Do what you say.

In fact, Natsume is an action-oriented faction.


Even the alien meteorite swarm that wandered in the universe has been completely destroyed, which shows that the plot of this world has completely come to an end.

Then there is no point in staying in this world.

Natsume had the idea of traveling a long time ago, and at that time, he had not even obtained the dimensional wall.

Even the men and women did not come.

However, the protozoa has not been extinguished.

Because of his responsibilities and the idea of harvesting points, he has not made a plan, and now is the right time.

The right time and place are for everyone.

There couldn’t have been a better time.

Natsume and Koya discussed this issue, and Koyamoto was a very good researcher in the overhaul card.

Many of the bug props of the overhaul card are from her.

What’s more, the power of the dimensional wall itself has a great relationship with her.

Involve her in research.

That’s fine.

At least she won’t mess around.

It’s really able to help, and as for Natsume’s words, if he gets the Dimensional Wall and Kiryu War Rabbit talent, he may have some professional errors.

He has always had an all-round talent, plus heavenly reward.

The whole synthesis seems.

Natsume has studied physics and other subjects, and his proficiency is not to say that he is the highest, but it is also an upper level.

It can be said that this is already extremely terrifying.

However, it is not enough to explore and seek the unknown, and the abilities he later acquired, in a sense, did make him a step further in his quest for knowledge.

Correspondingly, he also took a lot less detours.

In fact, although Natsume has special talents and talents, he is not as interested in studying this aspect as he thought.

Compare to this.

He prefers fist-to-flesh fights!

That’s the most enjoyable.

This is probably related to Natsume’s awakening system, seven years ago, a meteorite carrying alien eggs fell to Shibuya, and Natsume experienced that incident firsthand.

He survived by luck.

Then turn on the system.

The name of this system is the Knight Fighting Evolution System, in other words, the battle becomes stronger.

After Natsume obtained the Dark Emperor Riding Drive.

I’ve been doing this all the time.

Of course.

This time, for the renovation of the villa left by his parents, Natsume will not be completely out of the matter.

He will still use a little thought.

Xiao Ye mentioned this matter to Natsume, very attentive, since the random dimensional wall summoned by Natsume came to this world, she has stayed with Natsume at home in addition to staying with Natsume…

The rest of the time, she spends her mostly taking pictures with the old-fashioned camera that Natsume gave her.

She didn’t go directly to the world or anything.

There is no need for that.

At most, it is just neon, a parallel world, big is not big, say small… In fact, it is really not small.

In a short period of time, if you want to carefully visit all parts of the world, the amount of tasks is still a bit large.

The decision to renovate the house was made.

Natsume took action.

Takatori Lianhua and Yuyue Misaki also knew about this matter, and they were not surprised, when the light photo studio suddenly appeared and left, since then, you can see some Ni.

The light photo museum left, taking away the memories of most people, but those are just ordinary people who have not had much to do with Wang Xiaoming and them, compared to them, Gao Bird and knights such as the emperor horse are all related.

Because of the negotiations, the memory is more profound.

It’s not that simple to forget.

After all…

As a disciple of the imperial horse, he does not have his own story, but his travels in various worlds, intertwined with the knights of those worlds and the interpersonal relationships of some people, weave it into a unique story belonging to the emperor horse. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Naturally, it will not be so easy to forget.

Takatori and Misaki heard about this.

After a brief discussion, they decided to travel with Natsume and Koya.

Natsume naturally agreed.

They all showed their hearts to each other, they both knew each other’s existence, but they didn’t mind.

And Hinatabe Xu, she still chooses to stay in this world, staying in Salle, she can already take charge of the spoon independently and help Aunt Takemiya bow guard the branch.

It was her own choice.

Natsume didn’t force it either.

He would respect her.

In fact, Natsume can probably guess the reason, Xiaoxu she… Already know who you are.

Protozoa, not humans.

With the encouragement of her brother Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief, she may not seek short-sightedness, but many other things cannot be returned.

In her own heart, there is a hurdle.

Just wait for it.

No more.

Natsume is not left and never comes back for the rest of his life, which is not scientific, his travel is more casual.

The way forward may be like a photo studio, walking as you like, and in the Knight Universe, a parallel world where Kamen Rider was born is randomly selected to travel through the past, or the past, or the future.

In this regard, there is no set!


Natsume himself will use the dimensional wall, and he can master it independently, and of course he will not forget the spatial coordinates of the world he is in now.

When the time comes.

When you want to come back, come back.

It’s not a hassle.


Shuhana also specifically asked about the (Wang’s good) Natsume’s world crossing, and it seemed that she was very interested in that.

However, Natsume did not dare to take her away.

Shuhua is only thirteen years old.

That’s too punishing!

No more.

Natsume also didn’t want to be chased and killed by the heavenly Dao all over the world, that was also uncomfortable!

And so, another two or three months passed.

With the cooperation of Natsume and Koya.

Finally, the villa was remodeled.

A special device is set up.

It allows this house to undergo a special transformation into other worlds, and the Light Photo Museum does just that.

Natsume them, also copy some advantages reli.

This day.

The weather is good, and Natsume opens the dimensional wall that covers the house, surrounded by Koya, Yugetsu Misaki, and Lotus Takatotori.

Bathed in a silver curtain of light, embark on a journey to a new world…


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