Another two days passed.

Shibuya ruins.

Region x.

In a closed laboratory, I remembered the dull sound, as if there was a thunder explosion.

But if you look closely, this is not the case.

This laboratory is exactly where Negishi brought Masato Mishima to carry out the renovation two days ago.

After two days and two nights of sleepless transformation by protozoan scientists, at this moment, the strongest protozoa was born.

The body is a cricket.

At the beginning, it was an adult, and Masato Mishima did not have a larval ~ state, but it didn’t matter.

If you really want to fight, you have to look at the adult worm.

Before molting, even if it was a mutant-variant with strength enough to reach the cadre level, it would be like that.

The strength is slightly stronger than usual, but it is also limited, that’s all.

It still belongs to the category of miscellaneous soldiers.

Even if the ant soldiers cover the fire shooting, if they cooperate well, the fire network woven can kill them!

But once molted, it’s different.

Protozoa, regardless of the strength of each other, after molting, the power that blooms is obvious to all.

Almost every one of them is close to the cadre level of combat power, and the slightly weaker ones are half-step cadre level.

On the side of the different worms, even if they molt into adults, some of them are weak, and they are indeed vegetables.

This shows the gap.

These two ethnic groups, in a sense, belong to the same race.

It’s just that they have a different focus.

Insect loves to fight numbers.

And protozoa, it is quality!

Usually, it must be the dominant insect, and it has always been so.

But once a molting powerhouse appears in the protozoa, the battle situation will be reversed in an instant.

Masato Mishima is the most outstanding work of Nekishi now.

He is very satisfied with this work.

The original work, that is, the mimic Tendo, was created to realize the transformation of humans into protozoa and experiment with the Kamen Rider system, so his essence is just a simple protozoal larvae.

Masato Mishima is different.

Negishi designed it so that he could be used to realize the plan… The high-end combat power of the protozoan side.

Nature is what kind of power is strong, just added to him.

No need for a hodgepodge.

Just add power like ClockUp, and then the rest is just a simple pile of attack and defense.

At first glance, this smells like a sword.

That’s how it was designed.

However, it doesn’t matter if the sword goes sideways, in Nekishi’s opinion, it is good to be practical, and the transformed Masato Mishima, at least now, can fully deserve the title of the strongest protozoa.

The ordinary Kamen Rider is no opponent.

Even if it is known as the Gangdou of the God of War and the Armor Dou of the Sun God, it can’t, the only thing that needs special attention is the mysterious Dark Emperor Rider!

All the time.

Ever since the Dark Emperor Rider actually appeared, Genigan had been looking for a way to defeat him.

Unfortunately, the more you search, the more you explore, you will find that there is a feeling of futile.

Negishi felt very uncomfortable.

Because everything is not in his control, as if his actions have always been restricted by others, once he wants to move, he finds that the road ahead is full of fog.

In any case, it seems to be confusing.

When doing things, I dare not be confident and bold, and let go and do it.

It’s very uncomfortable!

In fact, to this day, Negishi still hasn’t found a perfect solution, but the alien insects have been destroyed, and the human side, except for Kaga Miriku, is not much defense.

In Zect, Masato Mishima, who is also in a high position, took the initiative to join their plan.

At this moment, in Gengan’s view, basically the right time and place and people are all occupied.

This wave, the destiny is in me!

The stronger Masato Mishima is, the more reassuring he is. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Of course.

Masato Mishima, who was transformed into a cricket protozoa, seems to be very powerful, more powerful than all the protozoa under Negishi, but since he is responsible for the transformation, how exactly, is it not up to him?

In the secret, Negishi naturally left behind as he had planned before.

If Masato Mishima has any tendency beyond his control, then he can kill it in an instant!

That was the hole card left earlier.

Don’t waste the slightest effort.

“How does it feel?” Negishi asked with a smile on his face.

“Very good!”

Masato Mishima clenched his fists and answered truthfully.

All over his body, he seemed to be full of strength.

Previously, he was actually very good in terms of human strength.

After all, it is a person who can forcibly grasp the royal bee insect instrument and forcibly transform into a person who is not an adaptable person.

And how weak can it be?

Transformed into a protozoa, under the operation of Genishi and others, it was even worse.

He could probably guess that they might have done something on him.

But that’s not a problem.

At least he doesn’t care now, and the things in the future will be talked about later.

After a simple conversation.

Negishi didn’t ask about the matter again, and Masato Mishima didn’t speak anymore, as if everything was silent.

After leaving area X.

Zect headquarters.

A black sedan slowly drove into the underground parking lot, it was Masato Mishima.

Then, they didn’t care about the others and walked straight towards the command room, what they had to do was to prepare for the future plan!

Soon after.

From the Metropolitan Police Department, Kaga Miriku, who returned to Zect headquarters, slowly walked into the commander-in-chief’s office.

However, on the high-end leather chair where he usually sats, Masato Mishima is sitting there at this time.

Next to him, there is a Negishi with a weird smile.

Rao is Kaga Miriku, who has a very strong psychological quality, and he can’t help but be startled, and a bad premonition surges in his heart.

He pretended to be very calm on the surface.

Just wanted to talk.

But he was interrupted by Mishima.

And his ending, you can imagine…

He sighed helplessly.

It seems that this time has come.

I can’t go back to heaven!

All that can be done is wait for the Sun God, the God of War, and the Dark Emperor Rider shrouded in mystery!

This is the moment.


Humanity, having already declared, is completely out…

Thank you to TheEmperorGod for your great monthly pass support!.

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