a lot of resources and companions for no reason, the city was being rebuilt, and the weirdos were also dormant.

For the time being, they won’t be in trouble.


Natsume seemed to see the door of the door, and with a wave of his right hand, a passage into a dark space was opened beside him, and he knew what place it was when he glanced at it.

It’s a little special, this is where Natsume once used a random dimensional wall to bring Monya Konoki over.

“Xiao Ye, are you all right?”

Natsume walked out of the dark space and then asked aloud.


Hearing Natsume’s voice, Menya Xiaoye couldn’t help but be stunned, and looked at the source of the voice with some doubt, and in his line of sight, Natsume’s figure had appeared, reflected in his pupils.

“Brother Natsume! Here you are! ”

Monya Xiaoye wanted to throw herself into Natsume’s arms, but she didn’t move, just stood in place, pursed her lips, and a shallow smile appeared on her face, and for a while she looked like a flower.

“Well, I’m coming.”

Natsume smiled slightly.

Approached. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He reached out and touched Menya Xiaoye’s head, and Xiaoye looked like he was enjoying it, like a little hamster.

“Brother Natsume, I’m sorry, this overhaul card invasion is all because of me…”

Menya Xiaoye said a little embarrassed.

She looked at Natsume quietly.

Seems afraid of being blamed.

Before, so many weirdos came to chase her, it was obvious that the overhaul card came to this world this time, and the earth stone in her hand was one of the purposes of the overhaul card’s operation.

“It’s okay, it’s all over.”

Natsume said with a smile.

“Let’s go home.”

“Uh-huh, go home!”

The girl nodded like a chicken pecking rice, like a lively elf, followed Natsume’s side and walked towards the house.

And at the same time.

On the other side.

Light Photo Museum.

After the overhaul card incident, everything seemed to return to calm, and the old man Eijiro was cleaning up the house as always, and suddenly he touched the curtain of the mural, the light flashed, and the picture changed.

The previous picture has completely disappeared.


Additional pattern.

This means that a new trip is about to begin!

I have tendonitis, and I will change it today…

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