The three girls went shopping.

Natsume soon went out too, but his purpose was slightly different from theirs.

He mainly goes out to gather information.

Heisei New Decade.

Except for the special horsemanship, most of the rest of the knights were born in the same world.

It’s just that the time and the city are different.

What he wants to determine now is what stage the W plot is at today.

When SKU11 was still around?

That was the stage when the Sonosaki family developed Gaia’s memory booming, but it did not go through the beginning night, which means that the real plot~ did not begin.

Or maybe after the opening night — that time.

The plot has not yet begun, but W has already been born!

Or, after the plot ends?

If that’s the case, Natsume can only say that he is lucky… It’s really amazing!

It can’t be said to be bad, it can only be said to be very bad.

Natsume walks slowly through the streets of Kazeto.

It is also a taste of the city’s customs.

Compared to other worlds, it is really a bit chic.

Compared with Tokyo in Koto World, the pace of life in Kazudo is very slow, which is really suitable for retirement.

Natsume felt that if he was tired from traveling in the future, he could come here and rest for a while.

Before he knew it, Natsume came to a more prosperous street.

It is surrounded by high-rise buildings.


It’s not lively!

It is certainly not comparable to Ginza, but in the wind capital, it is indeed not bad.

Winskell Building!

This is a company that is more famous in the wind.

And right now.

There was a booming explosion, as if the ground was shaking.


Some looked around in a little panic, as if to determine what was going on.

Natsume was also attracted by this movement and looked up.

I saw this building, and suddenly there was a fire.


On the ground, there seemed to be an extremely terrifying force surging out.

The building collapsed.

Blocked the way.

There are even many people who are pressed underneath.

Died for this.

In the previous life, Kamen Rider served as a tokusatsu, and the plot was for people of all ages.

However, because of the uterine item in it, most of the bloody scenes have been cut.

Many times, even the weirdos appeared in a circle, and no one could be seen dead.

But the reality is often much more brutal.

And that’s what it is today.

“This plot…” Natsume didn’t have a head, feeling a little familiar, looking for it from memory, and soon he found the source of the connection with it.

If nothing else, it was what he thought.

This is when the plot begins.

Yosuke Togawa!

That is, lava doping appears!

He was lucky.


Going out and encountering strange things is the standard for the protagonist.

And he is the well-deserved protagonist!

Dusk is approaching and the sky is getting dark.

Natsume came to the heights.

There is a wide view here.

You can easily see what is happening below.

He saw that under a tunnel not far away, traffic jams were due to the collapse of the building, and the little princess of the Marwasaki family was inside.

She is very irritable now.

Because she had just left work and left the Fengdu radio station, she was preparing to go home for dinner.

Tonight, it was another banquet for the Enzaka family.

Many years ago, with the deepening of Gaia’s memory research, this originally very happy family was shattered. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The father was cold in his heart, but on the surface, he liked family affection very much, and almost at any time, the remaining three of them would have dinner together.

It’s just that…

For this increasingly emotionless, cold home, Marazaki Wakana really doesn’t have much emotion.

More than once, she had thought about escaping.

It’s just that until now, there is no opportunity for her to do this.

In other words, she didn’t have the courage to do it in her heart!

The will is not as firm as imagined.

Shotaro, and… The newcomer Narukaiya tree is also below.

Lava doped bodies, flashing away.

Startled Shotaro.

“Finally appeared.” Seeing this, Natsume smiled slightly and said to himself.

Now that he knew what time it was, Natsume did not leave, but waited here for the plot to continue.

Now, finally, it’s time for the lava doping to flee before being killed by W.

But Natsume is here, how could this happen?

The answer is…


He raised his hand, gathered his energy, calculated the location of himself and the lava dope, and had an idea in his mind.


Natsume made a decision in an instant and shot out this condensed light bullet.

With a bang, he disappeared in place.

Speed, too, is fast!

As if crossing the cascading of space, in the blink of an eye, it fell on the body of the face doped body.

Explode with a bang!

The dopant shell formed by the Gaia memory has a certain protective effect, but the lava doper belongs to a simple attack amplification memory.

In terms of defensive strength, it is not weak, but it is definitely not strong.

Attacked by Natsume’s light bullet, it hit instantly.

If you are busy, take several steps back.

The lethality is not particularly strong, but Natsume’s ability comes from the poisonous scorpion adult, the main Buff, not a simple destructive power, but a terrifying toxin!

In an instant, the lava doping body is saturated with toxins.

The strength fell somewhat.

“The special ability is acceptable, but the lethality is indeed a little weak.”

Natsume said to himself in analysis.

Nor ink!

The attack launched here is, in the final analysis, just a simple trial.

Not far away, he did not use the dark space.

Instead, he used the space jump ability to teleport directly past and appeared in front of the lava doped.

Not only the furious lava doper was seen, but Shotaro and Yakko behind were also part of the audience.

A little confused looked at Natsume.

Just… How did he appear?

It seems that the biu and peng appeared.

Natsume fixed his eyes like lava doped, this guy…

How are points measured?

Shaking his head, he didn’t care about anything else, in short, he would know after the battle.

….. Small table..

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