A dogfight ends, and the final result, of course, ends in the defeat of the xenomorph.

The last battle in the world of Jia Dou is over.

Under a series of operations of the Shendai Sword, the alien insects were basically destroyed.

There are also a few who may wander in this world, like the kind whose personality is more Buddhist, they have no interest in occupying this world, they just want to salted fish and live quietly~.

In this way, as long as they do not take the initiative to appear, then even Zect will be difficult to find their movements in the first place.

After all, for now, the adult scorpion worms that accidentally appeared from the laboratory have run out, and they obviously haven’t found a way to really develop it.

That time, it was just an accident.

No one knows exactly what should be done to make it.

Whether it’s a human scientist or a scientist on the protozoan side.

All so!

It’s not that there are no other ways to identify, the thermal camera they match can do.

The images that humans and aliens display in them are different.

However, there are no fewer human beings.

As I said earlier.

Let the ant soldiers do nothing, and run around the world with that instrument all day, and they may not be able to find it.

That’s obviously a thankless project.

Of course.

Protozoa have new ideas for this, but they are all done in secret, and they will not reveal their true intentions until the plan really begins and achieves stage success.

Perhaps at that time, some wise people among humans, like Kaga Miriku, had already guessed what the alien worm was going to do.

But he didn’t have any way to stop it, and even if he tried his best, it couldn’t be completely avoided…

Alien worm destruction.

Everyone went back to their homes and found their mothers.

The knights, back to the previous state of life, whether the alien insects are infested or not, in fact, does not have much impact on their own life state, it is nothing more than that they do not need to change from time to time.

They think that feeling seems to be good.

All the weirdos are destroyed, and they will not have the opportunity to transform again, but enter such an ordinary state of life, which is what they once expected!

Now, I have finally seen hope.

They certainly don’t regret it either.

Natsume quietly left after a battle with the Shindai Sword.

He did not return to this side of the battlefield, and when the battle on this side was over, the knight projections he had summoned earlier would dissipate.

Killing the Shindai Sword is a long-cherished wish in Ken’s own heart, and Natsume is to fulfill his friend’s wish, which is the choice of the Shindai Ken himself.

Natsume didn’t have an emo to live there, but it just took a little time to calm down.

He came to the sea.

Stand on the beach.

Looking at the sparkling sea in the distance, no alien insects appeared, and of course there were no protozoa, and Natsume stood here alone.

Feeling the scene around him, Natsume’s mood gradually calmed down.

Recently, the city should have been peaceful for a long time.

As natural enemies, the alien insects have been completely destroyed, and the negative effects are actually many.

It is completely different from the idea that the world will be peaceful if all the alien insects are destroyed.

This is the real reality!

Alien insects, humans, and protozoa, this completely belongs to the three forces.

Humans cooperate with protozoa to destroy alien insects.

After all, there are too many alien insects, although mutation is very difficult, but under the huge number, there are actually many mutants in the alien population!

Therefore, in the initial state of fighting, the insect has always been in an advantageous position.

But now, all the powerful alien insects have been wiped out.

In this world, the truly opposing forces, except for the meteorite that Nogi summoned before death, has not yet descended on this world and carries alien eggs, there are only protozoa and humans.

Not my race, whose hearts will be different. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The world…

It has always been humans who have mastered and developed, but protozoa also want to.

So in front of them, humans are obviously roadblocks.

They want to wipe out humanity.

However, it was clearly not something that happened overnight.

Protozoa, you still have to prepare.

It won’t come that fast.

Natsume also did not plan to start acting directly, through the protozoa file, but also to filter some slag among humans, it is also a good choice.

Some people wear human skin.

But secretly, there is an extremely harmful and dirty heart.

The villa of the Shindai family.

The little young master Shendai Sword left forever, and when he left, he was smiling.

The old man was a little sad, but his heart was not painful.

He knew that doing this kind of thing had always been the young master’s long-cherished wish.

Being able to witness the young master achieve his goal with his own eyes is already the best thing in life in the eyes of the old man.

After the Shindai Sword left, it did not turn into a poisonous scorpion adult, but still maintained its human posture.

This means that even his final death is as a human being…

In fact, the little young master wished that he was also a human being.

If he were still human…

The heart will not experience the pain of ups and downs, and it will not be so tangled.

It’s a pity that there are no ifs in this world.

The old man sent the young master the last ride, and then, looking like the Discali sword hanging on the wall.

This sword was also broken, but it was a little different from the broken sword that hung here before.

Before, it was completely because their family lacked money, so they took out the real sword as a sword, but after losing the ability to transform into a sword scorpion, the god substitute sword fought against the alien insect with a human body, and it was redeemed.

But during the battle with Nogi Reiji, this real sword was broken.

The old man’s eyes were like a torch.

“Little young master, rest assured, your wish, I will definitely come true!”

“Revive the glory of the Diskabir family, I will definitely do it!”

The old man said in his heart.

This old man dedicated his whole life to the Shendai family.

Or rather…

Little young master!

Thanks to the Seven Sins for the great monthly pass support!.

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