This breezy seashore, Natsume calmly looks at the waveless sea.

In my ears, the familiar tone sounded.

[Kill the adult horseshoe crab (second form), reward 1,000 points, super power: absorb and copy]

Natsume couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

Yo, there was even a surprise?

At this point, even Natsume felt a little surprised, Nogi Mercy, worthy of his appointed boy to send wealth.

Three forms, a total of three cadre-level combat power.

Even if there is nothing else, Natsume will be able to earn three thousand points.

This is a guarantee!

But his luck is obviously not as bad as he imagined, killing the first form, he obtains the power of time stopping, and the second form is the ability to receive and copy.

So, what will he gain in the next third form?

It’s a little exciting to think about.

He looks at the details of superpowers.

Like Nogi, he can absorb the power of other people’s attacks, thus unleashing it.

This is true even in the human state.

It makes Natsume’s emergency means a lot more.

That’s pretty good.

Shaking his head, Natsume didn’t think so much anymore, now he just wanted to know that Nogi’s resurrection this time would turn into the third form.

And the third form of his 310 will be divided into two, the specific strength, is it a thousand points at the cadre level, or five hundred points at the half-step cadre level like the battery tiger?

When the time comes, I will be able to reap another wave, of course, that is the last time.

Natsume left directly.

At this time, staying here again, there is nothing to do, it is better to go to the city more, maybe you can occasionally encounter one or two fallen insects.

Meanwhile, in another part of the coastline, the human-form Nogi Reji reappears, he is still dressed as before, but compared to the past, he has an extra doppelganger.

That’s him too!

This is Nogi’s third form, and his last form.

After this time, if he is eliminated again, the last thing that awaits him is real death.

Nogi Reiji was very emo at this time.

Both are the same.

The expressions are synchronized.

How to say it…

It was planted in the hands of the same person twice in a row, and even in different ways.

And every time he is not (CBEC) confident, but the end result is often unsatisfactory.

It’s unbearable.

“I don’t know what exactly the Shindai Sword thinks now?” One of Nogi’s mercy, muttered to himself.

Before, he had gone to find the Divine Generation Sword.

It’s just that he didn’t get a final result, and the Shindai sword last time transformed into the appearance of the Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion and participated in the holster battle against the overhaul card, and his behavior made Nogi Reiji a little blindsided.

I couldn’t tell the definite idea of the Shindai Sword.

He decided to ask again.

If you can…

After a while, his plan can be fully unfolded.

His own words, it is estimated that it will be a little difficult to implement, but with the cooperation of the Divine Generation Sword, it will be much simpler.

The two looked at each other.

I thought this idea was good, just do it, this time it was still in human form, walking towards the distance.

This wave is called eating a long and a wise.

The last time Natsume suddenly appeared, it seemed that it was because he became who he was, otherwise, Natsume would not have found out.

You know, he has been walking in this city as a human for a long time.

It was only when he was transformed that he was found by Natsuki.

A closer look reveals that this is indeed the case.

And the other side.

Natsume walks freely on the still bustling and busy streets.

Walk around a corner.

Entered a small alley.

The number of pedestrians is gradually decreasing.

Some alien insects also like such a secluded environment, they can completely ambush and quietly kill one or two pedestrians who are left alone.

Think of it as food. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not far away, a figure slowly appeared, wearing white clothes.

White as snow!

Slowly walking towards Natsume, he was the Shindai Sword, once a young master, but at this time, he had completely lost the demeanor of being a middle two.

The awakening of consciousness belonging to alien insects, the experience and consciousness of the human period are not completely latent.

Two memories intertwined in his mind and made him grow.

The price of growth is simply too great.


When Shindai Ken saw Natsume, he stopped and shouted.

Natsume also stopped.

Look at the Shindai Sword.

“You got it, right?” Shendai Jian said in a calm tone, after so much time had passed, he had accepted this fact.

At this point, even if you don’t accept it, there is no way to do it.

What he can do is not dwell on this thing that has already happened, but to look forward.

How to better solve it is the problem he should consider.

He naturally said it because of his identity as a xenomorph.

“Ah, I know.”

Natsume nodded.

“After that memory awakened, I was very entangled, and I didn’t understand what I had done for?”

“Because my sister was killed by xenomorphs, she wants to kill all xenomorphs.”

“But I didn’t expect that the culprit turned out to be himself.”

He smiled bitterly helplessly.

“Now, the memories of these seven years are gradually eroding and disappearing, and I am really afraid that one day I will be completely consumed by that consciousness.”

“So I’m going to design to solve all the xenomorphs in this world, and if you can, can you do me a favor when that thing is done?”

Saying this, the Shendai Sword did not continue to speak.

Some things don’t need to be pointed out to be fully understood.

Natsume certainly understood what he was talking about.

It is nothing more than sending him the last ride after killing all the other xenomorphs.

It was the last thing he could do as a human.


Natsume was silent for a moment, then said.

He died generously.

This is the long-cherished wish of the Shindai Sword.

The two of them are considered friends.

As a friend, fulfilling each other’s wishes is the only thing he can do.

“That’s good.”

The Shindai Sword suddenly smiled, this was the first time he had smiled recently.


Turn away.

He, very happy…

Ask for a wave of customization!.

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